arauchfuss / Simple-Comic

OS X comic viewer
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Added swipe to turn page #98

Closed mattjmorrison closed 7 years ago

mattjmorrison commented 9 years ago

This is the same implementation added by @kapilreddy in PR #78 with the addition of a call to - trackSwipeEventWithOptions:dampenAmountThresholdMin:max:usingHandler:. I noticed in the original implementation a single swipe would scroll through 3 or 4 pages. The addition of this new call will limit one page turn per swipe.

Thanks @kapilreddy for doing all of the initial work!

antbryan commented 9 years ago

thanks for the new feature, @mattjmorrison

it seems this repo is no longer updated, it'd be great if there was a maintained version somewhere.

kopischke commented 9 years ago

This fork looks like your best bet.

antbryan commented 9 years ago

I wasn't able to get that to compile but this other fork was easier for someone who's never used Xcode before. :)