We are building an application using AragonOS as our base infrastructure. We've called it a credit pool system. It is intended to be used by communities to track loans interests and lenders rewards. We have done a test using the react boilerplate and the developer docs on the official website. We got to test this app locally using the aragon buidler plugin. Now we are ready to make some tests on matic mainnet but we have not been able to publish the app there because the ENS system in matic is permissioned so I can't just publish something there and use it in an aragonOS DAO. I tried to make a custom third party ENS instance where I was able to install my app but then when I install it on a DAO, the aragon client can't pull the app metadata, so it can't know the permissions, the ABI, the name, the IPFS link to the UI, etc.
I think the easiest thing to do is to open a public subdomain on official aragonOS ENS system on matic, just like the "open.aragonpm.eth" available on rinkeby
Another alternative I am considering is to change the aragon-wrapper (I've tracked there's where the ENS gets set up) to make it use 2 ENS instance, one for official apps and templates and a second one for unsafe third party apps.
We can't open source the contract yet for intellectual property problems. We wanted to test this on chain first but have bumped into all these problems.
I think the docs should mention explicitly that developers won't be able to publish apps on main nets because of this problem. The docs give us the idea that anyone can develop and publish an aragonOS app but this is not actually as simple as that.
We are building an application using AragonOS as our base infrastructure. We've called it a credit pool system. It is intended to be used by communities to track loans interests and lenders rewards. We have done a test using the react boilerplate and the developer docs on the official website. We got to test this app locally using the aragon buidler plugin. Now we are ready to make some tests on matic mainnet but we have not been able to publish the app there because the ENS system in matic is permissioned so I can't just publish something there and use it in an aragonOS DAO. I tried to make a custom third party ENS instance where I was able to install my app but then when I install it on a DAO, the aragon client can't pull the app metadata, so it can't know the permissions, the ABI, the name, the IPFS link to the UI, etc.
I think the easiest thing to do is to open a public subdomain on official aragonOS ENS system on matic, just like the "open.aragonpm.eth" available on rinkeby
Another alternative I am considering is to change the aragon-wrapper (I've tracked there's where the ENS gets set up) to make it use 2 ENS instance, one for official apps and templates and a second one for unsafe third party apps.
We can't open source the contract yet for intellectual property problems. We wanted to test this on chain first but have bumped into all these problems.
I think the docs should mention explicitly that developers won't be able to publish apps on main nets because of this problem. The docs give us the idea that anyone can develop and publish an aragonOS app but this is not actually as simple as that.