Closed GINNOV closed 6 years ago
Hi there. Unless you really need to, theres not a great need for you to do your playback manager in ObjC. Here is a Swift example that should work.
// Your class needs to inherit from NSObject in order to
// conform to Objective-C protocols
class PlaybackManager: NSObject {
var transportService: UPPAVTransportService!
func subscribe() {
let manager = UPPEventSubscriptionManager.shared()
manager.subscribeObserver(self, to: transportService, completion: nil)
func unsubscribe() {
let manager = UPPEventSubscriptionManager.shared()
manager.removeObserver(self, from: transportService, completion: nil)
extension PlaybackManager: UPPEventSubscriptionDelegate {
func eventRecieved(_ event: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
let event = event as? [String: Any],
let thisEvent = event["Event"] as? [String: String]
else { return }
if let transportState = thisEvent["TransportState"] {
print("TransportState: \(transportState)")
In case you find it useful, here is an example event sent by a renderer:
Event = {
AVTransportURI = "*/music/AAC/Black*20Sabbath/We*20Sold*20Our*20Soul*20For*20Rock*20*27N*27*20Roll/1-01*20Black*20Sabbath.m4a";
AVTransportURIMetaData = "<UPPMediaItem: 0x60400010ac20, title: Black Sabbath>";
CurrentMediaDuration = "0:06:22.061";
CurrentPlayMode = NORMAL;
CurrentRecordQualityMode = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED";
CurrentTrack = 1;
CurrentTrackDuration = "0:06:22.061";
CurrentTrackMetaData = "<UPPMediaItem: 0x600000110620, title: Black Sabbath>";
CurrentTrackURI = "*/music/AAC/Black*20Sabbath/We*20Sold*20Our*20Soul*20For*20Rock*20*27N*27*20Roll/1-01*20Black*20Sabbath.m4a";
CurrentTransportActions = Play;
NumberOfTracks = 1;
PlaybackStorageMedium = NETWORK;
PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia = "NONE,NETWORK";
PossibleRecordQualityModes = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED";
PossibleRecordStorageMedia = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED";
RecordMediumWriteStatus = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED";
RecordStorageMedium = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED";
TransportPlaySpeed = 1;
TransportState = STOPPED;
TransportStatus = OK;
SID = "uuid:140bccc0-8c66-153c-8767-e0bb44dae7bb";
thank you for the quick turnaround, much appreciated. I was aiming so much in trying to understand how to do that in ObjC and then create a bridge in Swift to continue my part that I completely missed the point that I could have simply taken a different approach. Thank you for your very complete answer, much appreciated.
Hello there - Thank you for this project!
I work exclusively in Swift, I manage to get a few things done in ObjC but it is definitely not my cup of tea.
I would like to add to the Example attached at the project the ability to track events and then parse the dictionary.
I understand how to parse the dictionary but I can't figure out how to create In the sample attached in the code subscriptions for events.
I got this far: In the playbackManager.m I added: (a dummy method)
UPPAVTransportService *avTransport = [self.renderer avTransportService]; [[UPPEventSubscriptionManager sharedManager] subscribeObserver:avTransport.observationInfo toService:avTransport completion:nil];
To the same file I added UPPEventSubscriptionDelegate delegate and comformed at it with:
- (void)eventReceived:(NSDictionary *)event { NSLog(@"%@ Event: %@", event.observationInfo, event.allKeys); }
I understand (because that what I would do in Swift) that I need to provide an observer and delegation to trap the events but again I have no clue on how to accomplish that in swift. Any chance, someone can post a chunk of code to receive events (LastChange is enough) so that I can learn and expand on that?
Thank you!