arcadiadevs / gensplus-issues

Supercharge Your Server with Advanced Upgradable Generators
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My genplus is showing up as red on /pl #36

Closed InqyReal closed 1 year ago

InqyReal commented 1 year ago

`# Specify the time after which the item will despawn from the time it was spawned.

The despawn time can be specified in the following format variations:

- "1h" for 1 hour

- "5m" for 5 minutes

- "1h 5m" for 1 hour and 5 minutes

- "1h 5m 5s" for 1 hour and 5 minutes 5 seconds

item-despawn-time: 5m

If set to false, players will not be able to place generator drops.

If player places generator drop, it will lose all it

values and will be turned into a normal block.

can-drops-be-placed: false

Each world listed here will have generators disabled.

If empty, all worlds will have generators enabled.

disabled-worlds: []

Should we give a generator instantly to players inventory

when they break a generator? If set to false, the generator

will be dropped on the ground.

instant-pickup: false


If enabled is set to false, when player joins, he will not receive

the generator.

enabled: false

What tier of generator should player be given on join.

generator-tier: 1

How many generators should player be given on join.

generator-amount: 3


If enabled is set to false, the command will not be registered.

enabled: true

The command that will be used to sell all drops in inventory.



Per-player generator limits


If enabled is set to false, the limit will not be checked.

enabled: true

# Should we use permissions for generator limit?
# If set to true, you will be able to set specific
# limits for each player. [gensplus.limit.<amount>]
# (ex: gensplus.limit.20)
use-permissions: false

# Should we use commands for generator limit?
# If set to true, you can set specific limits for each player
# by using the command /gensplus setlimit <player> <limit>
# (ex: /gensplus setlimit Notch 20).
use-commands: true

# The default generator limit for all players
default-limit: 20

# The placeholder that will be used in the limit placeholder
# if the limit-settings.enabled is set to false.
unlimited-placeholder: Unlimited

Per island generator limits. Supports IridiumSkyblock, SuperiorSkyblock,

and Bentobox (only with Bentobox Levels addon)

per-island: enabled: false

# How many generators should an island get per level.
# Format: "<startLevel>:<endLevel>:<amount>"
# Example: "1:5:1" means that between levels 1 and 5, the island will get 1 generator.
# Example: "6:10:2" means that between levels 6 and 10, the island will get 2 generators.
- '1:5:1'
- '6:10:2'

Radius defines in how many blocks around the generator the player

needs to be in order for the generator to be active.


If not enabled, generators will always be active, even if

player is not in the chunk radius.

enabled: true

Should we use permissions for chunk radius?

If set to true, you will be able to set specific

chunk radius for each player. [gensplus.radius.]

(ex: gensplus.radius.5)

use-permissions: true

The default radius used if player has no permission

or if use-permission is set to false.

default-radius: 50


Should we use permissions for multiplier?

If set to true, you will be able to set specific

multipliers for each player. [gensplus.sell.multiplier.]

(ex: gensplus.sell.multiplier.2)

use-permissions: true

The default multiplier for all players

default-multiplier: 1

wands: sell-wand: enabled: true

# Action that will open the gui if enabled or upgrade the generator if upgrade gui
# is disabled. Available actions (case sensitive!):

# If sneak-required is set to true, the player will need to sneak in order to
# open the gui or upgrade the generator.
sneak-required: true

# The material of the sell wand
material: BLAZE_ROD

# The name of the sell wand
name: '&6&lSELL WAND'

unlimited-uses-prefix: ∞

# The lore of the sell wand
- ''
- '&7Right click on a chest or a hopper to sell all drops!'
- ''
- '&e&l⌈ &fUses: &a%uses%'
- '&e&l⌊ &fMultiplier: &a%multiplier%'


Gui to view generators by a command


If enabled is set to false, the command will not be registered.

enabled: true

# Title of the gui
title: Generators

# Number of rows in the gui
rows: 5

  # If enabled is set to false, the border won't be displayed.
  enabled: false

  # Material of the border

  # Name of the border
  name: ' '

Gui when upgrading generator


If enabled is set to false, upgrade gui will not be displayed

# and the generator will be upgraded instantly by Shift + Right Click-ing.
# on the generator.
enabled: true

# Action that will open the gui if enabled or upgrade the generator if upgrade gui
# is disabled. Available actions (case sensitive!):

# If sneak-required is set to true, the player will need to sneak in order to
# open the gui or upgrade the generator.
sneak-required: true

  first-line: '&e》 &a&lUPGRADE GEN &e《'
  # If lore is not specified, the default lore will be used.
  # The default lore can be specified in the following format:
  # - %tier%" equals to the generator's tier
  # - %speed%" is the generator's speed of spawning items
  # - %price%" is the price of generator
  # - %sellPrice%" is the sell price of generator drop
  # - %spawnItem%" equals to what item will generator spawn
  # - %blockType%" equals to block type of generator
  # - %nextTier% equals to the next tier of generator
  # - %nextSpeed% equals to the next speed of generator
  # - %nextPrice% equals to the next price of generator
  # - %nextSellPrice% equals to the next sell price of generator
  # - %nextSpawnItem% equals to the next spawn item of generator
  # - %nextBlockType% equals to the next block type of generator
  - ''
  - '&fMoney: &a%money%'
  - '&fUpgrade Price: &a%upgradePrice%'
  - ''
  - '&eCurrent Details:'
  - '&e&l⌈ &fTier: &a%tier%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fSpeed: &a%speed%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fPrice: &a%price%'
  - '&e&l⌊ &fSell Price: &a%sellPrice%'
  - ''
  - '&eNext Details:'
  - '&e&l⌈ &fTier: &a%nextTier%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fSpeed: &a%nextSpeed%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fPrice: &a%nextPrice%'
  - '&e&l⌊ &fSell Price: &a%nextSellPrice%'
  - ''

