arashsoft / SciencePriorities

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Items in the benchmarking menu #3

Open armandidandeh opened 9 years ago

armandidandeh commented 9 years ago

No line graph module --> why in the list?

Bar chart and pie charts: no description of whether they are showing the cumulative values or what, esp. in the tooltips. In addition, the "value" has no unit assigned. Is it in million dollars? Also the bgcolor of tooltips should be consistent all over the tool. --> consistency in css class usage.

Add to that the fact that the fonts for the labels are not consistent, and the colors better be the representative color of the universities, at least for Western! screenshot from 2015-04-24 11 42 49

Finally, there should be ordering allowed, at least for the bar graph.

armandidandeh commented 9 years ago

What is the point of this?

screenshot from 2015-04-24 11 49 38

armandidandeh commented 9 years ago

One cannot even access the tooltip on the last department "Environm"!!!

screenshot from 2015-04-24 11 54 18

armandidandeh commented 9 years ago

Why have this when there is no interaction?

screenshot from 2015-04-24 11 56 57

pparsons commented 9 years ago

in khoob neest

arashsoft commented 9 years ago

First Comment: I had a plan to add line-graph module to simple visualizations but it requires temporal structure which was not available. This d3 example was my idea for line-graphs

For the value, the module converts values to K, Mil, Bil appropriately. I think it is better to change database values and put complete number.

These modules cannot be cumulative because they are representing one element for different entities. For example, the amount of awards for different departments. (Line-graph can be cumulative)

The idea of colors for universities is accessible because those modules can get a color pattern in their constructors but, we have to add colors in the database.

The font does not change, but I resize textboxs based on the width of bars (it was our end-user request to do so).

arashsoft commented 9 years ago

Second Comment: We have three different research chairs: Canada research chair, Industrial research chair, and Canada Excellence research chair. The point of that diagram is representing the number of professors in each category. Currently the database has 17 Canada research chair, 0 Industrial research chair , and 0 Excellence research chair but it is not correct.

See these links: (names of 18 Canada research chair) (names of 4 Industrial research chair) (name of 1 Excellence research chair)

Based on the Wikipedia, UWO has at least 64 Canada research chair (

arashsoft commented 9 years ago

Third Comment: Those departments are not real department. The amount of award for that department is 50,000$ that is why the bar is too small.

arashsoft commented 9 years ago

Fourth Comment: It is a simple visualization to represent the number of professors in each department. For example we can see that Biology department has more professors than Computer science + Chemistry. Pie-chart has some advantages and disadvantages compare to Bar-chart; therefore, keeping both of them is a good idea. In addition, it makes our visualization tool more fancy! :)

arashsoft commented 9 years ago

Fifth Comment: in alii hast!