I have been testing electrify from a blank project but it seems that the callback function within electrify.start() is never called.
Another problem is that my cpu goes crazy on the node process (I tried only on osx).
It does start the meteor process but nothing else happen and I cannot know within the electrify code if it started correctly.
seyan:tester deeeed$ electrify
Changes to your project's package version selections:
arboleya:electrify added, version 2.1.4
arboleya:electrify: Package your Meteor apps with Electron, and butter.
INFO electrify:index: initializing
INFO electrify:plugins: use mongodb
INFO electrify:plugins: use nodejs
INFO electrify:plugins: use socket
INFO electrify:app: initialize app
INFO electrify:scaffold: ensuring basic structure
INFO electrify:app: ensuring electrify dependencies
INFO electrify:plugins: acquire
INFO electrify:plugins:mongodb: acquiring mongo
INFO electrify:plugins:mongodb: acquiring mongod
INFO electrify:plugins:nodejs: acquiring nodejs
INFO electrify:plugins:socket: nothing to acquire, skipping
[[[ electron /Users/deeeed/WebstormProjects/tester/.electrify` ]]]
INFO electrify:index: initializing
INFO electrify:plugins: use mongodb
INFO electrify:plugins: use nodejs
INFO electrify:plugins: use socket
INFO electrify:index: start
INFO electrify:app: running app
INFO electrify:app: ensuring electrify dependencies
INFO electrify:plugins: load configured plugins []
INFO electrify:plugins: acquire
INFO electrify:plugins:mongodb: mongo already acquired, moving on
INFO electrify:plugins:mongodb: mongod already acquired, moving on
INFO electrify:plugins:nodejs: nodejs already acquired, moving on
INFO electrify:plugins:socket: nothing to acquire, skipping
INFO electrify:plugins: start
INFO electrify:plugins:mongodb: app not packaged, skipping start
INFO electrify:plugins:socket: starting socket
SockJS v0.3.16 bound to "/electrify"
INFO electrify:index: socket listening at 11235
INFO electrify:plugins:nodejs: app not packaged, skipping start
INFO electrify:app: starting meteor
[[[[[ ~/WebstormProjects/tester ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
GET /electrify/info 4ms 200
=> Started your app.
=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
GET /electrify/390/0o2dxncq/websocket 4ms (unfinished)
I20160424-10:10:12.883(2)? electrify:meteor:index@server: connection is open
The electron icon is running in the dock but the Browser window is never launched.
Did I miss something for electrify.start() ?
Maybe it is only supposed to work after being packaged ?
I have been testing electrify from a blank project but it seems that the callback function within electrify.start() is never called. Another problem is that my cpu goes crazy on the node process (I tried only on osx). It does start the meteor process but nothing else happen and I cannot know within the electrify code if it started correctly.
The electron icon is running in the dock but the Browser window is never launched.
Did I miss something for electrify.start() ? Maybe it is only supposed to work after being packaged ?