arcee-ai / mergekit

Tools for merging pretrained large language models.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Idea: Downscaling the K and/or Q matrices for repeated layers in franken-merges? #198

Open jukofyork opened 4 months ago

jukofyork commented 4 months ago

Has anyone tried downscaling the K and/or Q matrices for repeated layers in franken-merges? This should act like changing the temperature of the softmax and effectively smooth the distribution:

Hopfield Networks is All You Need

Transformers Learn Higher-Order Optimization Methods for In-Context Learning: A Study with Linear Models

Empirically I've found repeating large blocks does seem to make models "confidently wrong" - stacking two full copies of deepseek-coder or miqu-1 shows this phenomenon really well.

cg123 commented 4 months ago

This is an interesting idea! I've played around with downscaling o_proj/down_proj to just change the magnitude of the residual from layers but I'd definitely like to see what happens here.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

@cg123 @shamanez I don't know if you've seen 3blue1brown's last couple of videos:

but his interpretation of what the transformer is doing makes me really think the downscaling is even more important.

This gives a 3rd way to consider how stacking multiple layers could improve models, ie: more fine-grained movement within the high dimensional vector space leading to a more accurate final position!

The W_K and W_Q matrices both being scaled by 1/sqrt(2) would be equivalent to halving the score matrix values (which may or may not be the best scale factor, but probably a good start).

The interesting point the 3blue1brown video raises is that the W_V matrix should also probably be halved too. If it isn't then his sum of vectors interpretation will overshoot even if you deattenuate the sharpness of the softmax!

BUT: This doesn't account for the MLP layer that follows the transformer and the downscaled outputs of softmax * V might be too weak to push through the non-linearity of the MLP (or more likely just be plain wrong for what the MLP is expecting to see).

So perhaps the W_V matrix should be left alone and the norm layer be downscaled instead?

BUT: From some reading a few weeks ago, IIRC the current LLMs actually apply their norm layers before the operations for some reason (compared to the original "Attention is all you need" paper) and that's why there is the extra norm layer right at the end that I couldn't work out the point of having before...

So it's possible the residuals and/or the norm layers will both need downscaling so the vector addition interpretation is maintained?

Also the "confidentiality wrong" phenomenon can just as easily be explained by the overshooting in the vector space as it can by the sharpness of the softmax output (probably even more so!).

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I've just realised there is a super easy way to do this using the filters: just make a copy of the model and zero all the weights out and then use the linear merge method.

This would also be useful for a method described in a paper I can't find atm (related to the Solar 10.7b paper but not it) where a single transformer block is duplicated and placed after the original, and then 2 of the weight matrices in the block (one before and one after IIRC) are set to zero with the intension of making the whole block just perform the identity function and pass straight through. The idea being that this allows (especially instruction tuned) models to avoid catastrophic forgetting (somebody used this to upscale Mistral but again I can't find that model now).

Obviously it would be better if we could somehow specify to interpolate towards zero in the yaml file rather than have to make a zeroed model for this! :)

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

@cg123, I was just looking through the source of and its test and noticed you have added a scale parameter!!!

Is this the correct use of it:

dtype: float16
merge_method: passthrough
- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 10]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
- sources:
  - layer_range: [10, 11]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [11, 20]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [10, 30]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [20, 40]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [30, 50]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [40, 60]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [50, 70]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [60, 70]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [70, 71]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: input_layernorm
          value: 0.5
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [71, 80]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf

Do any of the models ever use an affine projection in the transformer part (ie: q_proj.bias or k_proj.bias) or is it safe to assume not?

I can't see any .bias values, but can see the input_layernorm so this makes the yaml file a bit more complex.

Really excited to try this now!!!

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

If this actually does anything useful then I will write some C++ to try to explore the scale factor over lots of random inputs:

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I've just realised there is a super easy way to do this using the filters: just make a copy of the model and zero all the weights out and then use the linear merge method.

This would also be useful for a method described in a paper I can't find atm (related to the Solar 10.7b paper but not it) where a single transformer block is duplicated and placed after the original, and then 2 of the weight matrices in the block (one before and one after IIRC) are set to zero with the intension of making the whole block just perform the identity function and pass straight through. The idea being that this allows (especially instruction tuned) models to avoid catastrophic forgetting (somebody used this to upscale Mistral but again I can't find that model now).

Obviously it would be better if we could somehow specify to interpolate towards zero in the yaml file rather than have to make a zeroed model for this! :)

Also, if anybody knows the name of this paper, I will make a couple of examples for both this "attenuated passthrough" idea above and the "identity duplication" idea from this paper using the new scale parameter.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Added some logging to and seem to be working:

Warmup loader cache: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 540.64it/s]
INFO:root:Planning operations
  5%|██████▌                                                                                                                                   | 213/4514 [00:01<00:22, 195.29it/s]INFO:root:Writing shard #1 to disk
  6%|████████▉                                                                                                                                  | 289/4514 [00:27<08:20,  8.44it/s]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  7%|█████████▍                                                                                                                                 | 308/4514 [01:05<41:42,  1.68it/s]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  7%|█████████▌                                                                                                                                 | 311/4514 [01:05<39:33,  1.77it/s]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  7%|█████████▌                                                                                                                               | 315/4514 [01:40<1:33:39,  1.34s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  7%|█████████▋                                                                                                                               | 319/4514 [01:41<1:22:46,  1.18s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  7%|█████████▊                                                                                                                               | 322/4514 [02:15<2:43:13,  2.34s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  7%|█████████▉                                                                                                                               | 326/4514 [02:15<2:14:41,  1.93s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  7%|██████████▏                                                                                                                              | 336/4514 [02:26<1:52:01,  1.61s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  8%|██████████▎                                                                                                                              | 341/4514 [02:26<1:28:40,  1.27s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  8%|██████████▌                                                                                                                              | 349/4514 [02:28<1:02:57,  1.10it/s]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
  8%|██████████▉                                                                                                                                | 355/4514 [02:28<49:02,  1.41it/s]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
  8%|██████████▉                                                                                                                              | 359/4514 [02:39<1:15:02,  1.08s/it]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.5
INFO:root:scale: 1.0
  9%|████████████▏                                                                                                                            | 400/4514 [05:05<2:47:09,  2.44s/it]INFO:root:Writing shard #2 to disk
 10%|█████████████                                                                                                                            | 429/4514 [07:45<4:07:27,  3.63s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 10%|█████████████                                                                                                                            | 431/4514 [08:30<6:58:15,  6.15s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 10%|█████████████▏                                                                                                                           | 435/4514 [08:30<5:02:39,  4.45s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 10%|█████████████▎                                                                                                                           | 438/4514 [09:11<7:23:44,  6.53s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 10%|█████████████▍                                                                                                                           | 442/4514 [09:11<5:09:26,  4.56s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 10%|█████████████▌                                                                                                                           | 445/4514 [09:26<5:16:07,  4.66s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 10%|█████████████▋                                                                                                                           | 450/4514 [09:26<3:20:03,  2.95s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 10%|█████████████▋                                                                                                                           | 453/4514 [09:27<2:38:44,  2.35s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 10%|█████████████▉                                                                                                                           | 459/4514 [09:28<1:38:44,  1.46s/it]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 10%|██████████████▏                                                                                                                          | 466/4514 [09:38<1:36:08,  1.42s/it]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 10%|██████████████▎                                                                                                                          | 471/4514 [09:38<1:08:32,  1.02s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|██████████████▍                                                                                                                          | 474/4514 [10:16<3:38:51,  3.25s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|██████████████▍                                                                                                                          | 477/4514 [10:16<2:37:11,  2.34s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|██████████████▌                                                                                                                          | 480/4514 [10:57<6:19:56,  5.65s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|██████████████▋                                                                                                                          | 483/4514 [10:57<4:29:28,  4.01s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|██████████████▊                                                                                                                          | 487/4514 [11:37<6:52:04,  6.14s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|██████████████▉                                                                                                                          | 493/4514 [11:38<3:36:45,  3.23s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|███████████████▏                                                                                                                         | 499/4514 [11:38<2:00:05,  1.79s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|███████████████▏                                                                                                                         | 502/4514 [11:48<2:24:39,  2.16s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|███████████████▎                                                                                                                         | 506/4514 [11:48<1:39:32,  1.49s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 11%|███████████████▍                                                                                                                         | 509/4514 [11:49<1:21:36,  1.22s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 11%|███████████████▊                                                                                                                           | 515/4514 [11:50<52:05,  1.28it/s]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 12%|███████████████▊                                                                                                                         | 522/4514 [12:01<1:10:35,  1.06s/it]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.5
INFO:root:scale: 0.5
 12%|████████████████▍                                                                                                                          | 534/4514 [12:01<35:28,  1.87it/s]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 12%|████████████████▎                                                                                                                        | 536/4514 [12:34<2:29:23,  2.25s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 12%|████████████████▎                                                                                                                        | 539/4514 [12:34<2:01:58,  1.84s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 12%|████████████████▌                                                                                                                        | 544/4514 [13:12<3:51:04,  3.49s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 12%|████████████████▋                                                                                                                        | 550/4514 [13:50<5:10:36,  4.70s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 12%|████████████████▊                                                                                                                        | 553/4514 [13:50<3:59:01,  3.62s/it]INFO:root:Writing shard #3 to disk
 12%|████████████████▊                                                                                                                        | 554/4514 [14:16<6:29:00,  5.89s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 12%|█████████████████                                                                                                                        | 562/4514 [14:16<3:02:17,  2.77s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 13%|█████████████████▏                                                                                                                       | 566/4514 [14:28<3:02:54,  2.78s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 13%|█████████████████▎                                                                                                                       | 569/4514 [14:28<2:21:44,  2.16s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 13%|█████████████████▍                                                                                                                       | 573/4514 [14:30<1:49:35,  1.67s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 13%|█████████████████▌                                                                                                                       | 578/4514 [14:31<1:16:57,  1.17s/it]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 13%|█████████████████▊                                                                                                                       | 585/4514 [14:43<1:31:49,  1.40s/it]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.5
INFO:root:scale: 0.5
 13%|██████████████████▍                                                                                                                        | 597/4514 [14:44<46:25,  1.41it/s]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 13%|██████████████████▏                                                                                                                      | 599/4514 [15:24<3:03:37,  2.81s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 13%|██████████████████▎                                                                                                                      | 603/4514 [15:25<2:21:02,  2.16s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 13%|██████████████████▍                                                                                                                      | 606/4514 [15:34<2:32:20,  2.34s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 14%|██████████████████▌                                                                                                                      | 611/4514 [15:34<1:43:36,  1.59s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
 14%|██████████████████▋                                                                                                                      | 614/4514 [15:36<1:30:01,  1.38s/it]INFO:root:scale: 1.0
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 14%|██████████████████▊                                                                                                                      | 620/4514 [15:37<1:01:34,  1.05it/s]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 14%|███████████████████                                                                                                                      | 627/4514 [15:48<1:14:57,  1.16s/it]INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812
 14%|███████████████████▍                                                                                                                       | 632/4514 [15:48<54:06,  1.20it/s]INFO:root:scale: 1.0

