aragon / nest

A grants program to support the development of the ecosystem
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Fan-driven Bounties for Creators #184

Closed jatinshah closed 4 years ago

jatinshah commented 4 years ago

Aragon Nest Proposal: Fan-driven Bounties for Creators


Crowdfunding is a popular and well-established method for creators to raise funding from their fans for their projects. There are many successful centralized crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. There are also a few decentralized crowdfunding platforms including Aragon Fundraising (previously called Apiary). However, top creators often do not prefer using crowdfunding platforms. The main reason is that most crowdfunding platforms do not reach their target funding goals. Creators do not want to be associated with such projects and risk loss of reputation.

At the same time, with the rise of live streaming platforms like Twitch, there is an emerging trend of fans setting bounties for their favorite creators. These bounties can be unlocked when creators complete a specific task. We want to extend this behavior to fans active on platforms like DeviantArt & Pixiv (for illustrators), Twitcasting (for live streamers) and Patreon.

Specifically within the anime & manga community, we believe bounties can be used by fans to request:

Hence, we want to propose a decentralized platform on Aragon for fans to create and fund bounties for their favorite creators. Building such a platform on decentralized stack has several benefits:

Fans contribute ETH, DAI or any ERC-20 token and receive an ERC-721 compliant non-fungible token (NFT) representing their contribution. As is common on creator patronage platforms like Patreon and Kickstarter, different contribution tiers are linked to different types of NFTs with different privileges. For example, certain types of NFTs may have voting privileges or access to special extras or right to make derivative works.

Our proposed implementation, to be described in detail later, consists of three types of contract:

Our implementation of the voting contract would be similar to the existing Aragon voting contract with the exception that voters will be holding ERC-721 compliant NFTs, not ERC-20 tokens. We expect it to be usable for any use case where token holders own ERC-721 tokens, not just to the specific use case of creator bounties described in this proposal.

Bounty Contract

In this section, we describe the key features of our bounty contract. We plan to use this contract in building a community for anime fans to create bounties for creators in the anime industry. However, our implementation of the bounty contract will be general enough that other developers would be able to use it to build a similar platform for other creators.

The key features of the bounty contract are:


  1. Voting contract: AragonOS-compatible voting contract for NFT token holders similar with functionality similar to the existing Aragon voting contract
  2. Bounties contract: AragonOS-compatible implementation of Bounty contract that allows fans to create bounties for creators, and creators to earn ETH or other ERC-20 tokens by completing them
  3. Anime Creator-Fan DAO: Website for creators & fans interested in anime to create various bounties. We have given some examples of such bounties earlier in this proposal


The timeline below is tentative and subject to changes in the final application

Month 1

Grant size

Funding: Up to $150k in DAI, split into chunks paid out over achieved deliverables.

Success reward: Up to 30k ANT, given out when all deliverables are ready.

Application requirements

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

This is really cool, but it sounds kind of like Autark's bounties app.

1Hive actually already uses bounties for our DAO's HONEY token and it allows anyone (community members) to stake tokens to an open Issue. Then BEEs (members of the the 1Hive org) can work on the bounty to earn HONEY. 1Hive BEEs can also stake HONEY to bounties for community members to work on. Throughout the process there are checks and balances where whoever created the bounty and staked tokens can approve or reject applications to work on it, and then verify that the work is satisfactory before distributing the bounty. If there was a dispute it could be resolved with the Aragon Court.

Is this more or less similar to what you're thinking of, or are there key features of your proposal that would be different?

LouisGrx commented 4 years ago

Hey @jatinshah,

Thanks for your interest in building on Aragon :)

As @burrrata says above it looks like the bounty functionalities of Autark's project app would do the job for what you are proposing.

Also the I am not sure that the Nest program is there to fund user initiatives. Fan-driven bounties for creators looks like an awesome use-case for Aragon DAOs and I would personnally love to see that implemented, but the funds of the Nest program can hardly fund all the cool things Aragon users want to build.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

Closing this application due to the lack of response and similar functionality of current Aragon applications.