arachnys / cabot

Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty
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Integrate with Cachet #197

Open jbrooksuk opened 9 years ago

jbrooksuk commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to integrate with Cachet? You could provide the API endpoint, with the token and then have incidents and components updated automatically.

dnelson commented 9 years ago

Cabot has a plugin system for alerts, so it should be quite doable, although the docs for Cachet seem a bit sparse at the moment. You might even be able to modify my Stashboard Plugin, since Stashboard is a similar system

xinity commented 9 years ago

Tried with a local stashboard but it's working seems i've missed something... Sorry for hijacking this issue

dnelson commented 9 years ago

@xinity if you're having issues with the Stashboard plugin, please open an issue on its github repo.

xinity commented 9 years ago

as i'm not really sure if it's related to stashboard itself or the plugin, i'll dig a little more before opening an issue :)

xinity commented 8 years ago

@jbrooksuk have you been successfull in integrating cachet ? we are currently evaluating it and will maybe use it with cabot

jbrooksuk commented 8 years ago

@xinity, afraid not. I've been busy developing Cachet instead :)

xinity commented 8 years ago

@jbrooksuk indeed :) i'll try on my own then and let you know how it goes :)

jbrooksuk commented 8 years ago

@xinity please let me know how you get on - we can list your integration on our website.

xinity commented 8 years ago

@jbrooksuk fine i'll do it definitely :)

nprail commented 7 years ago

Has there been any progress on this? I see the last comment was two years ago.

JeanFred commented 7 years ago

@nprail It does not appear to be the case. Definitely not from us at Arachnys (as we do not use Cachet) ; not sure if @xinity had started something or not :)

xinity commented 7 years ago

@JeanFred been frozen for a while but as we restarted our work on Cabot this week, i can help if needed :)

nprail commented 7 years ago

I would try to help out but I really don't know much Python at all.

hadifarnoud commented 6 years ago

waiting on you @xinity