arachnetech / homebridge-mqttthing

A plugin for Homebridge allowing the integration of many different accessory types using MQTT.
Apache License 2.0
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RGB Strip turn on after restart Homebridge with full brightness and the wrong color #552

Open pryed opened 2 years ago

pryed commented 2 years ago


when I restart Homebridge my RGB Strip turns on with full brightness and the wrong color. I wish the RGB Strip stay in there last state before restart. (And the color too) Please help me :)

My Config: { "type": "lightbulb", "name": "Ledlicht", "url": "mqtt://.......:1883", "username": ".....", "password": "......", "mqttOptions": { "keepalive": 30 }, "mqttPubOptions": { "retain": true }, "logMqtt": true, "topics": { "getOnline": "tele/Ledlicht/LWT", "setHSV": "cmnd/Ledlicht/HSBCOLOR", "getHSV": "stat/Ledlicht/HSBCOLOR", "getOn": "stat/Ledlicht/POWER", "setOn": "cmnd/Ledlicht/power", "getBrightness": "stat/Ledlicht/DIMMER", "setBrightness": "cmnd/Ledlicht/DIMMER" }, "startPub": [ { "topic": "cmnd/Ledlicht/power", "message": "OFF" }, { "topic": "stat/Ledlich/POWER" } ], "integerValue": false, "onValue": "ON", "offValue": "OFF", "hex": true, "accessory": "mqttthing" },

rbswift commented 2 years ago

I don't see anything obvious there that would cause a message to be sent on startup other than the power off message you have configured. I'd recommend removing "retain": true because this can create a lot of pain when commands seemingly get reissued on reconnection of clients.