arachnetech / homebridge-mqttthing

A plugin for Homebridge allowing the integration of many different accessory types using MQTT.
Apache License 2.0
466 stars 104 forks source link

Hisense TV (65S8) #304

Open mitch7391 opened 4 years ago

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Creating a new issue as there appears to be no interest on issue #279.

I am trying to integrate my 2020 model Hisense TV (65S8 model), from what I have read on the other issue and this HA thread (; it uses encrypted MQTT. I have the username/password, the IP address and port, the commands from MQTT Explorer, but cannot get it to work in this plugin.

My config looks like this for the time being as I try to work it out:

{ "type": "television", "name": "Hisense", "url": "", "username": "hisenseservice", "password": "multimqttservice", "mqttOptions": { "keepalive": 30 }, "logMqtt": true, "topics": { "setActiveInput": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/24:5B:AD:53:27:08$normal/actions/changesource", "getActiveInput": "/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state", "getActive": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/24:5B:AD:53:27:08$normal/actions/gettvstate", "setActive": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/24:5B:AD:53:27:08$normal/actions/sendkey KEY_POWER", "setRemoteKey": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/24:5B:AD:53:27:08$normal/actions/sendkey" }, "integerValue": true, "otherValueOff": false, "inputs": [ { "name": "TV", "value": "TV" }, { "name": "HDMI1", "value": "HDMI1" } ], "accessory": "mqttthing" }

Some of the commands are as follows:


Power = KEY_POWER Back = KEY_RETURNS Menu = KEY_MENU Exit = KEY_EXIT Pause = KEY_PAUSE Play = KEY_PLAY (play and pause work the same) Stop = KEY_STOP Up = KEY_UP Down = KEY_DOWN Left = KEY_LEFT Right = KEY_RIGHT Fast Forward = KEY_FORWARDS Backwards = KEY_BACKWARDS Home = KEY_HOME Back = KEY_BACK Menu = KEY_MENU RGYB Buttons = KEY_RED, KEY_BLUE, etc. Numkeys = KEY_0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Channeldot = KEY_CHANNELDOT Channel Up = KEY_CHANNELUP Channel Down = KEY_CHANNELDOWN Closed Captions = KEY_CC

However, I get the following messages in Homebridge when it boots up:

[7/25/2020, 18:27:34] [Hisense] Initializing mqttthing accessory... [7/25/2020, 18:27:34] [Hisense] MQTT URL: mqtt:// [7/25/2020, 18:27:34] [Hisense] MQTT options: {"keepalive":30,"clientId":"mqttthing_Hisense_846c0baa","protocolId":"MQTT","protocolVersion":4,"clean":true,"reconnectPeriod":1000,"connectTimeout":30000,"will":{"topic":"WillMsg","payload":"Connection Closed abnormally..!","qos":0,"retain":false},"username":"hisenseservice","rejectUnauthorized":false}

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

I am fairly certain my config is incorrect (mostly in terms of sending commands), but cannot even get it to provide the feedback status which should be correct. @arachnetech or someone else, I am looking for some guidance to get this to work please.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Please let me know if anyone needs any further information from me.

arachnetech commented 4 years ago

I have very limited time to work on MQTT-Thing, which as I'm sure you appreciate is only a 'hobby' project. I tend to focus on bug fixes then feature requests, as others can often help with configuration queries (which I think this is) - and I do try to make sure that all configuration settings are fully documented. Additionally, the TV functionality was kindly added in a PR by tobekas: it's neither functionality that I wrote nor that I personally use. Consequently I'm not really the best person to answer your questions.

Having said that, the first thing I would try (if you haven't already) is using a command-line tool like mosquitto_pub to control the TV as you want to. Once you've worked out the appropriate mosquitto_pub commands to control different features, it should be relatively easy to build an equivalent configuration in MQTT-Thing (assuming that it's Television accessory and Homebridge support the functions that you want to use, of course). Similarly if you want to update TV state in Homebridge then grabbing the output from an appropriate mosquitto_sub command is really helpful.

I appreciate that you've provided details of what should work above - and that's really helpful - but I'm interested to know whether these messages actually do work with your TV.

Incidentally, your initial post for this entry ends "However, I get the following messages...". I don't think they indicate any kind of problem in themselves. The text within that final log message, "Connection Closed abnormally..!", is part of the default MQTT configuration; it's the message that will be sent by MQTT when it disconnects. I think this may have confused a few people - I should remove it.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Hey @arachnetech , thank you for the reply and sorry for having spammed you in trying to get a response. I do understand what you are saying and know what it is like to have little time to work on hobbies. I have tried multiple times to ask for help on reddit, to get not a single response, even when asking how I might go about using something like mosquitto on my raspberry pi (I have since done my own research and will be attempting that when I can find the time), I have tried asking on here in hopes that at least one person would answer and I have asked several times on HA forums where I got most of this information; all in the course of a few weeks with no replies bar yours just now (so I do appreciate it, thank you).

