Closed yangkang779 closed 5 years ago
I have not finished the test section yet. When I finished, I will let you know (:
Many thanks.
Thanks. I get an error when I run python Epoch:0007 example:006001/1451686(0.41)% lr:0.0005314 closs:0.3371 rloss:0.0233 tloss:0.3604 68%|███████████████████████████ | 678/1000 [02:21<00:48, 6.71it/s]/home/yangkang/tracking/SiamRPN-PyTorch/train/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log diff[:,2] = np.log((gt[2] + eps)/(anchors[:,2] + eps)) /home/yangkang/tracking/SiamRPN-PyTorch/train/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log diff[:,3] = np.log((gt[3] + eps)/(anchors[:,3] + eps)) 68%|███████████████████████████▏ | 679/1000 [02:21<00:47, 6.77it/s]
I find some bounding boxes are outside of the image region. For example, in the video GOT-10k_Train_000399, at frame 66, the image size is (w=1920, h=1080), but the bounding box is [570. 477. 831. 607.], so that ymax = 477+607 = 1084 > 1080 and frame 75, the image size is (w=1920, h=1080), but the bounding box is [651.,38.,1268.,1043.0000], so that ymax = 38+1043 = 1081 > 1080. You need fixed it in your GOT-10k dataset in video GOT-10k_Train_000399 (: 👍
When will the test code be released?Many thanks.