aravindsankar28 / FastSVDD

Implementation of Fast SVDD
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There maybe one mistake to correct~ #1

Open YLili opened 7 years ago

YLili commented 7 years ago

When I run the test_svdd.m in 'FastSVDD-master\Code\Ellipse\svdd', matlab print there is something wrong. The output is

字段赋值赋给非结构体数组对象。 出错 createOptionFeedback (line 33) options.(stopTestOptions{k}) = []; 出错 prepareOptionsForSolver (line 40) optionFeedback = createOptionFeedback(options); 出错 quadprog (line 133) [options, optionFeedback] = prepareOptionsForSolver(options, 'quadprog'); 出错 svdd_train (line 62) [alpha, fval, exitflag, output] = quadprog(H,[],[],[],A,b,vlb,vub,x0,'Display','none','TolX',1e-14,'TolFun',1e-14,'TolCon',1e-14); 出错 test_svdd (line 16) [svi, alpha,c] = svdd_train(train,K,ker,C,2^log2g);

I find there maybe a mistake in FastSVDD-master\Code\Ellipse\svdd\svdd_train.m, the following code

[alpha, fval, exitflag, output] = quadprog(H,[],[],[],A,b,vlb,vub,x0,'Display','none','TolX',1e-14,'TolFun',1e-14,'TolCon',1e-14);

should change into

[alpha, fval, exitflag, output] = quadprog(H,[],[],[],A,b,vlb,vub,x0,struct('Display','none','TolX',1e-14,'TolFun',1e-14,'TolCon',1e-14));

Maybe this is because the different version of matlab. Thanks for your code anyway! It is excellent!

aravindsankar28 commented 7 years ago

Yes you're absolutely right. A different matlab version was used earlier which was the reason for the error. Will update the change soon.