arcane368 / 420actr

Introduction to Computational Neuroscience - ACTR Project
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Phrenological Similarity #8

Open samuelkyl opened 11 years ago

samuelkyl commented 11 years ago

Add a slider to simulate words that are similar to each other, which decreases decay rate. Since programmatically this is the same as adjusting the decay rate, just multiply this new value by the decay rate and divide by some constant to normalize the decay rate.

fahad101 commented 11 years ago

Slider which increases number of words similar to each other would increase the constant decay rate in an exponential manner. Just have new number multiplied by 2 x decay rate = new decay rate. If 2 words similar in list then 2X, 4 words similar 4x decay rate and so on. So non phonologically similar words would have normal decay rate; but phonologically similar words would have speeded decay rate.