It would be nice to print the tenor names to be 100% sure though, but my Python skills are pretty much zero and runtime type-checking of long-runtime jobs reminds me exactly why... :frowning:

I've double checked and am fairly sure this is the correct set of scale parameters too:


We want to scale W_q and W_k so the dot-product ends up halved (for now) and irritatingly, it's the input norm weights of the next block need to be halved so as to not overshoot (I think; for now).

It will probably take all afternoon to test what this does, but I think this self-merge of miqu-1 is good candidate as from past testing against it; there were some definite holes in its knowledge and it would hallucinate names more.

The only other merged model I have used extensively is goliath-120b so will see if I can get a copy of its parent models overnight and try this with that.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Just realised I'm double scaling by altering the input norm like that... Gonna leave that for now:

dtype: float16
merge_method: passthrough

- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 10]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
- sources:
  - layer_range: [10, 20]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [10, 30]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [20, 40]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [30, 50]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [40, 60]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [50, 70]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [60, 70]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [70, 80]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf

and see what this does to start with.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I really need to know the architecture of exactly what the MLP layers look like: it could be the *.mlp.down_proj.weight values that should be downscaled, but I've no idea if this could be before some non-linearity (in which case it would also be a bad idea) or just a linear transform to get back to the embedding dimension again.

Either way I think this is less interesting that the scaling of the score matrix viaW_q and W_k anyway.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Holly crap this does work!!! Using temperature = 0, repetition penalty = 1 and no system prompt:

### USER
Two people are in a room alone with a machine that requires two people to operate. One person is operating the machine. The machine is functioning properly. What is the other person doing?

The other person is also operating the machine. The statement "requires two people to operate" implies that both individuals are involved in its operation.

### USER
Sally has 3 sisters. Each of her sisters has one brother. How many sisters does Sally have?

Sally has 3 sisters. The information about their brothers is not relevant to the question. So, Sally still has 3 sister.

(this was a copy and paste fail from me, but he didn't fall for it! :grin:)

### USER
Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?

Sally has 2 sisters.

Here's the reasoning:

1. Sally is a girl and has 3 brothers.
2. Each of her brothers has 2 sisters, which means each brother has one sister (Sally) in common with each other, and one more sister in addition to Sally.
3. Since there are 3 brothers, this accounts for 2 additional sisters (1 from each brother's perspective) + Sally herself, making it a total of 3 girls including Sally herself.

So, Sally has 2 sisters in total (excluding herself).

### USER
Solve this family relationship quiz: Marie is Emma's parent. Emma is Carl's parent. Carl is Timothy's parent. Timothy is male. Who's Timothy to Marie?

 Based on the information provided:

1. Marie is Emma's parent.
2. Emma is Carl's parent.
3. Carl is Timothy's parent.
4. Timothy is male.

From point 1, we know that Marie is either the mother or father of Emma (gender not specified).

From point 2, we learn that Emma is the mother or father of Carl (again, gender not specified).

From point 3, we find out that Carl is Timothy's parent. Since Timothy is male, this means that either Carl is his father or his mother. However, since Timothy has already been established as male in the problem statement, it follows that Carl must be Timothy's father.

Now let's put all these relationships together:

1. Marie -> Emma (parent-child)
2. Emma -> Carl (parent-child)
3. Carl -> Timothy (father-son)

Since we know that Marie is Emma's parent, and Emma is the parent of Carl, this makes Marie either the grandmother or grandfather of Timothy. Therefore, Timothy is Marie's great-grandchild or great-grandson/daughter depending on their gender. However, since Timothy has been established as male in the problem statement, it follows that he is Marie's great-grandson.

In conclusion, Timothy is Marie's great-grandson.

Now for the slightly more problematic puzzles this one is getting wrong. The old miqu-120b could sometimes solve stuff like this if you added "Think step-by-step as this is a tricky problem:" on to the end:

### USER
Solve this family relationship quiz: Betty is Brenda's parent. Betty is Joe's parent. Joe is Charles' parent. Brenda is female. Who's Brenda to Charles? Think step-by-step as this is a tricky problem:

 Let's break this down step by step:

1. Betty is Brenda's parent. This means either Betty is Brenda's mother or father.
2. Betty is Joe's parent as well, so either Betty is Joe's mother or father too.
3. Joe is Charles' parent, which means Joe is either Charles' mother or father.
4. Brenda and Joe are siblings since they share a common parent (Betty).
5. Since Brenda is female, neither she nor her sibling (Joe) can be Charles' father, so Joe must be Charles' mother.
6. Therefore, Brenda is Charles' aunt (either his aunt by blood or his half-aunt if Joe is his/her step-parent).

So Brenda is Charles' aunt (either biologically or through marriage).
### USER
Solve this family relationship quiz: Willie is Sara's parent. Willie is Zachary's parent. Zachary is Kyle's parent. Sara is female. Who's Sara to Kyle? Think step-by-step as this is a tricky problem:

 Let's break this down step by step:

1. Willie is Sara's parent, so Willie is Sara's father or mother.
2. Willie is also Zachary's parent, so Willie is Zachary's father or mother as well.
3. Since Willie cannot be both the father and mother of Sara and Zachary (as they are not twins), we can conclude that either Sara and Zachary are siblings or cousins.
4. However, since there is no mention of any other siblings or spouses in the question, it's safe to assume that Sara and Zachary are siblings.
5. Now, we know that Zachary is Kyle's parent, so either Kyle is Zachary's son or daughter.
6. Since Sara and Zachary are siblings, this makes Sara either Kyle's aunt or aunt-in-law (if she married into the family).
7. However, since there is no mention of any marriages in the question, we can rule out the possibility of Sara being Kyle's mother-in-law.
8. Therefore, Sara must be Kyle's aunt.

So, Sara is Kyle's aunt.
### USER
Solve this family relationship quiz: Nathan is Timothy's parent. Nathan is Aaron's parent. Aaron is Edward's parent. Timothy is male. Who's Timothy to Edward? Think step-by-step as this is a tricky problem:

Let's break this down step by step:

1. Nathan is Timothy's parent. This means that either Nathan is Timothy's father or mother.
2. Nathan is also Aaron's parent, which means that either Nathan is Aaron's father or mother as well.
3. Aaron is Edward's parent, so Aaron could be Edward's father or mother.
4. We know that Timothy is male, so Nathan cannot be Timothy's mother because same-sex marriage isn't mentioned in the question and we are assuming heterosexual relationships for simplicity here.
5. Since Timothy is male, Nathan must be Timothy's father (not mother).
6. Now, if Aaron is Edward's parent, then Aaron cannot be a woman because Timothy has already been established as male. So Aaron must be Edward's father.
7. Therefore, since Nathan is both Timothy and Aaron's parent, this means that Timothy and Aaron are siblings (either twins or close in age).
8. Since Aaron is Edward's father, then Timothy must be Edward's uncle (either his maternal or paternal uncle).

