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A grants program to support the development of the ecosystem
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Expert Networks #179

Open joeycharlesworth opened 4 years ago

joeycharlesworth commented 4 years ago

Aragon Nest Proposal: Aragon Expert Network


With knowledge and noise all around us, it’s hard to know who you can really trust. We propose to create a verifiable, reputation-based human resources marketplace: The Aragon Expert Network.

This network based app aims to connect DAOs on Aragon with subject matter experts including software engineers, sales & marketing engineers, designers, and business consultants globally - either for one-off consultations, longer-term projects, advisory positions or full-time hires. Subject matter experts are members of the wider Aragon ecosystem that have proven their skills through the completion of tasks within Aragon DAOs and have opted-in to be listed in the Aragon Expert Network.

Building a startup is currently much harder that it needs to be with founders often asking themselves questions such as:

Who would be a great mentor for my startup? Who should I contact for advice regarding X? Who should I engage for project Y? Who should be hired for role Z?

Built on top of Aragon OS, this network application aims to enable Aragon DAOs to access the smartest people across the Aragon network at lightning speeds whilst improving decision making.

DAOs can choose to pay experts in whatever token is available in their vault including their native token, helping align long-term interests with advisors and service providers.

Reputation have made some solid efforts with reputation tracking of Colony members. We propose to collaborate with the Colony core team to bring the same system of member reputation tracking into Aragon DAOs. Broadly, this will include:

We believe the future of venture capital lies in "venture-as-a-service", which includes expert networks - and we’re not alone.

“If I created a Venture Fund, I would create a firm with virtual services, not too different from the a16z model, but without employing people. So I would get CPOs, Engineering Talent, Marketing people who wanted to be involved with the venture fund and provide services. The reach in that case may be greater than the reach we currently have. You would create a network of people who could help companies without necessarily hiring them. They would get shares, have the privilege of investing with the venture firm, maybe get a little carry…that would be cool!” Peter Livine, Andreessen Horowitz


  1. Skills
  2. Reputation
  3. Hourly Rate
  4. Total amount earned

NB: It’s possible we will be able to build this on top of Aragon ID and the ongoing integration work with 3Box.

Grant size

Funding: Up to 50k DAI, split into chunks paid out over achieved deliverables. Success reward: up to 50k ANT, given out when the final public release is ready.

Proof of Concept

Numerous examples exist of successful centralised expert networks, including: - 30,000 experts globally, aimed at startups. GLG - 650,000 experts globally, aimed at investors.

joeycharlesworth commented 4 years ago

Notes from the group discussion of the expert network at the Aragon Berlin Meetup

Summary: The proposed expert network is a directory of all Aragon DAO members, together with their skills and associated reputation. The following opportunities and challenges were identified during the group discussion:

LouisGrx commented 4 years ago

Hey @joeycharlesworth, a few questions to start the discussion hoping others can join us :)

We propose to collaborate with the Colony core team to bring the same system of member reputation tracking into Aragon DAOs.

  • Are you guys in touch with anyone from Colony?

Implementation of a member reputation algorithm applied to users on an individual/organisation and network wide basis, such as the one used by including reputation decay

  • I'm not an expert of Colony's reputation system, could you please explain the main principles in a few sentences? How granular and skill specific is it? Any concrete example you could point me at?

Ability to browse members/addresses across all Aragon organisations. Members will be filterable by relevant fields to the user such as:

  • I'm not technical enough to deepdive in each statement, but it feels like there are multiple technical challenges here. Have you guys have started thinking about the architecture of the solution using the Aragon Stack? What would be taken care of on-chain and otherwise what technology would you use for computation heavy tasks?

    Success reward: up to $50k in ANT, given out when the final public release is ready.

  • For informational purpose: the ANT amount is capped to 30K per proposal in the Nest program.
joeycharlesworth commented 4 years ago

Hey @LouisGrx.

"Are you guys in touch with anyone from Colony?"

I spoke with one of the Colony core team members and they don't want to put any of their resources on this. Fair enough, completely understandable.

I'm not an expert of Colony's reputation system, could you please explain the main principles in a few sentences? How granular and skill specific is it? Any concrete example you could point me at?

    • badly executing a task (as shown above)
    • Being involved in a dispute process
    • Reputation decay (see below)

I'm not technical enough to deepdive in each statement, but it feels like there are multiple technical challenges here. Have you guys have started thinking about the architecture of the solution using the Aragon Stack? What would be taken care of on-chain and otherwise what technology would you use for computation heavy tasks?

I have a call with Luke Duncan & Daniel Shavit on Tuesday next week. Luke already recently built a Sourcecred integration so we are going to have a call to discuss potential synergies and architecture of how this might work.

Will revert back here.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

@joeycharlesworth What's the latest status on the Expert Network? Are there any blockers still and/or what do you need to be able to move forward?

joeycharlesworth commented 4 years ago

Update: I have now joined the Aragon Association and as such won't be continuing with this Nest proposal directly. This said, I still believe there to be a very urgent need for an expert network, not only to provide operational support to projects in the Nest and Flock programs but also to give anyone on Aragon the ability to more easily get discovered and get paid for their work and time. I hope somebody else might want to pick this up in the future and I would be happy to support on an advisory basis @burrrata @stellarmagnet @cryptodani @fcdagdelen @lkngtn

proofoftom commented 4 years ago

Congrats @joeycharlesworth! Can't believe I'm just seeing this... I'm a huge proponent of reputation DAOs and would love to see this get implemented!

For reference, I've been presenting on the concept of integrating Colony in Aragon for a little over a year now:

What are the next steps for moving this forward @LouisGrx?

pythonpete32 commented 4 years ago

Hey @proofoftom just requested access to the sheet

proofoftom commented 4 years ago

Hey @proofoftom just requested access to the sheet

Whoops! Just made public

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

@proofoftom Really cool presentation!

Reputation is something that has been on the roadmap since day 1 and is something that would really help make DAOs more useful for humans. Colony integration could help by creating reputation and believability weighted voting systems in Aragon DAOs. Would you have some time this week to chat about your experiences and goals with DAOs, what's going on with DenverDAO, and how Aragon can help?

Also a big fan of your Aragon Market app. Have you deployed it to APM on Rinkeby or Mainnet and/or what more do you need to do to get it ready for launch? If there's more work to be done, would a CFDAO or Nest grant help make that happen?

proofoftom commented 4 years ago

@burrrata Thanks for the diligent response! The DenverDAO COMstack has been iceboxed in favor of developing Civitas, a reputation DAO as a service platform that incorporates a lot of the COMstack functionality under one roof. I'm available to discuss more at your convenience, feel free to ping me on Keybase - @proofoftom.

There's still tons of work to be done on Aragon Market, it's currently just a UI skeleton. I'd definitely like to get that over the finish line though as it's part of a larger project I'm working on which is a DEX for Aragon DAOs running the Market app. I'll put together a Nest proposal for such and post it to the forum soon!

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

As @joeycharlesworth mentioned, this idea is open for anyone to build. The RFP tag is a request for proposals. If you think this looks cool and want to build it, please commend and/or open a new Issue with your proposal! :)

Saumay-Agrawal commented 4 years ago

@burrrata I'm interested in deep diving and contributing towards this idea. However, there haven't been any discussion on this idea lately. Is this idea still relevant to the community?

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

Hey @Saumay-Agrawal. Thanks for reaching out. This idea is still very much on the table, but the best place to dive into a broader discussion is on the Aragon Community Forum in the Nest category. If you have any specific questions about comments in this thread, however, then we can also chat here.