arbrandt / OPGEE

Oil Production Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimator
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Drilling & development worksheet- CO2 gas production not accounted #516

Open myjabbar opened 1 year ago

myjabbar commented 1 year ago

For CO2-EOR modelling, in the Drilling & development worksheet cell M17 only accounts for HC gas production. I proposed to include the CO2 gas production as well.

Current cumulative gas production per field (tonne) in cell M17


Proposed changes

Add a new line to similarly calculate Cumulative CO2 production per field (bcf) in Cell M20 =IF(Flood_gas_type=3,((M15*GFIR*(Perc_CO2_breakthrough/100))/1000000000),0)

Add a new line to calculate Cumulative CO2 production per field (tonne) in Cell M21 =M20*1000*'Fuel Specs'!I124

Add the CO2 production per field (tonne) to cell M17 =(M16*1000000000*mol_per_scf*@INDEX(FlowTable,MW_G,27)/1000000)+M21