arakiken / mlterm

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Add new use_locked_title (bool) option (default==false) to lock mlterm window title #83

Closed mckellygit closed 4 months ago

mckellygit commented 5 months ago


Thank you for mlterm. One feature I'm used to in other terminals is the ability to set the window title and then don't allow an OSC seq to change it. Here is a hack attempt PR at that, where if the title is specified then it is locked. Another way would be a specific, separate lock_title option. What do you think ?

thx, -m

mckellygit commented 5 months ago

Hi, I've updated my commit to add a new use_locked_title (bool) option (default==false) for this functionality. It seems like a better method to add a new feature for this then the original method. If there is a cleaner, better way please let me know. Or if this is not a worthwhile feature to add then I will close this PR. thx again for mlterm, -m

mckellygit commented 5 months ago

Perhaps a better name for this option is "allow_change_title" instead of "use_locked_title" ? If you think so, I will amend this PR commit. thx

arakiken commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much. I merged your patch with a few fixes as follows.

Fixes: 1) use_locked_title optioin can be changed dynamically by mlcc. e.g. $ mlcc use_locked_title switch 2) --locktitle/use_locked_title option ignores not only OSC 0 and 2 (changing a window title) but also OSC 1 (changing an icon title).

mckellygit commented 4 months ago

Thank you so much, really appreciated.