I will try my best with mosquitto and try to update here if I have a success, so that it may help someone else in future. I do agree that the message "Connection Closed abnormally..!" made me think that I had done something wrong; so I agree that maybe it would be good for noobs like me if it wasn't there, or maybe mention something about it in the readme.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

@arachnetech or @tobekas I had a little bit of a play today with mosquitto but do not seem to be having any luck. I have tried running this command to subscribe to all:

mosquitto_sub -v -h -p 36669 -P multimqttservice -u hisenseservice -t '#'

and this one as a more specific one:

mosquitto_sub -v -h -p 36669 -t /remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state -P multimqttservice -u hisenseservice

But in my terminal it just sits there as if it is running something or loading, but does not return anything for me; I then cancel the process after some time. Is there anything else I should be doing, I had a quick google but I am not finding much that is helping me.

arachnetech commented 4 years ago

OK, so (assuming that your TV has a built-in MQTT server and its IP address is it seems that you're able to connect to it with mosquitto_sub but your TV isn't sending any messages. That may well be fine.

The next step is to try controlling your TV using mosquitto_pub. Looking at your post above, you should be able to do something like:

mosquitto_pub -h -p 36669 -P multimqttservice -u hisenseservice -t "/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XY$normal/actions/sendkey" -m "KEY_POWER"

Does that toggle your TV's power?

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

@arachnetech thanks for the suggestion, I had already tried that and I receive the following response:

Error: The connection was lost.

I have also been dabbling in Hassio as I was getting desperate and I am able to on that execute everything bar the power command for some reason. Not being familiar at all with Hassio and blindly following a guide on setting it up for this, I was able to get that much working; but would prefer to get this working in Homebridge instead.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

The Hassio guide does seem to make you collect certificates from the TV along the way:


Maybe this part has something to do with it?

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Ok, so I looked in how to add the cert file for mosquitto to use and got a bit further with this command (save the cert file in the same way I did for Hassio):

mosquitto_pub --cafile /home/pi/hisense.crt -d -h -p 36669 -P multimqttservice -u hisenseservice -t "/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey" -m "KEY_POWER"

Client mosqpub|23348-homebridg sending CONNECT Error: host name verification failed. OpenSSL Error: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed Error: A TLS error occurred.

I then noticed in mosquitto_pub --help that I could use -- insecure to get around the host name issue (host name should be correct, so not sure why I have this) and --tls-version tlsv1.2 to get around the TLS error (even though tlsv1.2 is set by default apparently).

My sort of working command is this:

mosquitto_pub --cafile /home/pi/hisense.crt --tls-version tlsv1.2 --insecure -d -h -p 36669 -P multimqttservice -u hisenseservice -t "/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey" -m "KEY_POWER"

Which turns the TV off from my Raspberry Pi and returns the follow debug:

Client mosqpub|26166-homebridg sending CONNECT Client mosqpub|26166-homebridg received CONNACK (0) Client mosqpub|26166-homebridg sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, '/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18/actions/sendkey', ... (9 bytes)) Client mosqpub|26166-homebridg sending DISCONNECT

It appears that once the TV if off it will not allow me to execute this command again and says the following error:

Error: No route to host

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

For subscribing I have the following:

mosquitto_sub --cafile /home/pi/hisense.crt --tls-version tlsv1.2 --insecure -v -h -p 36669 -P multimqttservice -u hisenseservice -t "#"

Which returns:

/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state {"statetype":"sourceswitch","sourceid":"HDMI1","sourcename":"HDMI1","is_signal":1,"is_lock":0,"hotel_mode":0,"displayname":"HDMI1"}

This is looking good so far :)

arachnetech commented 4 years ago

I suspect once turned off the TV stops its mqttserver and so can't be turned on again through it.

The incorrect hostname will be because you're connecting by IP address rather than hostname. Your solution sounds fine.