So to answer the question "Who's Timothy to Edward?" The answer is that Timothy is either Edward's maternal or paternal uncle.

This also doesn't seem to "lose" the information like the original miqu-120b did:

### USER
Can you summarise the ideas behind Pollack's 1990 "Recursive distributed representations" paper?

 Sure, I'd be happy to summarize the main ideas in Pollack's 1990 paper "Recursive Distributed Representations."

In this influential paper, Jordan Pollack introduced the idea of using connectionist networks with recurrent connections to model hierarchical representations of natural language. The key insight was that by recursively composing simpler representations into more complex ones, a network could learn to represent complex structures such as sentences or even entire stories.

The main contributions of this paper include:

1. **Recursive compositionality**: Pollack proposed that language understanding and generation can be modeled using a connectionist architecture that recursively composes simpler representations into more complex ones. This allows the network to learn hierarchical representations of natural language, such as sentences or even entire stories.
2. **Connectionist networks with recurrent connections**: The model uses recurrent connections to allow information from previous time steps to influence current processing, allowing the network to maintain context over time and build up complex representations incrementally.
3. **Distributed representations**: Pollack proposed that distributed representations can capture the meaning of words, phrases, and even entire stories by distributing their meanings across many hidden units in a connectionist network.
4. **Recursive compositionality**: The model recursively composes simpler representations into more complex ones, allowing the network to learn hierarchical structures such as sentences or even entire stories.

Overall, Pollack's paper laid the groundwork for modern deep learning approaches to natural language processing and has had a lasting impact on the field of artificial intelligence research.

This is a question I have definitely asked the miqu-120b merge and he didn't know that Pollack's first name was Jordan and hallucinated something else (even though the original miqu-1 model did know his name).

He doesn't seem to have mentioned the key insight from the paper - compressing sequences to a fixed length vector (but I don't know if the original miqu-1 knew this either).


jukofyork commented 3 months ago

So now the question is:

Actually the more I think about this the more I think maybe we don't actually need to mess with the norm(s) or mlp.down_proj.weight: Just by de-attenuating the softmax via the score-matrix we will be mixing more varied values from V and likely these will cancel each other out in different directions and be less prone to "overshooting" anyway"?

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Yep, double-stacked miqu-1 is just as bad:

dtype: float16
merge_method: passthrough
- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 80]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 80]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
### USER
Two people are in a room alone with a machine that requires two people to operate. One person is operating the machine. The machine is functioning properly. What is the other person doing?

 The other person's role could vary depending on the specifics of the machine and the task at hand.

1. If their role is not explicitly stated in your question, then one possible assumption could be that they are:
   a) Observing or monitoring the machine's operation to ensure it's running smoothly
   b) Following any necessary safety precautions

However, without more specifics about the scenario, this is a generalization and not definitive.

In some cases they might also be:

- Providing materials needed for the machine operation
- Taking note of any relevant data

Without more context or a clearer prompt it's hard to give an exact answer.


Note that this is a best-educated guess response based on the information given in your question and not all possible factors may have been considered.
### USER
Sally has 3 sisters. Each of her sisters has one brother. How many sisters does Sally have?

 The information provided in the question states that each of Sally's sisters has one brother but it does not state that all of them share the same brother or siblings in common apart from each other's siblings.

However, based on the information given we can conclude:

1. Each sister of Sally has 1 brother
2. But, the question does not state that all sisters are from same parents and have to be blood-related siblings
3. The brothers of each sisters might not be the same person

Hence, it's not possible to conclude an exact number of sisters for Sally with the information given in the problem statement.

The question is a tricky one designed to mislead you into a wrong conclusion that all siblings are from same parents and will have the same brother in common which is not true and can't be concluded from this riddle's statement.

So, we cannot definitively say the exact number of sisters for Sally with the information given in the question.

The correct answer is:

We cannot be sure of a definite number of sisters for 'Sally'.


The best and most logical conclusion is that:

'It's not possible to say an exact number of sisters for 'Sally'

So the final conclusion is:

The question does not give enough information to decide the exact number of sisters for 'Sally'.


The best and most logical conclusion is that:

'It's not possible to say an exact number of sisters for 'Sally'.



The correct answer is:

We cannot be sure of the exact number of sisters for 'Sally'.


The best and most logical conclusion is that:

'It's not possible to say an exact number of sisters for 'Sally'.



The correct answer is:

We cannot be sure of the exact number of sisters for 'Sally'.


The best and most logical conclusion is that:

'It's not possible to say an exact number of sisters for 'Sally'.




EDIT: Just realised I keep pasting in the stupid version of this question, but either way this model wasn't much use compared to "Sally has 3 sisters. The information about their brothers is not relevant to the question. So, Sally still has 3 sister", and did show the extreme verbosity problem I had when I last tried this without the attenuation applied.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago
dtype: float16
merge_method: passthrough

- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 5]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
- sources:
  - layer_range: [5, 10]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [5, 15]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [10, 20]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [15, 25]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [20, 30]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [25, 35]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [30, 40]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [35, 45]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [40, 50]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [45, 55]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [50, 60]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [55, 65]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [60, 70]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [65, 75]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [70, 75]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [75, 80]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf

### USER
Two people are in a room alone with a machine that requires two people to operate. One person is operating the machine. The machine is functioning properly. What is the other person doing?

 The other person is also operating the machine. The statement "requires two people to operate" implies that both individuals are actively involved in operating the machine.
### USER
Sally has 3 sisters. Each of her sisters has one brother. How many sisters does Sally have?

 Sally has 3 sisters.

Here's the reasoning:

1. We know that Sally has 3 sisters (from the question).
2. Then we are told that each of her sisters has one brother. Since siblings share the same parents, this means that each of SER sisters also has a brother, making it a total of 4 sisters including SERy own self.
3. Therefore, Sally has 3 biological sisters (including herself) + herself, making it a total of 4 sisters in all.

Note: The question might seem confusing at first glance due to its wording, but upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that each sister mentioned is being counted twice - once as a sibling and once as having a sibling.

Yeah, gibberish: "SER sisters"... But sound logic.

so will retry without going into the first 10 and last 10 blocks. I won't because can't see any nice interleave pattern and don't want to have cube-roots yet...

I'll try it on Wolfram's miqu-1-103b config instead:

dtype: float16
merge_method: passthrough
- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 40]
    model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
- sources:
  - layer_range: [20, 60]
    model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
- sources:
  - layer_range: [40, 80]
    model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf


dtype: float16
merge_method: passthrough

- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 20]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
- sources:
  - layer_range: [20, 40]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [20, 60]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1

- sources:
  - layer_range: [40, 60]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
        - filter: q_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - filter: k_proj
          value: 0.7071067812
        - value: 1
- sources:
  - layer_range: [60, 80]
    model: miqu-1-70b-sf
jukofyork commented 3 months ago
### USER
Two people are in a room alone with a machine that requires two people to operate. One person is operating the machine. The machine is functioning properly. What is the other person doing?

 Based on the information provided, it is not explicitly stated what the other person is doing. They could be observing, assisting, or waiting for their turn to operate the machine. Without additional context or details, it's impossible to determine their exact role or actions with certainty.
### USER
Sally has 3 sisters. Each of her sisters has one brother. How many sisters does Sally have?

 Sally has 3 sisters. The fact that each of her sisters has one brother does not affect the number of sisters Sally has. Therefore, Sally still has 3 sisters. The information about their brothers is irrelevant to the question asked.
### USER
Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?

 Sally has 2 sisters.

Here's the reasoning:

1. Sally is one of the siblings, making her one of the sisters in question.
2. Each brother has 2 sisters, which means that each brother has Sally and one other sister besides Sally (since they are not counted twice).
3. Therefore, Sally has 2 sisters in total: herself and the other sister shared by her brothers.
### USER
Solve this family relationship quiz: Marie is Emma's parent. Emma is Carl's parent. Carl is Timothy's parent. Timothy is male. Who's Timothy to Marie?

 Timothy is Marie's great-grandson.


