aragon / ui

🦚 UI kit for decentralized apps
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IdentityBadge: custom icon #442

Open onbjerg opened 5 years ago

onbjerg commented 5 years ago


Would it be possible to give the option to provide a custom icon for the IdentityBadge instead of the EthIdenticon?

bpierre commented 5 years ago

Yes! :+1:

ECWireless commented 4 years ago

Was this issue resolved by adding this manual pull request method of adding Identity Badges?

Or is the idea to be able to upload directly to the Aragon Client from your browser? If so, I could attempt to take a crack at this.

sohkai commented 4 years ago

@ECWireless Ah, those are totally separate issues :).

This issue is just to enable users of the IdentityBadge component to provide a custom icon instead of the identicon!

Or is the idea to be able to upload directly to the Aragon Client from your browser? If so, I could attempt to take a crack at this.

This would be really interesting... but unfortunately comes with a whole bunch of other storage-related questions we haven't prioritized in tackling (e.g. who has control of the org's icon? Where is that stored?).

ECWireless commented 4 years ago

Ah, okay. I guess, just so I definitely understand: would this really only be useful for Aragon app developers to build their apps with a custom icon, rather than an ethidenticon (for their own branding purposes)? Just want to make sure I know what the reasoning behind it is before I try to tackle it.

sohkai commented 4 years ago

@ECWireless This would be useful both inside and outside Aragon apps (and the client). A good example is showing an address's 3box profile picture instead of an identicon, or displaying an organization's logo instead of their organization's identicon internal to the client and external in other places where aragonUI is being used.