arashnorouzi / Moon-APNS

A free open source c# library for sending Apple Push Notifications in any .net application.
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Invalid device token length, possible simulator entry #9

Open bhavyaWadhwa opened 11 years ago

bhavyaWadhwa commented 11 years ago

I am gettin error "Invalid device token length, possible simulator entry" whie using MoonAPNS library.I am unable to send MDM payload not aps payload by using MoonAPNS library.please help....

i have the key UDID,Token,Push Magic and UnlockToken and their values also. but when i tried to send var payload1 = new NotificationPayload("Device token","Message",Badge,"Sound");

Device Token = UDID or Token then its showing error Invalid device token length, possible simulator entry in SendQueueToapple(IEnumerable queue) method.

Please resolve my issue as soon as possible. Please help me.

bhavyaWadhwa commented 11 years ago

Please suggest answer related to this...