aragon / nest

A grants program to support the development of the ecosystem
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Aragon Nest Proposal: Bitrophone ~ Music Licensing & Distribution Service #188

Closed canersevince closed 4 years ago

canersevince commented 4 years ago

Request for Nest membership and funding (#188 )

Team name: Bitrophone

Proof of concept / research whitepaper:

Burn rate: 10000$/Month (this will mostly used for legal paperworks for being a legal music distributor and multiple cloud&hosting services)

Legal structure: TR

Team and roadmap


Here is our demo for Bitrophone project. Due to lack of sources we couldn't enable/create some features & get cloud servers, mail servers & licensing protocols for song uploads and payment screen... If we get funded for project we will use funding to get them and upgrade the website in future. But i think we created a cool thing as a demo version in less then a month with just 2 people. Also our admin panel, which you won't be able to see in this demo is almost ready. I wanted to apply to aragon with a demo, now at least we got something to show & upgrade. We are still at %30 completion of being %100 ready for service. Estimated time to complete this project and get things working is between 3-5 month depending on legal paperworks.

Demo is on our personal server: demo username: demo password: 123456


An awesome use case, music distribution service works on Aragon. A smart contract for music licensing on blockchain(after distribution phase).

Since we have a demo and need funds to get further we're starting with milestone 2. Most of the basics & backends are completed in demo. We are trying to get requirements to enable uploads&audio conversions etc.

Milestone 1; 10000$ UI, Artist panels, Account System, Artwork Database, Artists Database, Multiple Account Plans for Multiple Artist, Basic Payment Screen(payments are still not enabled due to legal issues)


Milestone 2: 10000$ Merging Multiple Cloud Servers, Enable uploads & artwork conversions. Establish a legal company for website to get / send legal payments from / to service users, musicians. Legal paperworks to have music distribution rights, Get ISRC Licensing Rights and partnership from local music agency.*** Enable wallets and payment method for ANT

Milestone 2: 10000$ Getting known by stores and music platforms. Deploying the file conversion methods that every stores want for audio files. Integrating website with stores api's such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer etc. Live status screen for artworks / albums to check if they are released. E-mail notifications, Begin distribution and marketing. Mobile application for tracking user stats / payments. HQ for company, professional tools to attract famous musicians to use our service and do marketing.

Project Completion: 10000$

CLAassistant commented 4 years ago

CLA assistant check
Thank you for your submission, we really appreciate it. Like many open source projects, we ask that you sign our Contributor License Agreement before we can accept your contribution.
You have signed the CLA already but the status is still pending? Let us recheck it.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

I don't see the connection to Aragon. If your goal is to create an independent service, and then integrate Aragon into that, that's awesome. First build your platform, then circle back to discuss Aragon integration.

Furthermore, music distribution is non-trivial due to the legal complexity. If you have experience in this sector please share, otherwise please acquire experience in this sector and/or have a working product before re-applying.

canersevince commented 4 years ago

I don't see the connection to Aragon. If your goal is to create an independent service, and then integrate Aragon into that, that's awesome. First build your platform, then circle back to discuss Aragon integration.

Well it is a dapp that uses ANT, of course there is a connection. Platform is almost ready. Due to "legal complexity" and lack of resources we are not able to complete it. That's why we ask funding.

Furthermore, music distribution is non-trivial due to the legal complexity. If you have experience in this sector please share, otherwise please acquire experience in this sector and/or have a working product before re-applying.

I have couple famous musician friends in Turkey. They distribute their music through traditional labels, 100% offline. I'm planning to use funding to found a label and get legal rights from MUYAP ( the biggest union of labels in Turkey. They also provide ISRC licensing services & partnership to labels. We are planning to hire a lawyer to make things perfect. Also we will get tax plates & legal adress and company names + company domains to provide 100% legal services.

yeqbfgxjiq commented 4 years ago

Sounds cool, but the Aragon grants program exists to directly support building Aragon applications. It does not exist to pay the legal fees of other projects. As such I don't think this is a good fit.