arasatasaygin / openlogos

Free logos for open source projects
2.6k stars 67 forks source link

neo #14

Closed arasatasaygin closed 6 years ago

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

To claim this logo

kitze commented 6 years ago

This looks like a nice icon for JSUI!

It's a powerful UI toolkit for managing JavaScript apps.

manekinekko commented 6 years ago

Hi @arasatasaygin I really like your work. I've been looking for a nice logo creation for my app Any chance I can claim this logo? 🙏


deedubs commented 6 years ago

I'm building a secure by default Kubernetes distribution called MassiveKube. Its a high security, resilient, batteries included Kubernetes deployment. This logo would work perfectly.

Thanks for your consideration 😄

sal2993 commented 6 years ago

Me and a friend are building an archives of top HackerNews posts incase you need to see an old top post and its score/duration-as-top-post. Github page: Would love to have this logo! site: screenshot 2018-06-19 08 42 52

karpatic commented 6 years ago


GitHub : Example(s) : &

Premise : Allow civic leaders to develop real-time distributed GIS data exploration, analysis, and visualization PWA's without a programmer.

Why we would like this Logo : As I understand it, this Cube represents a City. The Logo's Gestalt groupings/ colors represent the disparate data-sets coming together to form this image of the City. If you check the github page you'll see we have a placeholder in our README for where the logo should be :) (this is a non-profit)

Thank you for this opportunity. I really do have so much respect for what you are doing!

raulk commented 6 years ago

I'd love to associate this logo with ethql – a GraphQL interface to Ethereum! (under very active development)

Check it out:

Thanks for your work.

OKNoah commented 6 years ago

My project is currently called Final; it's maybe best described as "React for the web server". If supports HTTP and WebSockets but handles it all with a "Component" with React-like lifecycle events. All data modelling is done similar to using "PropTypes" but with Flow instead. So it's kind of a Modal/Controller in one, where you can add functionality via decorators. Currently it supports an ArangoDB plugin/decorator and a Redux add-on. In the project I show examples of using it as game server and other things.

mirimmad commented 6 years ago

Hello there, I am a high schooler. I have been implementing a programming language since last 6-7 months. This logo would be perfect for my PL.

OKNoah commented 6 years ago

@mirimmad Awesome to hear someone like yourself is making a programming language! But this is for open source projects, and unless your project has source code that includes an open source license, it doesn't qualify-- but simply upload your code and include an open source license and you're eligible! Plus how an I vote for you if I can't see the project? Looking forward to it, and good luck.

mirimmad commented 6 years ago

@OKNoah Noah! The project will be open sourced within 1.5 months.

imolorhe commented 6 years ago

Hey! This would be a nice logo for altair!

It is a graphQL client/IDE. Slowly gaining traction too. This would be a nice start of a makeover. 😊 Altair GraphQL Client

DonDebonair commented 6 years ago

@manekinekko it says in the readme of openlogos that these logos are meant for open source projects, but I can't seem to find the repo for xLayers anywhere. Am I missing something here?

OKNoah commented 6 years ago

@mirimmad That's outside the timeframe of this process. But, I'm not the police of it! However, I just wanted to share that releasing your early code soon is not a bad idea. You might decide to change the license later. That way, you have open source code that's version e.g. 0.9.19 and then premium-priced code that's 1.0.0+. Instead of waiting for a perfect app, get the alpha/beta out there as open source, then think about monetization. Many projects start with just a license and a README.

I'm sorry to blabber on, but I was going to link to an article I can't find. It was something like this from Wikipedia or this blog post (probably the latter).

sirkadirov commented 6 years ago

Hi! My name is Yurij Kadirov and I'm developing programming contests management system with additional functionality called "SimplePM".

SimplePM is useful for schools and universities, where students learn programming. Also, you can use system on programming contests like ACM ICPC and IOI.

At this moment, project is being used by 2 schools in Ukraine, what is good for 2-year project.


Thank you for your OpenLogos project!

v9n commented 6 years ago


My name is Vinh. I build this

The project is 100% open source so one can self-hosted themselves:

It's an uptime monitoring tools but I want to add more feature on different kind of monitoring given I have the notification layer and the scanner build out.

Thank you.

alex-ppg commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone,

We are creating a fully open-source decentralised wallet for cryptocurrencies that will also host a peer-to-peer exchange in the future.

We believe the logo is ideal for the project due to its similarity with a block.

You can find the live version of the wallet (Without any form of tracking, not even a Google tag) on

Alternatively, feel free to visit our repository at

Good luck to all!

onokumus commented 6 years ago

Merhaba @arasatasaygin

Bu logo projesine çok yakışır diye düşünüyorum.


mirimmad commented 6 years ago

@OkNoah the project is open source now.

OKNoah commented 6 years ago

@mirimmad Cool! I am not much of an expert, but looks neat.

LaurenceUrhegyi commented 6 years ago


As has been stated before, this is such a great idea, a really good way for small FOSS projects to get a sweet logo!

I'd like to put forward BuildGrid for this logo. BuildGrid is a remote execution server, written in Python, that implements Google's Remote Execution and Remote Workers APIs. It's designed to work with build tool clients such as BuildStream and Bazel.

I really think this would suit the style of the project, since it seems to represent a 'grid' of inter-connected events - the very nature of distributed builds !

Thanks for putting the time in to create such nice logos :)

Best, Laurence

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

Congrats @deedubs
Can you please get in touch with me from I'll share all resource files, fonts, and sticker mule voucher.

Thanks again for claiming and supporting everyone. Fun fact: I was considering to not include this one to the batch, but it got great reactions from you people, so thanks :) Cheers

~ Aras