Adds a basic CI step to build and deploy the subgraph in a containerized environment.
This setup can be extended by moving code from aragon/aragon-court to set up blockchain state in the ganache instance which could be queried later in a test.
The setup can be recreated locally with one line in a single terminal instance
docker-compose -f ./scripts/docker-compose.yml up --abort-on-container-exit --build --force-recreate --renew-anon-volumes --timeout 0
# --abort-on-container-exit: Only the test service should exit.
# Then, the overall exit code will the the test service exit code
# --build: Make sure to apply test container possible changes
# --force-recreate: Make sure to clear ephemeral container
# --renew-anon-volumes: Make sure postgress and ganache data deleted
# --timeout 0: Speed up teardown
Adds a basic CI step to build and deploy the subgraph in a containerized environment.
This setup can be extended by moving code from aragon/aragon-court to set up blockchain state in the ganache instance which could be queried later in a test.
Feel free to inspect the build logs in my fork
The setup can be recreated locally with one line in a single terminal instance