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A grants program to support the development of the ecosystem
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Aragon Nest Proposal: Pseudonymous identity solution within Aragon (BrightID) #60

Closed adamstallard closed 4 years ago

adamstallard commented 5 years ago

Aragon Nest Proposal: Pseudonymous identity solution within Aragon (BrightID)


BrightID solves the problem of verifying that a person exists only once within a system, while allowing that person to remain anonymous.

In the context of Aragon, individuals need to be able to participate without being required to reveal their physical or social identities. At the same time, participants may require the assurance that a single individual isn't represented by multiple addresses. With the existing (Keybase) solution, an individual could control multiple addresses by linking each to a different social media account. Users are free to choose an identity provider (Keybase, or none at all), but there should be an alternative to support the cases where participants need to enforce one-address-per-person and want to support pseudonymous, yet trusted, participation.

BrightID offers the following advantages as an identity provider:


To provide a working solution for Aragon, BrightID must create at a minimum:

  1. A mobile app for registering and creating connections to build one's trust score.
  2. An anti-sybil system that analyzes the trust graph.
  3. Smart contracts to allow a node to publish anonymous trust scores to the blockchain.
  4. Seed groups local to known, honest Aragon users (founders, employees, stakeholders).

Grant size

Funding: $88,000 in ETH

Success reward: $40k in ANT upon completion of all deliverables.

Application requirements

Proof of Concept

GitHub working POC and Website.


Adam Stallard: Project Lead, Graph DB, Anti-Sybil, Node-JS

David Wisner: Javascript (Mobile OS, React-Native, Node-JS)

Abram Symons: Python, Anti-Sybil, Smart Contracts



4 Months of development with 3 team members

3 full time developers @ $22,000/month

Development timeline

  1. Aug 15th - Anti-sybil specs completed
  2. Aug 31st - Backend node running; serving requests
  3. Sept 15th - Anti-sybil system operational
  4. Sept 30th - Mobile user-to-user connectivity complete
  5. Oct 15th - Mobile alpha ready for internal bug-bash
  6. Oct 31st - Smart contract integration complete: Nodes can publish trust scores on the blockchain
  7. Nov 15th - Mobile Beta Launch
  8. Nov 30th - Seed group initiative underway; First Aragon seed groups assigned.

The BrightID solution will be launched on the mainnet by the 1st of December if we are able to get funding by the 1st of August.

mariapao commented 5 years ago

Hi @adamstallard thanks a lot for submitting this proposal. Decentralized sybil resistant identity is key for the decentralized world and we can't wait to see a project like yours implemented. Thus, we have decided to consider your proposal for a grant.

The next step is to submit a request for funding. In this next phase we would like to see the milestones/deliverables a bit more defined. What are your thoughts on how to approach validation at these various stages? Also, one of the end goals is to integrate the solution into the Aragon ecosystem as an/a app/contracts, right?. I don't know if you are aware that we are working on an identity app

You can address all the above questions/comments in the next phase :) And feel free to ask me any any questions regarding the submission of the request for funding. I have linked above the guide for this part of process

adamstallard commented 5 years ago

I was not aware of the identity app, but it looks great. It looks like a great integration point for BrightID. Also, yes, we do want to create the contracts to integrate with Aragon as part of this proposal.

I can't wait to put together a more detailed request for funding, and thank you so much!

LouisGrx commented 4 years ago

As this proposal as been filled by the BirghtID team a while ago i'll go ahead and close this proposal :)