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Aragon Nest Proposal: Crypto Courts (Reward System) #185

Closed vporton closed 4 years ago

vporton commented 5 years ago

_See the Guide for submitting a proposal for grants for further details on submitting a grant proposal_

Aragon Nest Proposal: Crypto Courts (Reward System)


Not every person or organization receives the reward he or she deserves. There are:

In the real world such compensations are often made by courts, so I propose what I call Crypto Courts (Reward System).

A Crypto Court could be any person or organization or machine in control of a crypto token account that would be able to reward anybody he chooses to receive reward in the form of some amount of a crypto token. This amount is arbitrarily chosen (as limited by the court spending limit, see below) by a court. The court's account is not discharged the amount of crypto it donates to another account, the court money "appear out of the air". This means that court rewards somebody from the resources of the entire Network (that often equals to the entire mankind). So the courts represent the entire Network, not one's particular money holding account.

We would also allow a court to fine somebody, but that's not well-possible because it is too easy to hide the money at another specifically created or otherwise wallet.

Judging is often subjective. Because of this, it is necessary for users of the system to approve only some courts not all of them. So with each court there will be associated a crypto token. If the court judges wrongly (take for an example that the wheel was patented in Australia), then the value of its token could diminish. This way acceptance of court decisions becomes democratic (decentralized).

A court can hold a list of other courts whose decisions he allows to accept (subject to court spending limit in this relationship). So courts form a directed graph of trust between different courts.

Some courts could be implemented as Aragon organizations.


  1. An ERC1155-compatible smart contract to represent courts.
  2. A web interface to let users interact with the contract.
  3. Aragon contract/plugins to represent some courts as Aragon organization.

Grant size

Funding: Up to like $100k or in DAI, split into chunks paid out over achieved deliverables.

Success reward: A court reward decision for the Courts project.

Application requirements


Development timeline

Not sure yet

Related links

yeqbfgxjiq commented 5 years ago

I'm honestly not sure what you're describing here. Sounds like maybe a combination of the Community Rewards DAO and the Aragon Court?

vporton commented 5 years ago

@burrrata Aragon Court is entirely unrelated (maybe the word Courts in the name of my project is too confusing, it is about Rewards). Community Rewards DAO is too narrow (only for the Aragon project) and too inflexible (fixed budget, as I understand very simple voting rules). My project is much more advanced.

I have given a link to read a detailed description of my project.

In very short: My project is a community to reward people and organizations either in need or otherwise worth a reward.

pythonpete32 commented 4 years ago

I am really struggling to understand this proposal

The court's account is not discharged the amount of crypto it donates to another account, the court money "appear out of the air". This means that court rewards somebody from the resources of the entire Network (that often equals to the entire mankind)

What do you mean by appears out of "thin air"?

What network and whose resources are being donated?

And how do these resources equate to "the entire mankind"

We would also allow a court to fine somebody,

the essence of this technology is that it's completely opt in how do you fine someone without them first staking to the court.

Taking a step back from the concept, the nest program is for teams building Aragon infrastructure. These teams should have the technical know how to implement the project.

This doesn't seem like a well thought out proposal nor something nest should be funding in anycase

vporton commented 4 years ago

On 13/10/2019 21:52, Aaron Foster wrote:

I am really struggling to understand this proposal

The court's account is not discharged the amount of crypto it
donates to another account, the court money "appear out of the
air". This means that court rewards somebody from the resources of
the entire Network (that often equals to the entire mankind)

What do you mean by appears out of "thin air"?

I mean that the money are added to the beneficiary's account without subtracting from somebody other's account. Just like as in the case of crypto mining, the money appear out of nowhere.

What network and whose resources are being donated?

Each court can have a set of tokens (but "similar" tokens can be transferred between courts). This is our Ethereum tokens "network".

See the whitepaper for exact (a little tricky) details.

And how do these resources equate to "the entire mankind"

As I told before, the money appear out of nowhere, so the "effective" donor is the mankind, not somebody in particular. Or a court may for example represent money of a country.

We would also allow a court to fine somebody,

the essence of this technology is that it's completely opt in how do you fine someone without them first staking to the court.

Now I don't understand you, too.

Taking a step back from the concept, the nest program is for teams building Aragon infrastructure. These teams should have the technical know how to implement the project.