1. Marie is Emma's parent, so Marie is Emma's mother or father (let's say mother for this example).
2. Emma is Carl's parent, making Emma Carl's mother.
3. Carl is Timothy's parent, making Carl Timothy's father.
4. Therefore, Marie is Timothy's great-grandmother as she is the grandparent of his grandparent (Carl).
### USER
Solve this family relationship quiz: Betty is Brenda's parent. Betty is Joe's parent. Joe is Charles' parent. Brenda is female. Who's Brenda to Charles?

 Brenda is Charles' aunt.


1. Betty is Brenda's parent, so Brenda is Betty's child.
2. Betty is also Joe's parent, making Joe Brenda's sibling (either brother or sister).
3. Since Joe is Charles' parent, this makes Brenda Charles' aunt (either aunt by blood or marriage).
### USER
Solve this family relationship quiz: Nathan is Timothy's parent. Nathan is Aaron's parent. Aaron is Edward's parent. Timothy is male. Who's Timothy to Edward?

 Timothy is Edward's uncle.


1. Nathan is Timothy's parent, so Timothy is Nathan's child.
2. Aaron is also a child of Nathan (as mentioned in the question), making Aaron a sibling of Timothy (either an older or younger sibling).
3. Aaron is Edward's parent, which means that Edward is Aaron's child.
4. Since Timothy and Aaron are siblings, this makes Timothy an uncle to Edward, who is their nephew.
### USER
Can you summarise the ideas behind Pollack's 1990 "Recursive distributed representations" paper?

 Sure! In  Michael Pollack's 1990 paper "Recursive distributed representations" published in Artificial Intelligence, he proposed a novel approach to natural language processing (NLP) using recursive distributed representations.

The main idea behind this approach is to represent words or phrases as vectors in a high-dimensional space, where each dimension corresponds to a particular feature of the word or phrase. These vectors are then combined recursively to form more complex representations of phrases, sentences, and even entire documents.

The key innovation of Pollack's approach is the use of recursive compositionality, which allows for the representation of complex linguistic structures by recursively combining simpler representations. This allows for a more compact and efficient representation of language compared to traditional approaches that rely on large feature vectors or rule-based systems.

One important aspect of Pollack's approach is the use of distributed representations, which means that each word or phrase is represented as a vector in a high-dimensional space, rather than as a single point in a discrete feature space. This allows for more expressive and flexible representations of language, as well as more efficient processing and manipulation of linguistic data.

Overall, Pollack's approach to NLP using recursive distributed representations has had a significant impact on the field of natural language processing, and has influenced many subsequent developments in NLP research.

Some better, some worse, but still very good.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I will report back how the goliath-120b recreation turns out tomorrow.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I have failed so far to get any of the original/big merge makers interested in this so gonna try and re-explain here:

Imagine you are trying to get from one location to another:

  1. If you have only 1 chance to make a plan and then have to follow through: it makes sense to face in approximately the correct direction and then move the full distance.
  2. If you have an extra opportunity to correct your plan: it makes sense to face in approximately the correct direction and then move the HALF the distance, reevaluate and then again face in approximately the correct direction and then move the HALF the distance.
  3. and so on if you have 3+ opportunities to correct your plan...

If you have an extra opportunity to correct your plan: it doesn't make sense to face in approximately the correct direction and then move the FULL distance, reevaluate and then again face in approximately the correct direction and then move the FULL the distance again!

These 3 ways of looking at what a transformer block is doing all suggest this too:

  1. Transformers Learn Higher-Order Optimization Methods for In-Context Learning: A Study with Linear Models
  2. Hopfield Networks is All You Need & Modern Hopfield Networks Explained
  3. But what is a GPT? Visual intro to transformers & Attention in transformers, visually explained

The (1) paper suggests each block is acting as an "in-context" learner so down-scaling the score matrix is similar to 'damped Newton's method', or even simpler: think of it as the leaning-rate in gradient descent - if you set the leaning rate too high you will overshoot the minima and get the "rattling" phenomena where the error starts bouncing around instead of decreasing.

The (2) paper and more visual blog explanation, suggest each block is acting as an associative memory stored using (exponentially) many local minima. So instead of just trying to jump straight to the bottom of the closest local minima; it might make sense to take a smaller step, reevaluate and take another smaller step by changing the β parameter (have a look at the greyscale pictures for a better idea of what's going on).

The (3) videos, suggest each block is adding vectors to each other (nose to tail) in a (very) high-dimensional vector space, where each point in this high-dimensional vector space has a semantic meaning. So again it makes sense to add together 2 smaller vectors to get to a point (with a certain semantic meaning), rather than two copies of the same vector that will likely overshoot out into the edges of this high-dimensional vector space. Empirically it also seems that this holds: the bigger "chunk" of repeated transformer blocks (ie: 40 instead of 20 or 16) the more "confidently wrong" the model gets.

So now hopefully it makes a bit more sense why we would want to move 1/2 the distance if we have 2 opportunities to reevaluate, 1/3 of the distance if we have 3 opportunities to reevaluate, and so on.

If we just wanted to use PyTorch and the Transformers library directly then it would be pretty easy to add in a β parameter that we could use to re-scale or "attenuate" the score matrix (it actually already does this and scales by the sqrt of the latent dimension anyway!) to take these multiple steps, BUT: if we want to use these models in software like llama.cpp we can't just add a random parameter like this as each architecture needs to have custom code written for it...

So now looking at how the transformer block works, we see that the score matrix is made by taking lots of dot-products between a latent vector that is first projected using the q_proj and k_proj tensors. So we could just scale say q_proj by 1/n for n repeated blocks and this would have the same effect as introducing a separate β parameter.

The problem with this though is that you have now reduced the magnitudes of values of only the q_proj tensor and when it comes round to quantizing the whole model, clever quantizations algorithms (or importance matrix calculations) might down-weight the importance of q_proj in favour of k_proj!

So to solve this problem we can use the identity:

1/2 = 1/sqrt(2) * 1/sqrt(2)

1/3 = 1/cuberoot(3) * 1/cuberoot(3) * 1/cuberoot(3)

1/n = (1/(n^(1/n)))^n (using the rule: nth root = x^(1/n))

and now if you think about what is happening when we take a dot-product:

[a, b, c] . [x, y, z] = a*x + b*y + c*z

and then home-in on just looking at a and x, which are getting multiplied and added into the sum.

If we want this sum to be half the magnitude we can use the identity above to get:

1/2 * a * x = 1/sqrt(2)*a * 1/sqrt(2)*x0.7071067812*a * 0.7071067812*x

So after all this, hopefully it make sense what is going on and where this number is coming from!

So there are a few caveats:

I added this to mergekit/mergekit/merge_methods/

import logging
        if scale is not None:
  "scale: {scale}")
            tensor = tensor * scale

and then run mergekit-yaml --verbose to double check something is being scaled:

You should then see some INFO:root:scale: 0.7071067812. If everything is INFO:root:scale: 1.0 then you probably have the wrong tensor names for the architecture and need to check here.

So to help demonstrate this idea even more, here are 3 popular frankenmerge model configs that I have adapted, and added extensive comments to show the similarly between the existing configs and this new "attenuated" versions:

# miqu-1-120b-attenuated.yaml #

# Use: mergekit-yaml --clone-tensors ./miqu-1-120b-attenuated.yaml ./miqu-1-120b-attenuated

# See: for original 'miqu-1-120b' layer ranges.
# See: for discussion/reasoning behind this idea.

# ---

# The scale factor to use, eg: solve x^2 = 1/2 --> x = 1/sqrt(2) ≈ 0.7071067812
const_tag: &scale_factor 0.7071067812 # 1/sqrt(2)

# The filter parameters of a scaled block. 
attenuate-env: &attenuated_env
      - filter: q_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - filter: k_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - value: 1.0

# ---


  # Block 1: miqu-1 [0, 20] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [0, 10] # The first 10 layers of Block 1 are not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [10, 20] # The last 10 layers of Block 1 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 2: miqu-1 [10, 30] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [10, 30]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 3: miqu-1 [20, 40] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [20, 40]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 4: miqu-1 [30, 50] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [30, 50]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 5: miqu-1 [40, 60] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [40, 60]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 6: miqu-1 [50, 70] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [50, 70]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 7: miqu-1 [60, 80] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [60, 70] # The first 10 layers of Block 7 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [70, 80] # The last 10 layers of Block 7 are not duplicated

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16
# goliath-120b-attenuated.yaml #

# Use: mergekit-yaml ./goliath-120b-attenuated.yaml ./goliath-120b-attenuated

# See: for original 'goliath-120b' layer ranges.
# See: for discussion/reasoning behind this idea.

# ---

# The scale factor to use, eg: solve x^2 = 1/2 --> x = 1/sqrt(2) ≈ 0.7071067812
const_tag: &scale_factor 0.7071067812 # 1/sqrt(2)

# The filter parameters of a scaled block. 
attenuate-env: &attenuated_env
      - filter: q_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - filter: k_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - value: 1.0

