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static for test #30

Open AntonGyaltsen opened 2 months ago

AntonGyaltsen commented 2 months ago

The issue you're encountering with Django's admin panel static files not rendering on Heroku while having DEBUG=True often relates to how static files are handled in production environments like Heroku. Here’s a step-by-step approach to resolve the problem:

When DEBUG=False, Django will not serve static files by default, so you need to ensure proper static file handling.


Make sure you have set the ALLOWED_HOSTS in your file, which should include your Heroku app's domain and other hosts you intend to use:


3. Use whitenoise for Static Files:

Heroku doesn’t serve static files automatically, so you need to configure a middleware to handle this. whitenoise is a popular package used to serve static files in production.


    # Other middlewares...
    'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware',  # Add Whitenoise middleware here
    # ...

# Static files settings
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')  # Ensure STATIC_ROOT is defined for production

# Whitenoise settings for serving static files efficiently

In main — Иначе не будет работать при Debug = True

if settings.DEBUG:
    import debug_toolbar

    urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    urlpatterns += (path("__debug__/", include(debug_toolbar.urls)),)
mikiminimouse commented 2 months ago

extra actions for seting up static for test:

AntonGyaltsen commented 2 months ago

extra actions for seting up static for test:

  • pip install django-debug-toolbar -in Add debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE.

Dubug toolbar is not necessary. I forgot to exclude it from instruction. It is mostly for testing sql-queries (which based on queries through Django ORM in view functions) for optimisation.