arashnorouzi / Moon-APNS

A free open source c# library for sending Apple Push Notifications in any .net application.
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Content-available is missing #21

Open yehyatt opened 8 years ago

yehyatt commented 8 years ago

Where is Content-Available? it must be the part of aps.. Is it missing or not available in moon-apns? if so how to send Content-Available as a part of aps as showed in below example-

{"aps":{"alert":"Hello","badge":1,"content-available" : 1,"sound":"default"}} I tried Add custom ; but it adds custom property outside the aps string.

mnht20 commented 8 years ago

Change Class NotificationPayload To:

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace MoonAPNS { public class NotificationPayload { public NotificationAlert Alert { get; set; }

    public string DeviceToken { get; set; }

    public int? Badge { get; set; }

    public string Sound { get; set; }

    internal int PayloadId { get; set; }
    public int Content_available { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, object[]> CustomItems
        private set;

    public NotificationPayload(string deviceToken)
        DeviceToken = deviceToken;
        Alert = new NotificationAlert();
        CustomItems = new Dictionary<string, object[]>();  

    public NotificationPayload(string deviceToken, string alert)
        DeviceToken = deviceToken;
        Alert = new NotificationAlert() { Body = alert };
        CustomItems = new Dictionary<string, object[]>();  

    public NotificationPayload(string deviceToken, string alert, int badge)
        DeviceToken = deviceToken;
        Alert = new NotificationAlert() { Body = alert };
        Badge = badge;
        CustomItems = new Dictionary<string, object[]>();  

    public NotificationPayload(string deviceToken, string alert, int badge, string sound)
        DeviceToken = deviceToken;
        Alert = new NotificationAlert() { Body = alert };
        Badge = badge;
        Sound = sound;

        CustomItems = new Dictionary<string, object[]>();


public NotificationPayload(string deviceToken, string alert, int badge, string sound,int content_available) { DeviceToken = deviceToken; Alert = new NotificationAlert() { Body = alert }; Badge = badge; Sound = sound; Content_available = content_available; CustomItems = new Dictionary<string, object[]>();

    public void AddCustom(string key, params object[] values)
        if (values != null)
            this.CustomItems.Add(key, values);

    public string ToJson()
        JObject json = new JObject();

        JObject aps = new JObject();

        if (!this.Alert.IsEmpty)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Alert.Body)
                && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Alert.LocalizedKey)
                && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey)
                && (this.Alert.LocalizedArgs == null || this.Alert.LocalizedArgs.Count <= 0))
                aps["alert"] = new JValue(this.Alert.Body);
                JObject jsonAlert = new JObject();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Alert.LocalizedKey))
                    jsonAlert["loc-key"] = new JValue(this.Alert.LocalizedKey);

                if (this.Alert.LocalizedArgs != null && this.Alert.LocalizedArgs.Count > 0)
                    jsonAlert["loc-args"] = new JArray(this.Alert.LocalizedArgs.ToArray());

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Alert.Body))
                    jsonAlert["body"] = new JValue(this.Alert.Body);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey))
                    jsonAlert["action-loc-key"] = new JValue(this.Alert.ActionLocalizedKey);

                aps["alert"] = jsonAlert;

        if (this.Badge.HasValue)
            aps["badge"] = new JValue(this.Badge.Value);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Sound))
            aps["sound"] = new JValue(this.Sound);

        if (this.Content_available == 1)
            aps["content-available"] = new JValue(this.Content_available);

        json["aps"] = aps;

        foreach (string key in this.CustomItems.Keys)
            if (this.CustomItems[key].Length == 1)
                json[key] = new JValue(this.CustomItems[key][0]);
            else if (this.CustomItems[key].Length > 1)
                json[key] = new JArray(this.CustomItems[key]);

        string rawString = json.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None, null);

        StringBuilder encodedString = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (char c in rawString)
            if ((int)c < 32 || (int)c > 127)
                encodedString.Append("\\u" + String.Format("{0:x4}", Convert.ToUInt32(c)));
        return rawString;// encodedString.ToString();

    public override string ToString()
        return ToJson();