  first-line: '&e》 &a&lUPGRADE ALL GENS &e《'
  # If lore is not specified, the default lore will be used.
  # The default lore can be specified in the following format:
  # - %tier%" equals to the generator's tier
  # - %speed%" is the generator's speed of spawning items
  # - %price%" is the price of generator
  # - %sellPrice%" is the sell price of generator drop
  # - %spawnItem%" equals to what item will generator spawn
  # - %blockType%" equals to block type of generator
  # - %nextTier% equals to the next tier of generator
  # - %nextSpeed% equals to the next speed of generator
  # - %nextPrice% equals to the next price of generator
  # - %nextSellPrice% equals to the next sell price of generator
  # - %nextSpawnItem% equals to the next spawn item of generator
  # - %nextBlockType% equals to the next block type of generator
  - ''
  - '&fMoney: &a%money%'
  - '&fUpgrade Price: &a%upgradePrice%'
  - ''
  - '&eCurrent Details:'
  - '&e&l⌈ &fTier: &a%tier%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fSpeed: &a%speed%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fPrice: &a%price%'
  - '&e&l⌊ &fSell Price: &a%sellPrice%'
  - ''
  - '&eNext Details:'
  - '&e&l⌈ &fTier: &a%nextTier%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fSpeed: &a%nextSpeed%'
  - '&e&lⅠ &fPrice: &a%nextPrice%'
  - '&e&l⌊ &fSell Price: &a%nextSellPrice%'
  - ''

# Title of the gui
title: Upgrade Generator

# Number of rows in the gui
rows: 3


If enabled is set to false, holograms will not be shown

enabled: false

The hologram view distance

view-distance: 300


time can be specified in the following format variations:

- "1h" for 1 hour

- "5m" for 5 minutes

- "1h 5m" for 1 hour and 5 minutes

- "1h 5m 5s" for 1 hour and 5 minutes and 5 seconds

# Time duration between events

time-between-events: 1h

Duration of each event

event-duration: 2m


If enabled is set to false, there will be no broadcast messages.

enabled: true


If enabled is set to false, the event will not be registered.

enabled: true

# Name of the drop event
name: Drop Event

# Multiplier for the event
multiplier: 2


If enabled is set to false, the event will not be registered.

enabled: true

# Name of the sell event
name: Sell Event

# Multiplier for the event
multiplier: 2


If enabled is set to false, the event will not be registered.

enabled: true

# Name of the speed event
name: Speed Event

# Multiplier for the event
multiplier: 2


If enabled is set to false, particles will not be displayed upon upgrade.

enabled: true

Type of the particle. Make sure to use particles

that are supported by your server version, otherwise,

the particles will not be displayed. You can find

all supported particles here:


Sound that will be played upon upgrade.

You can find all supported sounds here:


If lore is not specified, the default lore will be used.

The default lore can be specified in the following format:

- %tier%" equals to the generator's tier

- %speed%" is the generator's speed of spawning items

- %price%" is the price of generator

- %sellPrice%" is the sell price of generator drop

- %spawnItem%" equals to what item will generator spawn

- %blockType%" equals to block type of generator


If itemSpawnLore is not specified, the default item spawn lore will be used.

The default item spawn lore can be specified in the following format:

- %sellPrice%" is the sell price of the generator drop


If hologramLines is not specified, the default hologram lines will be used.

The default hologram lines can be specified in the following format:

Lines that will be displayed above the generator

Lines can be specified in the following format:

%name% will be replaced with the name of the generator

%tier% will be replaced with the tier of the generator

%speed% will be replaced with the speed of the generator

%spawnItem% will be replaced with the item that generator spawns

%sellPrice% will be replaced with the sell price of the generator


generators represent the generators that will be added in the gui,

name is the name of the generator

tier is the tier of the generator (each generator must have a unique tier)

price is the price of the generator

sellPrice is the sell price of the generator drop

speed is the speed of the generator (how often it will spawn items)

spawnItem is the item that generator will spawn

blockType is the block type of the generator

lore is the lore of the generator (if not specified, the default lore will be used)

itemSpawnLore is the lore of the generator drop (if not specified, the default item spawn lore will be used)

hologramLines is the hologram lines of the generator (if not specified, the default hologram lines will be used)

dropDisplayName is the display name of the generator drop

instantBreak is whether the generator can be instantly broken by SHIT + RIGHT-clicking or not


developer-options: debug: false can-items-be-placed: false `

Anything wrong with this config?

Marko675 commented 1 year ago

Please, try using the default config (