I used this command to get all aragon app installed in my DAO
dao apps <dao-address> --all --environment aragon:rinkeby
but getting this error
`⚠ The request may take a while because you are connecting to the default node (wss://rinkeby.eth.aragon.network/ws). For better performance, consider switching to your own Ethereum node or Infura.
ℹ You have the following options:
Use the global option "--ws-rpc" (e.g. with wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/ for Infura)
Set the "wsRPC" field on mainnet environment of the arapp.json
✖ Inspecting DAO
→ Network: incorrect value provided.
✖ Network: incorrect value provided.`
I have already create rinkeby_key.json in ~/.aragon.
Other command such as "dao new --environment aragon:rinkeby" or "dao acl --environment aragon:rinkeby" is working fine.
Do I need to config something to use this command?
I used this command to get all aragon app installed in my DAO
dao apps <dao-address> --all --environment aragon:rinkeby
but getting this error `⚠ The request may take a while because you are connecting to the default node (wss://rinkeby.eth.aragon.network/ws). For better performance, consider switching to your own Ethereum node or Infura.
ℹ You have the following options:
Set the "wsRPC" field on mainnet environment of the arapp.json
✖ Inspecting DAO → Network: incorrect value provided. ✖ Network: incorrect value provided.`
I have already create rinkeby_key.json in ~/.aragon. Other command such as "dao new --environment aragon:rinkeby" or "dao acl --environment aragon:rinkeby" is working fine.
Do I need to config something to use this command?