Unfortunately to allow you to load the certificates I need to add support as per

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Hmm I will have to think of a way around that I suppose. My plan was to use these commands in cmd4 to create a TV accessory seen as I couldn't get it to work here; as I still would not know how to structure a working config for this plugin based on the commands I have. If the cert was not the issue, do you think what I have so far would allow me to make a working config in this plugin?

arachnetech commented 4 years ago

The latest release (v1.1.19) now allows certificate files to be loaded for MQTT. See for details.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Wow that was a quick turnaround on that @arachnetech, so thanks for that :) I have only had a quick look, but I did not see if there was an option to use '-- insecure', is that able to be implemented in the current version? I think that would still stop this from working for me without it.

arachnetech commented 4 years ago

It's a real pain finding these options. I think --insecure might be equivalent to the checkServerIdentity(servername, cert) setting in described in - unless you can see another option there that I've missed?

Since that's a function rather than a direct setting, I would need to add support for it too.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Yes they are very much a pain for someone who has only recently learnt what MQTT is and is trying to learn about it on the fly haha so I feel your pain! It sounds like that function may be related, but my understanding from reading it is that you provide a server name and cert for it, not that it is something you enable to bypass 'secure mode'; but I am probably wrong...

arachnetech commented 4 years ago

Version 1.1.20 adds an insecure option.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @arachnetech, I will give this a try tonight after work and let you know how it goes :)

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

Gave it a go @arachnetech but not sure if I am still doing my config wrong or if I implemented the new parameter wrong. Here is my config anyway; I have added "insecure": true inside of "mqttOptions". Maybe @tobekas might be able to point out where I am going wrong in my config?


        "type": "television",
        "name": "Hisense",
        "url": "",
        "username": "hisenseservice",
        "password": "multimqttservice",
        "mqttOptions": {
            "cafile": "/home/pi/hisense.crt",
            "insecure": true
        "logMqtt": true,
        "topics": {
            "getActive": "remoteapp/tv/ui_service/actions/gettvstate",
            "setActive": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey",
            "getActiveInput": "/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state",
            "setActiveInput": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/changesource",
            "setRemoteKey": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey"
        "confirmationIndicateOffline": true,
        "integerValue": false,
        "onValue": "KEY_POWER",
        "offValue": "KEY_POWER",
        "otherValueOff": true,
        "inputs": [
                "name": "TV",
                "value": {
                    "sourceid": "0",
                    "sourcename": "TV"
                "name": "HDMI1",
                "value": {
                    "sourceid": "4",
                    "sourcename": "HDMI1"
        "accessory": "mqttthing"

This was the output of trying to turn it off and on (this looks right, but not working), then attempting to change input (this part is definitely wrong):

[8/16/2020, 19:33:28] [Hisense] Publishing MQTT: /remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey = KEY_POWER [8/16/2020, 19:33:33] [Hisense] Publishing MQTT: /remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey = KEY_POWER [8/16/2020, 19:33:36] [Hisense] Publishing MQTT: /remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/changesource = [object Object]

arachnetech commented 4 years ago

Are you able to confirm whether mqttthing can now successfully connect to the mqtt server in the tv by connecting through mosquito_sub too and subscribing to #?

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

@arachnetech I am assuming this means I have connected but I am unsure (MyCertFileData is just a big data array from my cert file):

[8/17/2020, 18:28:49] [Hisense] Initializing mqttthing accessory... [8/17/2020, 18:28:49] [Hisense] MQTT URL: mqtt:// [8/17/2020, 18:28:49] [Hisense] MQTT options: {"cafile":"/home/pi/hisense.crt","insecure":true,"keepalive":10,"clientId":"mqttthing_Hisense_c91bd2e0","protocolId":"MQTT","protocolVersion":4,"clean":true,"reconnectPeriod":1000,"connectTimeout":30000,"will":{"topic":"WillMsg","payload":"mqtt-thing [Hisense] has stopped","qos":0,"retain":false},"username":"hisenseservice","rejectUnauthorized":false,"ca":{"type":"Buffer","data":[MyCertFileData]}}

connect to the mqtt server in the tv by connecting through mosquito_sub too and subscribing to #

If by this do you mean I have to specifically use mosquito_sub in my topic? Or can you please give me an example of what you mean (sorry learning as I am going)? As I can use mosquito_sub perfectly from my terminal and return a value or send a command.


abeulich commented 4 years ago

@arachnetech I am assuming this means I have connected but I am unsure (MyCertFileData is just a big data array from my cert file):

