arasatasaygin / openlogos

Free logos for open source projects
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recurse #20

Closed arasatasaygin closed 6 years ago

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

To claim this logo

amitmerchant1990 commented 6 years ago

Hey! This logo looks nice and crisp. Nice work @arasatasaygin !

I would like to claim it for my project: Markdownify

Although it already has a logo(which I designed myself), I'm not pretty much happy with it. So, here goes the claim.

Cretezy commented 6 years ago

I'd like to claim this logo for my project Noderize since the logo is already a hexagon :)

Thank you very much! This is a great initiative!

OKNoah commented 6 years ago

My project is currently called Final; it's maybe best described as "React for the web server". If supports HTTP and WebSockets but handles it all with a "Component" with React-like lifecycle events. All data modelling is done similar to using "PropTypes" but with Flow instead. So it's kind of a Modal/Controller in one, where you can add functionality via decorators. Currently it supports an ArangoDB plugin/decorator and a Redux add-on. In the project I show examples of using it as game server and other things.

sirkadirov commented 6 years ago

Hi! My name is Yurij Kadirov and I'm developing programming contests management system with additional functionality called "SimplePM".

SimplePM is useful for schools and universities, where students learn programming. Also, you can use system on programming contests like ACM ICPC and IOI.

At this moment, project is being used by 2 schools in Ukraine, what is good for 2-year project.


Thank you for your OpenLogos project!

learnbyexample commented 6 years ago

@arasatasaygin, Nice initiative! thanks for doing this

I'd like to claim this logo for my example based Command Line Text Processing book

The project introduces various cli tools like grep, sed, awk, perl, ruby, sort, pr, paste, etc with plenty of examples. I've been working on it for more than a year and has over 7k stars. Seeing this project shared in various forums has been very satisfying and helped me to continue adding more chapters.

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone,

@amitmerchant1990 I like what you are doing with markdownify. @Cretezy great documentation on Noderize. I'll try to build some small projects with it. @OKNoah thanks for claiming. Final looks good. @sirkadirov hope you the best with simplePM Yuri @learnbyexample thanks for making this open source sir.

Thanks for the kind words. Cheers

fxfactorial commented 6 years ago


I run which is the only community public open source tech project in Armenia,

We need some kind of logo and this logo in particular is similar enough to an Ancient Armenian symbol of eternity as well, հավերժության նշան,

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

Congrats @Cretezy Can you please get in touch with me from I'll share all resource files, fonts and sticker mule voucher.

Thanks again everyone for claiming and supporting. Cheers

~ Aras

garrettw commented 6 years ago

Typo in the logo 😉

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

:D Thanks for letting me know @garrettw Sending you the updated resources @Cretezy

dreamZhf commented 6 years ago

你好: 申请使用此标志,用来做来安全识别二维码的LOGO

Cretezy commented 6 years ago

Just an update:

The logo is live at

It looks great, thank you!

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago
