[homebridge-mqttthing] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: This callback function has already been called by someone else; it can only be called one time.. See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.
Fan type error above in logs keeps repeating every time the values change, fan does work and is updated inside HomeKit.
When I change the fan to be a AirPurifier, the error is gone. Same parameters/MQTT data/sources.
I'm having exactly the same issue.
But power does work when fed with true/false,
{ "type": "fan", "name": "Attic Exhaust Fan", "topics": { "getOn": "stat/AtticExhaustFan$.power" }, "accessory": "mqttthing" }
[homebridge-mqttthing] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: This callback function has already been called by someone else; it can only be called one time.. See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.
Fan type error above in logs keeps repeating every time the values change, fan does work and is updated inside HomeKit. When I change the fan to be a AirPurifier, the error is gone. Same parameters/MQTT data/sources.
Config of one of the fans:
Am I missing something in my config to fix this error?