# ---


  # Block 1: Xwin [0, 16] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [0, 8] # The first 8 layers of Block 1 are not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [8, 16] # The last 8 layers of Block 1 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 2: Euryale [8, 24] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [8, 16]
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [16, 17] # layer 16 is not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [17, 24]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 3: Xwin [17, 32] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [17, 24]
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [24, 25] # layer 24 is not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [25, 32]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 4: Euryale [25, 40] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [25, 32]
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [32, 33] # layer 32 is not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [33, 40]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 5: Xwin [33, 48] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [33, 40]
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [40, 41] # layer 40 is not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [41, 48]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 6: Euryale [41, 56] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [41, 48]
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [48, 49] # layer 48 is not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [49, 56]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 7: Xwin [49, 64] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [49, 56]
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [56, 57] # layer 56 is not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [57, 64]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 8: Euryale [57, 72] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [57, 64]
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [64, 65] # layer 64 is not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [65, 72]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 9: Xwin [65, 80] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [65, 72] # The first 7 layers of Block 9 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [72, 80] # The last 8 layers of Block 9 are not duplicated

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16
# WinterGoliath-123b-attenuated.yaml #

# Use: mergekit-yaml ./WinterGoliath-123b-attenuated.yaml ./WinterGoliath-123b-attenuated

# See: for original 'WinterGoliath-123b' layer ranges.
# See: for discussion/reasoning behind this idea.

# ---

# The scale factor to use, eg: solve x^2 = 1/2 --> x = 1/sqrt(2) ≈ 0.7071067812
const_tag: &scale_factor 0.7071067812 # 1/sqrt(2)

# The filter parameters of a scaled block. 
attenuate-env: &attenuated_env
      - filter: q_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - filter: k_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - value: 1.0

# ---


  # Block 1: Xwin [0, 16] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [0, 8] # The first 8 layers of Block 1 are not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [8, 16] # The last 8 layers of Block 1 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 2: WinterGoddess [8, 24] #
  - sources:
    - model: WinterGoddess-1.4x-70B-L2
      layer_range: [8, 24]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 3: Xwin [16, 32] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [16, 32]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 4: WinterGoddess [24, 40] #
  - sources:
    - model: WinterGoddess-1.4x-70B-L2
      layer_range: [24, 40]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 5: Xwin [32, 48] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [32, 48]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 6: WinterGoddess [40, 56] #
  - sources:
    - model: WinterGoddess-1.4x-70B-L2
      layer_range: [40, 56]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 7: Xwin [48, 64] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [48, 64]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 8: WinterGoddess [56, 72] #
  - sources:
    - model: WinterGoddess-1.4x-70B-L2
      layer_range: [56, 72]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 9: Xwin [64, 80] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [64, 72] # The first 8 layers of Block 9 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [72, 80] # The last 8 layers of Block 9 are not duplicated

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16

IMPORTANT: It seem that for merging different models, that scaling the score matrix by 0.5 (and hence q_proj and k_proj tensors by 1/sqrt(2)) may be too little! This worked OK for the self-merged miqu-1-120b, but my tests with goliath-120b show it introduces repetition problems. To set to a custom value use this:

Reduce[{x^2 == 0.5, x > 0}, x, Reals]

Replace 0.5 with whatever value in the range [0.5, 1.0] you want and click "Approximate Form" button.

If you want to experiment with duplicating 3 blocks:

Reduce[{x^3 == 0.333, x > 0}, x, Reals]

Replace 0.333 with whatever value in the range [0.333, 1.0] you want and click "Approximate Form" button.

and so on...

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

@cg123 @shamanez

Is there any way I can simplify these complex looking yaml files more or some better way to define this in mergekit? It's making the whole idea look much more complex than it really is and likely to put most people off from trying it (not to mention; it's incredibly error prone trying to define stuff like golaith-120b like this!).

froggeric commented 3 months ago

Very interesting, thank you for your research and sharing the results. I am still trying to get my head around it, which I am finding a bit difficult with the limited time that I have at the moment to work on this. Maybe I can apply it to WestLake-v2-10.7b, which should allow me to benchmark it relatively quickly and compare to the original.

Are you planning to publish the 103b self-merge of miqu-1 using this method?

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Very interesting, thank you for your research and sharing the results. I am still trying to get my head around it, which I am finding a bit difficult with the limited time that I have at the moment to work on this. Maybe I can apply it to WestLake-v2-10.7b, which should allow me to benchmark it relatively quickly and compare to the original.

Are you planning to publish the 103b self-merge of miqu-1 using this method?

I can't upload the merged model easily, as only have around 1mb/s upload on VDSL :/

But this is what the yaml file would be for miqu-1-103b:

# miqu-1-103b-attenuated.yaml #

# Use: mergekit-yaml --clone-tensors ./miqu-1-103b-attenuated.yaml ./miqu-1-103b-attenuated

# See: for original 'miqu-1-103b' layer ranges.
# See: for discussion/reasoning behind this idea.

# ---

# The scale factor to use, eg: solve x^2 = 1/2 --> x = 1/sqrt(2) ≈ 0.7071067812
const_tag: &scale_factor 0.7071067812 # 1/sqrt(2)

# The filter parameters of a scaled block. 
attenuate-env: &attenuated_env
      - filter: q_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - filter: k_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - value: 1.0

# ---


  # Block 1: miqu-1 [0, 40] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [0, 20] # The first 20 layers of Block 1 are not duplicated
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [20, 40] # The last 20 layers of Block 1 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 2: miqu-1 [20, 60] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [20, 60] # All the layers of Block 2 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 3: miqu-1 [40, 80] #
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [40, 60] # The first 20 layers of Block 3 are are duplicated twice
      <<: *attenuated_env
  - sources:
    - model: miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [60, 80] # The last 20 layers of Block 3 are not duplicated

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16

To create the merge:

mergekit-yaml --clone-tensors ./miqu-1-103b-attenuated.yaml ./miqu-1-103b-attenuated

If you wanted to make your own GGUF quants (assuming you have llama.cpp cloned and built) then this too:

./ miqu-1-103b-attenuated --outfile miqu-1-103b-attenuated-f16.gguf --outtype f16
./imatrix --chunks 200 -m miqu-1-103b-attenuated-f16.gguf  -f groups_merged.txt -o miqu-1-103b-attenuated-f16.imatrix
./quantize --imatrix miqu-1-103b-attenuated-f16.imatrix miqu-1-103b-attenuated-f16.gguf miqu-1-103b-attenuated-q5_K_M.gguf Q5_K_M 12
froggeric commented 3 months ago

I can't upload the merged model easily, as only have around 1mb/s upload on VDSL :/

Understood. I don't have much upload bandwidth either, but at least a bit more. I have just ran the merge for miqu-1-120b-attenuated, and I am in the middle of converting it and quantising. I will upload the Q4_KS version to froggeric/miqu-1-120b-attenuated-GGUF.

Thanks for the 103b yaml.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I can't upload the merged model easily, as only have around 1mb/s upload on VDSL :/

Understood. I don't have much upload bandwidth either, but at least a bit more. I have just ran the merge for miqu-1-120b-attenuated, and I am in the middle of converting it and quantising. I will upload the Q4_KS version to froggeric/miqu-1-120b-attenuated.

Thanks for the 103b yaml.

No problem - and if you get chance; try using different (larger) values of scale_factor and see what difference it makes (I only tested those puzzles yesterday). There isn't really a good reason it should be exactly 1/sqrt(2) ≈ 0.7071067812. The actual optimal value will lie somewhere in the range [0.7071067812, 1].

froggeric commented 3 months ago

For the 103b self-merge, I would actually be more interested in adapting the following recipe instead:

  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [0,11]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [9,13]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [11,15]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [13,17]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [15,23]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [21,25]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [23,49]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [47,51]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [49,53]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [51,55]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [53,57]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [55,59]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [57,61]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [59,63]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [61,65]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [63,67]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [65,69]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [67,71]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [69,73]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [71,75]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [73,80]
merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16
jukofyork commented 3 months ago

For the 103b self-merge, I would actually be more interested in adapting the following recipe instead:

  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [0,11]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [9,13]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [11,15]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [13,17]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [15,23]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [21,25]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [23,49]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [47,51]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [49,53]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [51,55]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [53,57]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [55,59]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [57,61]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [59,63]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [61,65]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [63,67]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [65,69]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [67,71]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [69,73]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [71,75]
  - sources:
    - model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
      layer_range: [73,80]
merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16

After doing the goliath-120b version I don't think my brain could handle this! :rofl:

You would need to try to work out how many times each layer is getting duplicated first - probably best to look at the original goliath-120b model and compare with what I did to see what's needed.

Hopefully @cg123 or @shamanez might get back to us to see if there is a simpler way to do this!

