ara-software / AraRoot

ARA data access framework
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Adding new AraCalType v3 #34

Closed MyoungchulK closed 2 years ago

MyoungchulK commented 2 years ago

To identify offset from 0 after pedestal subtraction, I added two more calibration type Related talk: DB2554

1) kJustPedWithOut1stBlock It will perform only PedestalSubtraction() and TrimFirstBlock()

2) kJustPedWithOut1stBlockAndBadSamples It will perform only PedestalSubtraction(), TrimFirstBlock(),TimingCalibrationAndBadSampleReomval() and ApplyCableDelay() The number of samples and time width betweens samples will be the same as fully calibrated WF (kLatestCalib). So, users can easily to compare the result with calibrated WF.