arasatasaygin / openlogos

Free logos for open source projects
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hangry-birds #5

Closed arasatasaygin closed 6 years ago

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

To claim this logo

DrRoach commented 6 years ago

Hello, the project that I would like to put forward is called NetworkAPI.

It is a Java networking library/API to make long drawn out networking processes quick and simple. It will allow relatively new/novice Java programmers to implement Server/Client architectures in their programs with just a few lines of code. Whether that's communication between desktops, mobiles or tablets. As long as it runs Java they will all be able to talk to each other.

Whether you use NetworkAPI for messaging apps, backend game communication or just a simple mobile app no changes other than initial setup are needed other than the boilerplate setup and method overloads. This being said, the library isn't just for new developers but for everybody that's fed up of implementing the whole networking structure project after project.

NetworkAPI leverages threads so that performance is optimal and latency is kept to an absolute minimum.

Also included in this library will be end-end encryption and server signature verification so that people can feel assured that whatever data they are sending won't be able to be intercepted and read by third parties. This is a major talking point right now around the globe with people becoming more concerned about their privacy and what information may be in third party hands.

This project is still in it's early days and whilst I'm still working on getting all of the encryption stuff working (I don't have as much time as I'd like to work on this 😩) all of the base networking stuff is implemented.

moinism commented 6 years ago

I'd like to request this one for BotUI:

Its a framework to create conversational UIs.

I liked the Clique but that's already gone so this makes sense as the birds and can be interpreted as different parties in the chat/messages.

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

Hey, many thanks for your kind words.

@DrRoach None of us have enough time to work on our projects I guess. It took me months to release this one. NetworkAPI looks good btw. @moinism Liked botui. I actually needed something like this, thanks. You can claim clique if you want, it is still there.

DrRoach commented 6 years ago

@arasatasaygin Thank you, appreciate it 👊

BhautikChudasama commented 6 years ago

I want to this for my chat web app.

garrettw commented 6 years ago

@BhautikChudasama you have to provide a link to your open-source project

moinism commented 6 years ago

@arasatasaygin have you started awarding the logos yet?

jwu910 commented 6 years ago

@moinism if you follow his repository, you can see when the logos have been awarded. There hasn't been much other activity so its not a lot of spam

arasatasaygin commented 6 years ago

Congrats @moinism
Can you please get in touch with me from I'll share all resource files, fonts, and sticker mule voucher.

Thanks again for claiming and supporting everyone. Cheers

~ Aras