This doesn't seem like a well thought out proposal nor something nest should be funding in anycase

Why I have a detailed enough draft whitepaper. It is a well thought proposal!

Courts could be implemented as Aragon teams, so it is a good idea for Aragon to finance this project.

vporton commented 4 years ago

I've created the contract. Now the world is almost saved!

It remains to test and to improve docs and var names.

Please reward me for creating the contract.

Please write the voting contract and other Aragon voting infrastructure that would call my contract. We are very near to another world.

vporton commented 4 years ago

There was a conceptual error in my contract. It is corrected in the last version.

LouisGrx commented 4 years ago

Hey there,

Thanks a lot for your interest in the Nest program :)

If I understand well you are proposing to build a system where entities issue tokens to reward individuals who deserve it around the world? And create a trusted network of these entities?

Where would the money/reputation come from at first? For now there are too many unknowns in what you propose. The detailed specification on your website doesn't seem to provide any additional information. I don't see how this would add anything to the research efforts happening around rewards systems in the Aragon community.

vporton commented 4 years ago

If I understand well you are proposing to build a system where entities issue tokens to reward individuals who deserve it around the world? And create a trusted network of these entities? Yes, but not only to individuals, to corporations (especially to nonprofits) and even to states, too. To any kinds of entities. And not only to these who deserve, but for these who are lacking or injured. And even UBS to anybody who can prove his ID card, too, in some kind of token. To anybody who has less money than he should have.

Where would the money/reputation come from at first? For now there are too many unknowns in what you propose. The detailed specification on your website doesn't seem to provide any additional information. I don't see how this would add anything to the research efforts happening around rewards systems in the Aragon community.

The money is minted by courts. The reputation is decided by judges. Which courts' reputation is worthy is decided by the trade. So bad courts' tokens are expected to be cheap and good courts' ones to be sold for real properties.

My reward system is advanced as: 1. Money is minted that is nobody needs to agree to be withdrawn to reward somebody other. It would be good if Bill Gates withdrew some money to my bank account, but he does not want to, we need to mint money not to offend anybody. 2. (More importantly) we have a system of multiple courts where many kinds of tokens can be issued by individual courts and even transferred between courts, to facilitate truly decentralized court system, a democracy, not decisions of a single entity. Does Aragon currently provide a service like this? I think it doesn't. We need my system.

P.S. Have I said that I developed (but not yet tested) my smart contract? - the remaining thing is to test it and to add the voting system (so, Aragon).

vporton commented 4 years ago

Please answer my StackExchange questions to help me with the development:

I am writing a software system, consisting of:

First, should I have one, two, or three separate Git repos for these parts of the project?

Second, which of:

to choose for:

Which tools (e.g. plain Truffle, OpenZeppelin, Aragon CLI, etc.) to use for the project (and its subprojects)?

Advise on how to do continuous integration and which an how to do reliability checks.

I also wish to produce the API docs automatically.

vporton commented 4 years ago

My Solidity contract in GitHub updated. My update is purely technical but important: added retrieving a decomposition of a token into a court ID and an intercourt token.

vporton commented 4 years ago

I hope to send a more readable non-technical description soon.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

This project sounds like it has a lot of technical risk (based on all your questions and updates). In addition there is also the challenge of bootstrapping the network of courts and judges to make this network possible. While it's a cool idea, it's not a good fit for the Nest program.

We're looking for projects that can be developed and shipped to market quickly and/or that already have traction and want to integrate with Aragon. That being said, you might want to consider a CFDAO grant to help get the initial prototype put together.

vporton commented 4 years ago

@burrrata I do not understand which technical risk you refer to. The core contract is already implemented. It remains just to debug it. The only remaining technical thing is to implement a voting system. So I do not see any technical risk.

I will try to contact different free software foundations, maybe United Nations agencies, other nonprofit foundations, etc. and ask them to be judges.

vporton commented 4 years ago

Moreover for the UBI part of the project, no need for people judges, the project will be automated. And I am going to work on it. So there is no problem with judges for at least one part of the project.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

As mentioned, you might want to consider a CFDAO grant to build out the initial phases of your project. Otherwise best of luck exploring other paths forward such as the free software foundations listed.

vporton commented 4 years ago

Please advise how much do I need to pay someone to make an initial prototype of an Aragon-based voting system for my contract? also how much to pay for a good tester?