[8/17/2020, 18:28:49] [Hisense] Initializing mqttthing accessory... [8/17/2020, 18:28:49] [Hisense] MQTT URL: mqtt:// [8/17/2020, 18:28:49] [Hisense] MQTT options: {"cafile":"/home/pi/hisense.crt","insecure":true,"keepalive":10,"clientId":"mqttthing_Hisense_c91bd2e0","protocolId":"MQTT","protocolVersion":4,"clean":true,"reconnectPeriod":1000,"connectTimeout":30000,"will":{"topic":"WillMsg","payload":"mqtt-thing [Hisense] has stopped","qos":0,"retain":false},"username":"hisenseservice","rejectUnauthorized":false,"ca":{"type":"Buffer","data":[MyCertFileData]}}

connect to the mqtt server in the tv by connecting through mosquito_sub too and subscribing to #

If by this do you mean I have to specifically use mosquito_sub in my topic? Or can you please give me an example of what you mean (sorry learning as I am going)? As I can use mosquito_sub perfectly from my terminal and return a value or send a command.


Hi, I'm at exactly the same current state with a Hisense H50BE7000 with Vidaa 3.0.

I've extracted the hisense.crt and can control the TV from MQTT Explorer as well as with mosquitto_pub from the raspberry running homebridge.

I'm struggling to make it work with homebridge-mqttthing v1.1.20. I've used the config mitch7391 posted 14 days ago and amended IPs,MAC addresses and topics. When I subscribe to # from the rPi, I receive status broadcasts from the TV, but when I try to turn on/off the TV from homebridge nothing gets actually published. I see it's trying to publish in the homebridge log but nothing arrives in mosquitto_sub subscribed to #.

Any hints would be very much appreciated. :) Thanks for the great work that makes all of this even possible in the first place. Alex



"accessories":[ { "accessory":"SonoffTasmotaHTTP", "name":"Sonoff", "hostname":"" }, { "type":"television", "name":"Hisense", "url":"", "username":"hisenseservice", "password":"multimqttservice", "mqttOptions":{ "cafile":"/home/pi/hisense.crt", "insecure":true }, "logMqtt":true, "topics":{ "getActive":"/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state", "setActive":"/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX$normal/actions/sendkey", "getActiveInput":"/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state", "setActiveInput":"/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX$normal/actions/changesource", "setRemoteKey":"/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX$normal/actions/sendkey" }, "confirmationIndicateOffline":true, "integerValue":false, "onValue":"KEY_POWER", "offValue":"KEY_POWER", "otherValueOff":true, "inputs":[ { "name":"TV", "value":{ "sourceid":"0", "sourcename":"TV" } }, { "name":"HDMI1", "value":{ "sourceid":"4", "sourcename":"HDMI1" } } ], "accessory":"mqttthing" } ]

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

@abeulich I think what I am working on the moment may interest you. I was attempting three methods of getting this to work; through HA, through this plug-in and through homebridge-cmd4 referencing a custom shell script for the TV. David was a huge help in almost getting this plug-in to work for the TV and I think we got close; but then I eventually got stuck and was having more luck with another method.

I am currently using homebridge-cm4 and at this stage I have the TV completely working as a Switch accessory (correct power state feedback, off command and on command all working). I have also got a semi-working 'simple' TV accessory with 2 inputs (TV and HDMI1) that I am fault finding and working on. The TV accessory at this stage provides correct power state feedback and correct input state feedback, it can switch inputs, it turns off with no trouble, but for some reason I cannot get it to turn back on again. Now this problem is not due to the MQTT broker turning off (cannot connect to the host) when the TV turns off; I have found another method to get around this problem (which would stop mosquitto_sub from sensing the TV is off and being able to issue an on command from mosquitto_pub if the TV was off). I currently use this method in the Switch accessory and that has no issues at all. So the issue of not being able to turn it on has been introduced in my creation of the TV accessory and not by the new method.

If you are interested in fault finding I have done from the beginning, feel free to have a read over this issue I created:

Fair warning, John and I have conversed a lot on the entry and there is a lot to read; some slightly off topic. If you are more just interested in just taking what I have created for the switch so far, then I am more than happy to give it to you. As I said the Switch works perfectly at this point and I will eventually figure out what is wrong with the TV and update anyone who is interested.

abeulich commented 4 years ago

@mitch7391 Many thanks for the additional details. I've done more or less the same with the homebridge-script2 plugin. I can also turn the TV on and off (with WOL and MQTT) now and I've used the ARP entry to detect the state of the TV (there is some lag with this approach).