I'm going to recreate the miqu-1-120b-attenuated version now and import it into Ollama with the proper miqu-1 templated to experiment with tomorrow.

shamanez commented 3 months ago

Omg this is one way to merge 😁.

On Fri, 19 Apr 2024 at 8:33 AM, jukofyork @.***> wrote:

For the 103b self-merge, I would actually be more interested in adapting the following recipe instead:


  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [0,11]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [9,13]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [11,15]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [13,17]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [15,23]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [21,25]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [23,49]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [47,51]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [49,53]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [51,55]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [53,57]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [55,59]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [57,61]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [59,63]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [61,65]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [63,67]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [65,69]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [67,71]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [69,73]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [71,75]
  • sources:
    • model: 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf layer_range: [73,80]merge_method: passthroughdtype: float16

After doing the goliath-120b version I don't think my brain could handle this! 🤣

You would need to try to work out how many times each layer is getting duplicated first - probably best to look at the original goliath-120b model and compare with what I did to see what's needed.

Hopefully @cg123 or @shamanez might get back to us to see if there is a simpler way to do this!

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cg123 commented 3 months ago

Nice, you found my secret scale parameter. :) This is really interesting, it's great to see actual results coming out of this! I'm out of town at the moment so I can't really dig into this for a while. I'll be watching with interest for sure though.

I'd definitely recommend writing a little python script or something to generate these configs.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Nice, you found my secret scale parameter. :) This is really interesting, it's great to see actual results coming out of this! I'm out of town at the moment so I can't really dig into this for a while. I'll be watching with interest for sure though.

There's also some discussion in this thread too:

divinetaco (who has been running grid-search to find optimal merge parameters) has also confirmed it doesn't seem to work very well for non-self-merges:

I quickly experimented with downscaling on values tried: 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9

Perplexity scores in my benchmarks didn't shift, but it did modify the responses on manual inspection, which is interesting. Using lower values (0.5,0.6) degraded response quality. It was harder to judge with (0.8,0.9). It may have improved. Will do further testing.

doesn't seem to work well for the non-self-merges The lower values might be especially bad in tenebris due to the irregular merge pattern.

Seeing Miquliz's merge config again did jog my memory regarding wolfram's trick with the 0 weight merge on first / final layer - got some more nice improvements applying it to tenebris. I might have to upload a v1.1 once I am done toying with projection scale values.

Hopefully somebody can work out how to apply the "0 weight merge on first / final layer" thing in case that is important.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I'm away for a few days now, but here's a couple more ideas to experiment with:

const_tag: &attn_scale_factor 0.7071067812
const_tag: &out_scale_factor 0.5

attenuate-env: &attenuated_env
      - filter: q_proj
        value: *attn_scale_factor
      - filter: k_proj
        value: *attn_scale_factor
      - filter: down_proj
        value: *out_scale_factor
      - value: 1.0

The down_proj tensor is renamed as post_mlp in architectures/llama.json, so as long as it is just a linear projection (without any non-linearity after it) this should work and (hopefully) have the desired effect of adding less into the "residual highway":


If there is a non-linearity after down_proj then it will likely completely destroy the model so easy to check...

You probably don't want to scale both attn_scale_factor and out_scale_factor too aggressively together (maybe just leave attn_scale_factor = 1 to start with), and also double check there is no down_proj.bias if using a different architecture to llama.

The next thing to try experimenting with for non-self-merges (where this doesn't seem to be working well), is to not scale the "donor" models' q_proj and k_proj tensors, eg:

const_tag: &scale_factor 0.7071067812 # 1/sqrt(2)

# The filter parameters of a scaled block. 
attenuate-env: &attenuated_env
      - filter: q_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - filter: k_proj
        value: *scale_factor
      - value: 1.0

# ---


  # Block 1: Xwin [0, 16] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [0, 16]

  # Block 2: Euryale [8, 24] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [8, 24]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 3: Xwin [17, 32] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [17, 32]

  # Block 4: Euryale [25, 40] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [25, 40]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 5: Xwin [33, 48] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [33, 48]

  # Block 6: Euryale [41, 56] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [41, 56]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 7: Xwin [49, 64] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [49, 64]

  # Block 8: Euryale [57, 72] #
  - sources:
    - model: Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
      layer_range: [57, 72]
      <<: *attenuated_env

  # Block 9: Xwin [65, 80] #
  - sources:
    - model: Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
      layer_range: [65, 80] 

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16

and see if that helps.

froggeric commented 3 months ago

I just finished evaluating miqu-1-120b-attenuated-GGUF against my LLM Creativity benchmark and it performs slightly better than the non-attenuated version, taking the second spot in the current leaderboard. I noticed some improvements at creative writing, producing longer, more details, and unrushed text. Like wolfram/miqu-1-120b though, there is some degradation over miqu-1-70b, with longer text, as it starts deviating from instructions and requires some effort to keep it on track. The scores show some improvement in all categories.


sophosympatheia commented 3 months ago

This is a fascinating discussion. I am cooking up an attenuated version of Midnight-Miqu-103B-v1.5 as I type this. I'll be curious to see how it performs.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I see ChuckMcSneed has found the same problem with trying this on goliath-120b so it's looking like for multi-model merges there might need to be something else.

I think the first things to try would be to increase the scale-factor right up (remembering that the scaling effect on the score matrix will be this squared though!):

It would probably be interesting to try values < 1 and values > 1 for a model that is just a straight copy (ie: use pass through but just one model and all layers) just to see what effect it has and aid understanding of the failure modes from this method.

froggeric commented 3 months ago

const_tag: &attn_scale_factor 0.7071067812 const_tag: &out_scale_factor 0.5

attenuate-env: &attenuated_env parameters: scale:

  • filter: q_proj value: *attn_scale_factor
  • filter: k_proj value: *attn_scale_factor
  • filter: down_proj value: *out_scale_factor
  • value: 1.0

I am going to give it a try with miqu-1 120b self-merge, and run it through my benchmark.

froggeric commented 3 months ago

Results of testing down_pro to 0.5: output is 100% identical to the self-merge without attenuating it.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Only have my tablet here so using Claude Opus to format this but it seems to write invalid Latex/Katex for Github :(

Let's analyze how the expected value of the L2 norm of the sum of two high-dimensional random unit vectors changes as the correlation between them increases from 0 to 1.

  1. Let $\mathbf{a}$ and $\mathbf{b}$ be two high-dimensional random vectors with $|\mathbf{a}|_2 = |\mathbf{b}|_2 = 1$, and let $\mathbf{c} = \mathbf{a} + \mathbf{b}$.

  2. The L2 norm of $\mathbf{c}$ is given by:

    $$|\mathbf{c}|2 = \sqrt{\sum{i=1}^n (a_i^2 + 2a_ib_i + b_i^2)}$$

  3. Let's denote the dot product of $\mathbf{a}$ and $\mathbf{b}$ as $\rho = \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} = \sum_{i=1}^n a_ib_i$. This value represents the correlation between the two vectors and ranges from 0 to 1.

  4. Substituting $\rho$ into the equation:

    $$|\mathbf{c}|_2 = \sqrt{2 + 2\rho}$$

  5. Now, let's consider the extreme cases:

    • When $\rho = 0$, the vectors are uncorrelated:

      $$E[|\mathbf{c}|_2] = \sqrt{2}$$

    • When $\rho = 1$, the vectors are perfectly positively correlated (i.e., $\mathbf{a} = \mathbf{b}$):

      $$E[|\mathbf{c}|_2] = \sqrt{4} = 2$$

  6. For values of $\rho$ between 0 and 1, the expected value of $|\mathbf{c}|_2$ will vary continuously between $\sqrt{2}$ and 2.

    $$E[|\mathbf{c}|_2] = \sqrt{2 + 2\rho}$$

In summary, as the correlation between the two high-dimensional random unit vectors increases from 0 to 1, the expected value of the L2 norm of their sum varies from $\sqrt{2}$ to 2, with a value of $\sqrt{2}$ when they are uncorrelated ($\rho = 0$).

So basically what this saying is:

So putting this back into the value in the above yaml files that scales Q and K (confusingly we have another sqrt(2) now lol):

This all should be taken with a grain of salt as in the actual model is very different to this simple example, but it is probably a good place to start playing with different scale factors to try to get it working with multi-model merges.

Sorry for the bad tablet formatting - autocorrect is painful for stuff like this, but thought it was worth posting before I get back whilst people are currently experimenting with this idea still.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Results of testing down_pro to 0.5: output is 100% identical to the self-merge without attenuating it.

