arambalakjian / DataObject-as-Page

A SilverStripe module for displaying DataObjects as Pages
53 stars 27 forks source link

Composer #16

Closed MattyBalaam closed 11 years ago

MattyBalaam commented 11 years ago

Will you be allowing the module to be installed with the Composer functionality?

arambalakjian commented 11 years ago

Hi Matt, what needs to be done from this end to allow this? I was under the impression that composer just pulled down Git Repositories?

MattyBalaam commented 11 years ago

Hi Aram,

There's some talk here:

From what I've read I think it's simply a matter of creating a Composer.JSON file in the root of your module:

    "name": "silverstripe/foo_project_name",
    "description": "foo_description",
    "type": "silverstripe-module",
    "keywords": ["silverstripe", "foo", "bar"],
    "authors": [
        "name": "Foo Bar",
        "email": ""

        "silverstripe/framework": "3.*"

And then submitting to

Great work with the SS3 version of DOAP by the way.

arambalakjian commented 11 years ago

Ok that has been added, let me know if it works! :)

MattyBalaam commented 11 years ago

Brilliant, that works perfectly straight away. :D

arambalakjian commented 11 years ago

Great :)