aradhakrishnanGFDL / CatalogBuilder

CatalogBuilder for data discovery and analysis
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Test with non-bronx PP directory structures #112

Open aradhakrishnanGFDL opened 2 months ago

aradhakrishnanGFDL commented 2 months ago

We have configurations that enable one to run catalog builder on a directory structure that is not strictly bronx PP style. But, we have not tested this important feature.

Suggest testing on 3-4 use-cases, fix bugs as we go, document the tests and the use-cases in sphinx docs.

Proposing use-cases that involve slightly varying standard PP directory structure where say "pp" is missed out or the data is in /work ; 2nd case to use a CMIP6 DRS; 3rd to get a use-case from Jess for MDTF synthetic or something else she tried the builder on; 4th to pick a UDA project such as ERA-5 and see what it takes.

Please note that each of these tests can be done by different people. So the issue needs some brainstorming to figure out who does what to invite contributions.