araskind / MRC2Toolbox

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Add score and MatchType to MS2 features table #6

Open evanscr opened 2 years ago

evanscr commented 2 years ago

Add score and match type for selected ID to MS2 features table (this would allow sorting features by match score and/or match type, which would be very useful). In my opinion I think we can ignore the issue that METLIN search IDs for now and assume that MSPEPsearch will be the primary supported search method, at least for the time being. No need to "get rid of" metlin support from Agilent import, but addressing the score format inconsistency isn't as crucial at this stage.

araskind commented 2 years ago

You can now filter the MSMS table by the type of the match and minimal NIST score. I will add the entropy score filter (it will definitely work for normal search and reconcile METLIN and NIST search results. Probably will work OK for NIST in-source search, not for hybrid, but NIST hybrid score is also net useful unless you compare only hybrid hits)
