arbrandt / OPGEE

Oil Production Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimator
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Heavy oil upgrading and diluent error #478

Closed KyleMcGaughy closed 1 year ago

KyleMcGaughy commented 2 years ago

Using both heavy oil dilution and upgrading at the same time takes the liquid stream from the dilution sheet, but the solid stream from the upgrading sheet. This does not set off a mass balance error even though it should. Ideally if both diluent and upgrading are enabled the oil would first go to diluent then to upgrading, which reflects actual processing in oil sands operations. Attached is a step by step guide to fix this error, add a new error flag to identify if a mine is using neither diluent nor upgrading, and to remove diluent and upgrading dependency on mining status in the input sheet.

3.0a diluent upgrading bugfix log.xlsx

KyleMcGaughy commented 2 years ago

For my proposed changes, Heavy Oil Dilution cell E12 should be '=IF($N$1="ON",IF(M38=0,Oil_prodF57m3_per_bbl*Oil_sands_mine_nonint_01,0),0)' If dilution is on, and mining is not, the mining stream gets set to zero. If dilution and mining are on, but there is offsite upgrading then mining stream is set to 0, but with onsite upgrading mining stream will be the normal production value. This is not an elegant solution, but it works.

wennanlong commented 1 year ago

The design doc is