Did you add the logging output and run with --verbose? This could just be a naming mistake: down_proj is what is should be and with the logging line added you should see some 0.5 in the logging output.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

See this post for the logging alteration:

jukofyork commented 3 months ago


class LlamaMLP(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.hidden_size = config.hidden_size
        self.intermediate_size = config.intermediate_size
        self.gate_proj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.intermediate_size, bias=False)
        self.up_proj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.intermediate_size, bias=False)
        self.down_proj = nn.Linear(self.intermediate_size, self.hidden_size, bias=False)
        self.act_fn = ACT2FN[config.hidden_act]

    def forward(self, x):
        if self.config.pretraining_tp > 1:
            slice = self.intermediate_size // self.config.pretraining_tp
            gate_proj_slices = self.gate_proj.weight.split(slice, dim=0)
            up_proj_slices = self.up_proj.weight.split(slice, dim=0)
            down_proj_slices = self.down_proj.weight.split(slice, dim=1)

            gate_proj =
                [F.linear(x, gate_proj_slices[i]) for i in range(self.config.pretraining_tp)], dim=-1
            up_proj =[F.linear(x, up_proj_slices[i]) for i in range(self.config.pretraining_tp)], dim=-1)

            intermediate_states = (self.act_fn(gate_proj) * up_proj).split(slice, dim=2)
            down_proj = [
                F.linear(intermediate_states[i], down_proj_slices[i]) for i in range(self.config.pretraining_tp)
            down_proj = sum(down_proj)
            down_proj = self.down_proj(self.act_fn(self.gate_proj(x)) * self.up_proj(x))

        return down_proj

The key line is this:

down_proj = self.down_proj(self.act_fn(self.gate_proj(x)) * self.up_proj(x))


        # Fully Connected
        residual = hidden_states
        hidden_states = self.post_attention_layernorm(hidden_states)
        hidden_states = self.mlp(hidden_states)
        hidden_states = residual + hidden_states

        outputs = (hidden_states,) 

So down_proj is (as hoped) applied after the non-linearly act_fn and then added back into the residual stream.

So this should definitely do something and as far as I can see, is the only place we can apply this scaling: all the other places look like they will end up scaling V and/or end up scaling the inputs to the MLP non-linear activation functions.

When I get back home I'll look into seeing if I can get this to actually run and then should be able to get some interesting diagnostic stuff printed out for the actual transformer blocks we are dealing with, instead of just having to guess at it.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago
class LlamaRMSNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, hidden_size, eps=1e-6):
        LlamaRMSNorm is equivalent to T5LayerNorm
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(hidden_size))
        self.variance_epsilon = eps

    def forward(self, hidden_states):
        input_dtype = hidden_states.dtype
        hidden_states =
        variance = hidden_states.pow(2).mean(-1, keepdim=True)
        hidden_states = hidden_states * torch.rsqrt(variance + self.variance_epsilon)
        return self.weight *

@froggeric maybe this is why it had no effect? It looks like it actually calculates the standard deviation of the actual input instance's values and then uses this to rescale:

variance = hidden_states.pow(2).mean(-1, keepdim=True)
hidden_states = hidden_states * torch.rsqrt(variance + self.variance_epsilon)

rather than using the weight as a standard deviation it found during training (as I had nievely assumed). @cg123 can probably confirm this?

If so then I don't think there will be any place to change the scale like this without altering the transformer code and in turn making the model impossible to quantize using llama.cpp or other software :/

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

This is an interesting idea! I've played around with downscaling o_proj/down_proj to just change the magnitude of the residual from layers but I'd definitely like to see what happens here.

@cg123 does changing the down_proj have an effect or does the norm layer just cancel it out?

jukofyork commented 3 months ago
residual = hidden_states

        hidden_states = self.input_layernorm(hidden_states)

        # Self Attention
        hidden_states, self_attn_weights, present_key_value = self.self_attn(
        hidden_states = residual + hidden_states

        # Fully Connected
        residual = hidden_states
        hidden_states = self.post_attention_layernorm(hidden_states)
        hidden_states = self.mlp(hidden_states)
        hidden_states = residual + hidden_states

This still looks like it should do something as hidden_states = residual + hidden_states then feeds into the next block: hidden_states = self.input_layernorm(hidden_states).

The only way I can see it would do nothing is if hidden_states has a mean of zero?

@froggeric I'd leave playing with down_proj for now - until @cg123 confirms it does anything or I see if I can hack in some printout diagnostics.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago


In Section 3.4, the authors introduce a temperature factor $t$ that scales the logits before the attention softmax:

$$\text{Attention Weights} = \text{softmax} \left( \frac{\mathbf{q}^\top \mathbf{k}}{t\sqrt{|D|}} \right)$$

This attention scaling has a uniform impact on perplexity, regardless of the data sample and token position over the extended context window.

The authors reparameterize RoPE as 2D matrices, allowing them to scale both $\mathbf{q}$ and $\mathbf{k}$ by $\sqrt{1/t}$ by simply scaling the complex RoPE embeddings. This has zero overhead during inference and training since RoPE embeddings are pre-computed.

In Appendix A.2, the authors analyze the impact of $1/\sqrt{t}$ on perplexity using 896 16k-token documents from RedPajama. They recommend the following value for $t$:

$$\sqrt{1/t} = 0.1 \ln(s) + 1$$

where $s$ is the scale extension factor used in YaRN's interpolation methods.

The authors observe that a suitable $t$ can improve perplexity scores across the extended context window, and the best value of $t$ is mostly consistent across different samples and token positions.

Sorry for the AI summary but it saves me trying to write that lot out with autocorrect 😁

It's interesting they also atttenuate the softmax but doesn't seem any real theory behind it; other than it was found to work empirically.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

This would also be useful for a method described in a paper I can't find atm (related to the Solar 10.7b paper but not it) where a single transformer block is duplicated and placed after the original, and then 2 of the weight matrices in the block (one before and one after IIRC) are set to zero with the intension of making the whole block just perform the identity function and pass straight through. The idea being that this allows (especially instruction tuned) models to avoid catastrophic forgetting (somebody used this to upscale Mistral but again I can't find that model now).

Found it again:

So this can be implemented now in mergekit by setting the scale parameter of o_proj and down_proj to zero for the duplicated "identity initialised" layers.

It will require fine-tuning but I think it's an interesting idea for merging methods and would be a good way to show off the use of the pass through scale parameter in an example yaml file.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

I'm pretty sure I've completely cracked this now and just running a miqu-1 self merge to be sure my numbers work out and I'll make detailed post then.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Whilst I'm waiting for the model to finish cooking, I'll start with these 2 images from the:

The Unreasonable Ineffectiveness of the Deeper Layers

paper @cg123 implemented to prune back llama-70b yesterday:



I've marked on in red the bounds of where there is a clear transition in the early layers for the lllama-70b models. Notice how this approximates to the "first 8-10 layers can't be overlapped" phenomenon in nearly all frankenmerges to date?

I've also marked in orange where there is a similar but much fainter transition in the last layers, but there is also an interesting bit of blue on the diagonal than consists of 2-3 layers at the end. I know people nearly always don't overlap the last 10 layers but when I was messing about with codellama-33b and its fine-tunes I found that it was nearly coherent with only the last 2 layers left and almost completely coherent (with the odd random bit of WTF code inserted per reply) with 3 layers left.

I strongly suspect these are the places where the model in transitioning in/out of its latent space representation and should definitely not be messed with.

So this leaves everything between these layers as likely the place where 3blue1brown's "addition of vectors interpretation" makes sense (ie: the residual stream hypothesis), and this in turn leads us to scaling o_proj and down_proj:

x3 From: LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion

So now forgetting about the QK-attenuation stuff from earlier in the thread, the question is: why are we overlapping/interleaving the blocks of layers? Could it be that this just happens to add lots of noise to the vectors being added and is a sort of accidental/rudimentary way of scaling the vectors to avoid overshooting!?

So if that is the case, and we can actually work out the correct scale factor for o_proj and down_proj, then it actually makes much more sense to just duplicate alternate layers like in the LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion paper (being careful to avoid messing with the first ~10 layers for reasons explained above):

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

So using the numbers I found a few posts ago for uncorrelated vectors (ie: multi-model merges), we get:

Scale: o_proj = down_proj = sqrt(1/2) ≈ 0.7071067812

and with the attenuation modification inspired by the Hopfield Networks is All You Need and Transformers Learn Higher-Order Optimization Methods for In-Context Learning papers linked in the OP), we get:

Scale: q_proj = k_proj = sqrt(sqrt(1/2)) ≈ 0.8408964153

and using these numbers goliath-test is born:

# > mergekit-yaml --verbose --cuda goliath-test.yaml goliath-test
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/ goliath-test --outfile goliath-test-f16.gguf --outtype f16
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/imatrix --chunks 200 -ngl 40 -m goliath-test-f16.gguf -f ~/LLMs/misc/datasets/groups_merged/groups_merged.txt -o goliath-test-f16.imatrix
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/quantize --imatrix goliath-test-f16.imatrix goliath-test-f16.gguf goliath-test-q5_K_M.gguf Q5_K_M 12

# The models we are going to use.
const_tag: &MODEL1 Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
const_tag: &MODEL2 Euryale-1.3-L2-70B

# The amount to scale the residual contributions and the amount to attenuate the Q and K matrices.
# Correlation = 1 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = 1/2       [≈ 0.5]          & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2)       [≈ 0.7071067812]
# Correlation = 0 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2) [≈ 0.7071067812] & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(sqrt(1/2)) [≈ 0.8408964153]
const_tag: &RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR 0.7071067812  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.
const_tag: &QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR 0.8408964153  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.

