arainko / ducktape

Automatic and customizable compile time transformations between similar case classes and sealed traits/enums, essentially a thing that glues your code. Scala 3 only. Or is it duct 🤔
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New `F-unwrapping` example would not work in Scala 3.4+ #188

Open WojciechMazur opened 1 month ago

WojciechMazur commented 1 month ago

The example from release notes 0.2.3 and the first test case would not work in Scala 3.4 and it's changes to better specification and less unsoundness in match types I would fail with the following error:

[error] -- [E191] Type Error: /Users/wmazur/projects/community-build3/repo/ducktape/src/test/scala/io/github/arainko/ducktape/fallible/FUnwrappingSuite.scala:21:37 
[error] 21 |      val actual = source.fallibleTo[Tuple.InverseMap[source.type, mode.Self]]
[error]    |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error]    |       The match type contains an illegal case:
[error]    |           case mode.Self[x] *: t => x *: Tuple.InverseMap[t, mode.Self]
[error]    |       The pattern contains a type alias `Self`.
[error]    |       (this error can be ignored for now with `-source:3.3`)
arainko commented 1 month ago

Hmm, that's disappointing - would it work with import language.betterMatchExtractors? Since Mode#Self is just a typealias I'd expect it to be alright (citation needed 😄 )

WojciechMazur commented 1 month ago

I've made a quick check and yes, it works with import scala.language.experimental.betterMatchTypeExtractors the only issue is that it's an experimental feature currently. Guess, we need to wait till it's stabilized

arainko commented 1 month ago

That's alright then, as long as that gets stabilized in time for the next LTS we're alright, it's just going to need a couple of warnings in the docs.

Thanks for looking out!

arainko commented 2 weeks ago

So I did some testing and it's pretty weird:

//> using scala 3.5.0
//> using options "-experimental"

trait Test[F[_]] {
  final type Self[A] = F[A]

object Test {
  inline def current(using T: Test[?]): T.type = T

  trait Opt extends Test[Option]
  trait Either[E] extends Test[[a] =>> scala.Either[E, a]]

object testing {

  locally {
    given Test.Opt()

    val tup = (Some(1), Some(2), Some(3))

    // compiles just fine with no `scala.language.experimental.betterMatchTypeExtractors`
    val d: Tuple.InverseMap[tup.type, Test.current.Self] = ??? 

  locally {
    import scala.language.experimental.betterMatchTypeExtractors

    given Test.Either[String]()

    val tup = (Right(1), Right(2), Right(3))

    // refuses to compile with or without `scala.language.experimental.betterMatchTypeExtractors`
    val d: Tuple.InverseMap[tup.type, Test.current.Self] = ???

with the output being:

Compiling project (Scala 3.5.0, JVM (21))
[error] ./file.scala:35:12
[error] The match type contains an illegal case:
[error]     case given_Either_String.Self[x] *: t => x *: Tuple.InverseMap[t, given_Either_String.Self]
[error] (this error can be ignored for now with `-source:3.3`)
[error]     val d: Tuple.InverseMap[tup.type, Test.current.Self] = ???
[error]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

is this expected? I'd expect these two examples to either not compile without betterMatchTypeExtractors at all or compile with betterMatchTypeExtractors