arachnys / cabot

Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty
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Not receiving phone call when ICMP is down #701

Open vijaytejak opened 3 years ago

vijaytejak commented 3 years ago

Hi I have configured the Cabot and added by Twilio phone number from my account, when the server is down, Cabot is clearly identifying it is down, but I am not receiving any phone call, HELP wanted.

dbuxton commented 3 years ago

Is the alert CRITICAL? Phone calls will not trigger for other severities.

vijaytejak commented 3 years ago

Yes the alert is kept critical only image

vijaytejak commented 3 years ago

Steps I followed to get the phone call. 1 - created account in Twilio. 2 - configured SID, token, and phone number I have in my Twilio account into production.env 3 - entered the Twilio phone number in the alert subscriptions section in Cabot GUI.

Am I missing anything else ?

vijaytejak commented 3 years ago

What I am unable to figure out is Twilio gave me a number, now how do I get the call if Cabot makes the call to Twilio phone number, do I need to map my personal phone number to Twilio number.

vijaytejak commented 3 years ago

Do I need to upgrade my Twilio i.e pay some amount, to get phone calls?

dbuxton commented 3 years ago


dbuxton commented 3 years ago

also the phone number should be the number you want Twilio to call, not the Twilio number itself. (i.e. your mobile)

vijaytejak commented 3 years ago

Hi, finally getting a call now, it's due to country code,

Now, I am getting a phone call after 1min, how to reduce the frequency check to 1second and get a phone call immediately. image