I have to admit it's more of a proof of concept for me at the moment. I was hoping to get a fully working TV accessory on iOS via homebridge / mqttthing and I think it's very close. It looks like it's just something small that's missing for it to work.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

@abeulich oh perfect, it sounds like you are all over it. I just had a quick look at homebridge-script2 and I am assuming it can only create switch accessories in Homekit? I do not have a delay in my state detection as when the TV is on, it returns the response immediately; the use of a timeout option to kill the bash command after a second or two means that it does not wait forever before reporting it is off. Sorry if any of my naming sounds off; I really have no experience and little understanding in this stuff and am finding what I need through google, copy, paste and trial as I go (also getting a lot of help from the cmd4 developer on syntax issues and the like).

I think what we were trying here was very close too, but we hit a little bit of a stall and I am making regular and further progress with cmd4; like I said, I have got a TV accessory that can turn off, switch inputs, just need to figure out what is affecting turning it on.

abeulich commented 4 years ago

@mitch7391 You are right, it only creates a simple switch object. You made me curious now. ;) I'll try your approach as well. I'd like to have a deeper integration than just on/off and state. Thanks again to the author of homebridge-mqttthing and you for detailing your experiences.

mitch7391 commented 4 years ago

No worries @abeulich let me know if you can’t find what you need off that issue I linked and I can send you what you need. I’ll keep you in the loop if I have any further success.

seenve commented 3 years ago

My TV, H43A6100 You can turn on the TV only through WoL, power off: /remoteapp/tv/remote_service/HomeAssistant/actions/sendkey KEY_POWER

My Config HomeBridge:

            "type": "television",
            "name": "Телевизор",
            "url": "mqtt://",
            "username": "hisenseservice",
            "password": "multimqttservice",
            "mqttOptions": {
                "keepalive": 30
            "logMqtt": true,
            "topics": {
                "getActive": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/HomeAssistant/actions/gettvstate",
                "setActive": "/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/HomeAssistant/actions/sendkey",
                "getActiveInput": "/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state",
                "setActiveInput": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/AutoHTPC/actions/changesource",
                "setRemoteKey": "/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/HomeAssistant/actions/sendkey"
            "confirmationIndicateOffline": true,
            "integerValue": false,
            "onValue": "KEY_POWER",
            "offValue": "KEY_POWER",
            "otherValueOff": true,
            "inputs": [
                    "name": "TV",
                    "value": {
                        "sourceid": "0",
                        "sourcename": "TV"
                    "name": "HDMI1",
                    "value": {
                        "sourceid": "5",
                        "sourcename": "HDMI 2"
            "accessory": "mqttthing"

Gave it a go @arachnetech but not sure if I am still doing my config wrong or if I implemented the new parameter wrong. Here is my config anyway; I have added "insecure": true inside of "mqttOptions". Maybe @tobekas might be able to point out where I am going wrong in my config?


        "type": "television",
        "name": "Hisense",
        "url": "",
        "username": "hisenseservice",
        "password": "multimqttservice",
        "mqttOptions": {
            "cafile": "/home/pi/hisense.crt",
            "insecure": true
        "logMqtt": true,
        "topics": {
            "getActive": "remoteapp/tv/ui_service/actions/gettvstate",
            "setActive": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey",
            "getActiveInput": "/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/ui_service/state",
            "setActiveInput": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/changesource",
            "setRemoteKey": "/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey"
        "confirmationIndicateOffline": true,
        "integerValue": false,
        "onValue": "KEY_POWER",
        "offValue": "KEY_POWER",
        "otherValueOff": true,
        "inputs": [
                "name": "TV",
                "value": {
                    "sourceid": "0",
                    "sourcename": "TV"
                "name": "HDMI1",
                "value": {
                    "sourceid": "4",
                    "sourcename": "HDMI1"
        "accessory": "mqttthing"

This was the output of trying to turn it off and on (this looks right, but not working), then attempting to change input (this part is definitely wrong):

[8/16/2020, 19:33:28] [Hisense] Publishing MQTT: /remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey = KEY_POWER [8/16/2020, 19:33:33] [Hisense] Publishing MQTT: /remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/sendkey = KEY_POWER [8/16/2020, 19:33:36] [Hisense] Publishing MQTT: /remoteapp/tv/ui_service/8C:84:01:20:57:18$normal/actions/changesource = [object Object]

mitch7391 commented 3 years ago

@Seenve and @abeulich I have finally taken the time to create a proper repo for this work:


It so far only has my work for the switch accessory; but it contains a shell script that is now more user friendly than the one I provided above. This work will eventually continue with me attempting to create a working TV accessory. Let me know if you have any feedback!

mitch7391 commented 3 years ago

@Seenve and @abeulich I have just released my new version with full TV accessory support; still the same link as above.

seenve commented 2 years ago

I soldered NodeMcu to TV, full support)