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lstlisting environment does not preservere leading whitespace #2201

Open niklas-uhl opened 2 months ago

niklas-uhl commented 2 months ago


When using the lstlisting environment from the listings package, indentation is not preserved. See Fig. 1. The TeX source is:

emph={[2]send_buf, send_counts, recv_counts_out, recv_displs_out},
emph={[3]vector, std, exclusive_scan, move},
std::vector<double> v = {...};
// KaMPIng allows concise code
// with sensible defaults ... (1)
auto v_global = comm.allgatherv(send_buf(v));

// ... or detailed tuning of each parameter (2)
std::vector<int> rc;
auto [v_global, rcounts, rdispls] = comm.allgatherv(
 send_buf(v), //(3)
 recv_counts_out<resize_to_fit/*(6)*/>(std::move(rc)), //(4)
 recv_displs_out() //(5)
  \caption{\kamping offers a high-level easy-to-use interface (1) and full control over each parameter (2). Data types and buffer sizes can be automatically inferred (3). Arguments allow passing by reference or by value and transferring data ownership via move semantics (4). Out-parameters allow controlling which default-computed parameters are returned to the user (5). Resize policies allow controlling memory allocation (6).}

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Hello @niklas-uhl, thanks for the issue report! We are reviewing your report and will address it as soon as possible.

xworld21 commented 2 months ago

@dginev I recognise this issue, and it comes from CSS: the white-space property of .ltx_text is accidentally overriding the one of .ltx_lst_space. If you restore white-space: pre, the indentation reappears.

dginev commented 2 months ago

@xworld21 oh, you're spot on!

This indents fine in ar5iv now that you mention it (, although I believe that's an older version of the article at the moment.

So it should be quite an easy fix.