arashsm79 / path-integration-bump-attractor

Path Integration using bump attractors as head direction cells
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Adapting for integrate and fire neurons #1

Closed NikhilMukraj closed 2 weeks ago

NikhilMukraj commented 4 weeks ago

Hi there, I'm currently working on developing computational neuroscience simulations in Rust and found your very well written repository, I was wondering if it would be possible to adapt your methods to be used with simple integrate and fire neurons or Izhikevich neurons where the input is a simple weighted sum of inputs from each presynaptic neuron? Any ideas would be appreciated

arashsm79 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey! I guess CoreNeuron would be a good place to start, if you want to go down the route of high performance simulation with Rust. The Blue Brain Project also has a lot of repositories and documentation that might be useful.