aragon / connect

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API changes: Intents, Forwarding Paths and Transactions #132

Open bpierre opened 4 years ago

bpierre commented 4 years ago

This issue will keep track of the planned changes regarding the intents, forwarding paths and transactions.

These changes are aiming to improve / solve the following:

  1. Separate the forwarding paths from the transactions to sign [1].
  2. Provide a standard transaction request object that can be passed to Ethereum libraries.
  3. Make it easier to sign a single transaction.
  4. Make it possible to ignore the forwarding paths.
  5. Make it possible to express complex forwarding paths.

[1] This is why the term “Forwarding Path” is now preferred to “Transaction Path”.

Current Status

Going forward we'll use a milestone to keep track of the progress:

Storing the signing address in the connection context

The idea here is to attach a default address to the connection context. This address will get used by the methods generating forwarding paths and transaction requests. It will be possible to override it at any point.

It could be passed to connect():

const myorg = await connect('myorg.aragonid.eth', 'thegraph', {
  actAs: '0x…',

It should also be possible to update it without resetting the connection. A new method on Organization could help doing that:


Reshaping the intent-to-transaction flow


class ForwardingPath {
  // A list of transaction requests ready to get signed.
  transactions: Transaction[]

  // Lets consumers pass a callback to sign any number of transactions.
  // This is similar to calling transactions() and using a loop, but shorter.
  // It returns the value returned by the library, usually a transaction receipt.
    callback: (tx: Transaction) => Promise<Receipt>
  ): Promise<Receipt[]>

  // Return a description of the forwarding path, to be rendered.
  describe(): Promise<ForwardingPathDescription>

  // Return a description of the forwarding path, as text.
  // Shorthand for .describe().toString()
  toString(): string

New App methods: exec() and execPaths()

The two initial methods returning ForwardingPath instances are App#exec() (to get the shortest path) and App#execPaths() (to get all the possible paths).

type ExecOptions = {
  // The account to sign the transactions with. It is optional
  // when `actAs` has been set with the connection. If not,
  // the address has to be passed.
  actAs: Address

  // Optionally declare a forwarding path. When not specified,
  // the shortest path is used instead.
  path: ForwardingPathDeclaration

// No `path` option here since we want them all.
type ExecPathsOptions = {
  actAs: Address

interface App {
  exec(signature, params, options?: ExecOptions)
  execPaths(signature, params, options?: ExecPathsOptions)


This is a type we could use for documentation purposes.

type Address = string


This type accepts an App instance or its address, and should get used whenever possible rather than an address only.

type AppOrAddress = App | Address


This type allows to express a forwarding path in a simplified, but limited way: it is not possible to nest the forwarding actions.

type ForwardingPathDeclaration = AppOrAddress[]


Transaction replaces TransactionRequest, and is now a type rather than a class. It describes a subset of the eth_sendTransaction parameters in the Ethereum JSON-RPC API.

type Transaction = {
  data: string
  from: Address
  to: Address


This object contains all the information needed to render the description of a forwarding path. It gets returned by ForwardingPath#describe().

type ForwardingPathDescriptionTreeEntry =
  | AppOrAddress
  | [AppOrAddress, ForwardingPathDescriptionEntry[]]

type ForwardingPathDescriptionTree = ForwardingPathDescriptionEntry[]

class ForwardingPathDescription {
  // Return a tree that can get used to render the path.
  tree(): ForwardingPathDescriptionTree

  // Renders the forwarding path description as text
  toString(): string

  // TBD: a utility that makes it easy to render the tree,
  // e.g. as a nested list in HTML or React.
  reduce(callback: Function): any

Forwarding Path Builder

Forwarding Path Declaration Syntax

Paths can be complex and defining them using JS structures might not provide a level of clarity that is sufficient. Having a dedicated syntax could improve that.

Using tagged templates could make it possible to integrate our existing object types into it, App and Intent in particular.

Initial draft:

const p = path`
  > ${voting}
    > ?
      > ${voting.createVote('something')}
      > "encoded_sub_action_1"
      > "encoded_sub_action_2"
  > ${tokens}
    > "encoded_action_1"
      > "encoded_sub_action_1"

const txRequests = p.transactions({ as: '0x…' })

In this example, ? would express a part that need to be filled by the library, if possible.

Note: this draft is only used to express the idea, its syntax will probably be different.

Path Builder Utility

Using the language previously mentioned above, we could also provide a forwarding path builder. This tool would let users edit a forwarding path after its initial creation.

We could imagine an initial implementation accepting the same JS structure than the one returned by path\``.

Initial draft:

const pathBuilder = path`
  > ${voting}
    > ?
      > ${voting.createVote('something')}
      > "encoded_sub_action_1"
      > "encoded_sub_action_2"
  > ${tokens}
    > "encoded_action_1"
      > "encoded_sub_action_1"

// Call insert() in this way to insert an action after "encoded_sub_action_2"
pathBuilder.insert('0 > 0', voting.createVote('something'))

// PathBuilder could inherit from Intent since it would provide the same methods:

Note: this draft is only used to express the idea, its syntax will probably be different.

0xGabi commented 4 years ago

Woow, thanks a lot for doing this write-up. It makes things so much clear and easy to go ahead and be more confident in what we need to implement 🙏

First a few small nitpicks:

  1. On the Intent section. I think the example is doing await org.appIntent but if I understood correctly now that should be await org.intent.
  2. On the ForwardingPathDescription section. When you explain the types, maybe the ForwardingPathDescriptionTreeEntry should be ForwardingPathDescriptionEntry? Or I'm missing something there 🤔

I would like to start working on a first draft of the second item on the TODO list 🙋‍♂️

Finally would like if we could further sync on the 3rd and 4th items. Would like us to be a bit more specific on these ones. For example, what are the missing pieces until we consider we can check: "Finalize the path builder API".