aragon / nest

A grants program to support the development of the ecosystem
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Hack.Aragon For All #170

Closed yeqbfgxjiq closed 4 years ago

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

Aragon Nest Proposal: Hack.Aragon For Everyone


Developers who want to build things need solid documentation, but developers who are building things view documentation as a chore. This ruins the experience for everyone. It doesn't have to be this way. There are wonderful tools that make it easy to create beautiful intuitive documentation. Hack.aragon is a testament to this. It's honestly one of my favorite things about Aragon. The problem is that future Aragon projects won't have the time or resources to put together such a cohesive and seamless developer experience. This is going to become more and more of a problem as the Aragon ecosytem scales. I'd like to fix that. I'd like to help every Aragon project create intuitive documentation and a hack.aragon style developer hub for their project.


  1. A dev-hub template that includes a Users section for onboarding and user guides, a Developers section for docs and tutorials, and a Contributing section for user feedback, feature improvements, and bounties. Here's a quick demo (skeleton with placeholder content) to show what that might look like: This framework will be transformed into a generic template (not TPS related) that comes preloaded with how-to guides to help setup the dev hub. This would include, but not be limited to:

    • Docusaurus/Markdown/React basics,
    • best practices for UI and onboarding,
    • templates and best practices to create docs for Aragon apps,
    • tutorials on syncing those docs to a centralized developer hub,
    • tutorials on setting up bounties and incentivizing community contributions,
    • and much more.
  2. A script to deploy the whole thing with a single command (something like npx docusaurus-dev-hub init).

Note: In the future it will be possible to extend the dev-hub template via Docusaurus2 plugins. This will allow people to create custom React components that can be added to any dev-hub via a 1 line command yarn add docusaurus-plugin-name. This could include things like an Team page, a Roadmap page showing progress on current deliverables, a React component that you can drop into your homepage showing open bounties, a React component that has web3 preloaded and allows you to connect to and display information from your project's DAO, and anything else that can we dream up and want to build in React. This would transform hack.aragon from a website to a platform. First there has to be a basic model though. Then we can build on that :)

Grant size

$0 DAI

30k ANT


The focus of this template is to build infrastructure that empowers future Aragon projects. This means changes to the UI, adjustment to the user guides, and other things related to the generic template itself are warmly welcome. This will not, however, include features requests that focus on the needs of any specific individuals or teams.

I am requesting ANT and not DAI because:

Application requirements

Proof Of Concept



Legal Structure

The same that hack.aragon uses: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal

Development timeline

July 2019

Aug 2019

Sept 2019

LouisGrx commented 5 years ago

Hey there,

Thanks a lot for coming up with this proposal and for your active involvement in the Aragon community.

We've started discussing the topic of documentation with all the teams, notably during the last Aragon All Devs call (see from min. 26). The output for now is that there is no clear consensus or desire from Flock teams at the moment and that discussions need to keep going a bit in order to find the right solution for everyone.

We've planned to summarize what was said on the All devs and post it on the forum in the coming weeks to discuss further. We can probably let you know once its live.

As a result, we'll probably need a bit more time to give you a first answer to this Nest proposal.

Thank you for your understanding!

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

Sounds good. What would would need change make you guys want to move forward with the proposal?

LouisGrx commented 4 years ago

Hey @burrrata, The decision depends on the preference of Flock and Nest teams, and we still have to coordinate and discuss the topic. The best we can do is keep you up to date when we get closer to a decision.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

Closing as I am no longer developing this project.