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SA4D #9

Open rdmueller opened 7 years ago

rdmueller commented 7 years ago

I think we should write something about the difference between SA4D and arc42.

I see the main difference that arc42 need no code and can be used to describe a software architecture independent of code. SA4D builds on the assumption that the needed architecture diagrams can be extracted from the code - it does not plan the architecture, but documents it.

As a result, both approaches might be used together: arc42 for planning and SA4D in a later stage for checking that reality and plans are the same. From that point on, SA4D could generate the diagrams for arc42.

Please correct me if I got it wrong...

gernotstarke commented 7 years ago

my thesis is that architecture models can NOT generally be generated from code, at least not without massive help by knowledgeable people... Generation works for smaller systems (single-language, already good modularization)...

But: It'd be great to cover SA4D + arc42 in the FAQ (and in some articles in JavaMagazin...)

(my current prio is to add further questions to the faq-site - then add additional topics)

rdmueller commented 7 years ago

yes, I agree with your thesis. As I do understand Simons approach, he codes his solution with some architectural hints within the code. That lets him generate the diagrams from the code.