araffin / learning-to-drive-in-5-minutes

Implementation of reinforcement learning approach to make a car learn to drive smoothly in minutes
MIT License
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Try to learn from pixels #13

Closed qipengliuNTU closed 4 years ago

qipengliuNTU commented 4 years ago

From my understanding, if I don't set the arguments 'vae_path' and 'random_features', the car will learn from pixels, as mentioned in '':

if args.vae_path != '':
    print("Loading VAE ...")
    vae = load_vae(args.vae_path)
elif args.random_features:
    print("Randomly initialized VAE")
    vae = load_vae(z_size=Z_SIZE)
    # Save network
    args.save_vae = True
    print("Learning from pixels...")

However, when I run the following command, python --algo sac -n 5000 --teleop some error message comes up:

Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 914, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 862, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/home/automan/learning-to-drive-in-5-minutes/teleop/", line 274, in main_loop
    reward, done, info)
  File "/home/automan/learning-to-drive-in-5-minutes/donkey_gym/envs/", line 156, in postprocessing_step
    observation = np.concatenate((observation, self.command_history), axis=-1)
ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

Any advice on this problem? Thanks very much.

araffin commented 4 years ago

Hello, If you train from pixels, you should set N_COMMAND_HISTORY to zero. See warning here:

qipengliuNTU commented 4 years ago

Oh~ I didn't find this warning message. Now I can train the car from pixels. Thanks very much for your help!!! I am closing this issue.

ChunJyeBehBeh commented 4 years ago

@qipengliuNTU Hello Did you manage to train the model with the image input?

I set the N_COMMAND_HISTORY to zero but I encountered the following issue. ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (38400) into shape (80,160,3)

ChunJyeBehBeh commented 4 years ago

@qipengliuNTU @araffin I tried to edit postprocessing_step and reset in so that it only return observation.flatten() when using VAE training. The code can run but seem have some issue on the training. The model seem didn't learn and keep go off the track when it start a new episode....