# How we are going to scale each matched tensor type.
scale-filter-env: &scale_filter_env
      - filter: o_proj
      - filter: down_proj
      - filter: q_proj
      - filter: k_proj
      - value: 1.0


  # The first 10 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [0, 10]

  # BASH: for i in {10..69}; do j=$((i+1)); echo "  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL1\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env\n  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL2\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env"; echo -n; done
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [32, 33]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [32, 33]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [40, 41]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [40, 41]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [48, 49]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [48, 49]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [56, 57]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [56, 57]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [64, 65]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [64, 65]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

   # The last 10 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [70, 80]

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16

Who appears to be completely coherent!!!!


Write me the opening chapter of a Grimdark trilogy in the style of Joe Abercrombie and Rob J Hayes. Use third person personal and feature internal monologues of the characters. The POV character for chapter 1 is a cultist who has just escaped his cult. He is dressed in dirty yellow robes and his only possession is a mysterious small mirror. The story starts with him arriving at an apparently deserted ghost town on the edge of a desert.


The sun beat down mercilessly on the parched earth, casting a shimmering haze over the desolate landscape. In the distance, the crumbling remains of a once-thriving town stood as a testament to the passage of time and the cruelty of the desert. The wind howled through the empty streets, carrying with it the whispers of ghosts long forgotten.

Dust swirled in the breeze as a lone figure stumbled into view, his once-yellow robes now stained and tattered from days of relentless travel. His name was long forgotten, erased from his memory by the cult that had raised him, but he knew he could no longer be a part of their twisted beliefs. He was a man on the run, a heretic in the eyes of his former brethren, and he would do anything to escape their clutches.

The cultist, now a fugitive, entered the ghost town, his eyes darting warily from side to side. He knew that his pursuers couldn't be far behind, and he needed to find shelter before they caught up to him. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the abandoned streets, and he knew that nightfall would bring with it a different kind of danger.

As he walked, he fingered the small, mysterious mirror tucked securely in his robes. It was the only possession he had managed to take with him when he fled the cult's stronghold, and he had no idea of its significance. All he knew was that it was important enough for the cult to send their most skilled assassins after him.

The cultist ducked into the first building he came across, a ramshackle tavern that looked as if it had been abandoned in a hurry. Dust covered every surface, and the stale smell of old ale and despair hung heavy in the air. He moved cautiously through the dimly lit interior, his heart pounding in his chest, and climbed the creaking stairs to the upper floor.

In a room at the end of the hall, he found a small, dust-covered mirror hanging crookedly on the wall. The cultist removed the mirror from his robes and held it up to the flickering light of the candle he had lit. As he peered into the reflective surface, he gasped in shock. The face staring back at him was not his own, but that of a stranger.

His thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the impossible. How could this be? He had no memories of his life before the cult, and yet here he was, looking at the face of a stranger. The sound of footsteps on the stairs jolted him from his reverie, and he knew he had no time to ponder the mystery now.

Quickly, he extinguished the candle and crept to the window, peering through the grimy glass. Below, he saw the unmistakable forms of his pursuers, their hooded figures casting long shadows in the moonlight. He knew they would stop at nothing until they had recovered the mirror and brought him back to face the cult's justice.

As he watched, a plan began to form in his mind. He would use the darkness and the abandoned town to his advantage, leading his pursuers on a deadly game of cat and mouse. He was no longer the naive initiate they had indoctrinated; he was a survivor, and he would do whatever it took to stay alive.

The cultist, now a fugitive on the run, slipped into the shadows, his heart pounding in his chest. The game had only just begun.


Can you compare and contrast the writing styles of Joe Abercrombie and Rob J Hayes? They seem very similar to me...


Joe Abercrombie and Rob J. Hayes are both popular fantasy authors known for their gritty and dark storytelling. While their writing styles share some similarities, there are also some key differences.

  1. Worldbuilding: Both authors create rich and detailed worlds in their respective series. Abercrombie's First Law universe is a low fantasy setting with a medieval feel, while Hayes' world in The Ties That Bind series is a mix of medieval and Renaissance-inspired settings.
  2. Characters: Both authors excel at creating complex, morally gray characters. Abercrombie's characters often struggle with their own flaws and inner demons, while Hayes' characters are often anti-heroes or outcasts fighting against the odds.
  3. Violence and Gore: Both authors are not afraid to depict graphic violence and gore in their writing. However, Abercrombie's violence tends to be more visceral and brutal, while Hayes' violence is more stylized and over-the-top.
  4. Humor: Abercrombie is known for his dark humor and sarcasm, which often provides comic relief in otherwise grim situations. Hayes' humor is more subtle and dry, often arising from the interactions between his characters.
  5. Pacing and Style: Abercrombie's writing style is more descriptive and slower-paced, with a focus on character development and worldbuilding. Hayes' writing is more action-oriented and fast-paced, with shorter chapters and a focus on dialogue and banter.

In summary, while both Abercrombie and Hayes write dark, gritty fantasy with complex characters and vivid worlds, their writing styles differ in terms of pacing, humor, and the level of detail in their worldbuilding and character development.


Can you give a quick summary of the most popular 2-3 works of each for me?


Joe Abercrombie:

  1. The Blade Itself (The First Law trilogy, Book 1): This book introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the rest of the trilogy. It follows the stories of Logen Ninefingers, a barbarian warrior; Jezal, a spoiled nobleman; and Glokta, a crippled Inquisitor.
  2. Best Served Cold (The First Law World, Book 5): This standalone novel takes place in the same world as the First Law trilogy but can be read independently. It follows the story of Monza, a ruthless mercenary, who is hired to assassinate the Grand Duke Orso.
  3. A Little Hatred (The Age of Madness, Book 1): The first book in a new trilogy set in the same world as the First Law series, this novel introduces a new cast of characters and follows their interconnected stories during a time of social unrest and political upheaval.

Rob J. Hayes:

  1. The Heresy Within (The Ties That Bind, Book 1): The first book in the series introduces the main character, Thanquil Darkheart, an assassin who is betrayed by his guild and must fight for his life.
  2. The Colour of Vengeance (The Ties That Bind, Book 2): The second book in the series continues Thanquil's story as he seeks revenge against those who wronged him and uncovers a sinister plot.
  3. Where Loyalties Lie (Best Laid Plans, Book 1): The first book in a new series set in the same world as The Ties That Bind, this novel follows a crew of pirates as they search for a legendary treasure, navigating betrayal, mutiny, and danger at every turn.

So again using the numbers I found a few posts ago for correlated vectors (ie: self-merges), we get:

Scale: o_proj = down_proj = 0.5

and with the attenuation modification, we get:

Scale: q_proj = k_proj = sqrt(1/2) ≈ 0.7071067812

and using these numbers we miqu-test is born:

# > mergekit-yaml --verbose --cuda --clone-tensors miqu-test.yaml miqu-test
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/ miqu-test --outfile miqu-test-f16.gguf --outtype f16
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/imatrix --chunks 200 -ngl 40 -m miqu-test-f16.gguf -f ~/LLMs/misc/datasets/groups_merged/groups_merged.txt -o miqu-test-f16.imatrix
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/quantize --imatrix miqu-test-f16.imatrix miqu-test-f16.gguf miqu-test-q5_K_M.gguf Q5_K_M 12

# The models we are going to use.
const_tag: &MODEL1 miqu-1-70b-sf
const_tag: &MODEL2 miqu-1-70b-sf

# The amount to scale the residual contributions and the amount to attenuate the Q and K matrices.
# Correlation = 0 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2) [≈ 0.7071067812] & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(sqrt(1/2)) [≈ 0.8408964153]
# Correlation = 1 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = 1/2       [≈ 0.5]          & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2)       [≈ 0.7071067812]
const_tag: &RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR 0.5           # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.
const_tag: &QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR 0.7071067812  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.

# How we are going to scale each matched tensor type.
scale-filter-env: &scale_filter_env
      - filter: o_proj
      - filter: down_proj
      - filter: q_proj
      - filter: k_proj
      - value: 1.0


  # The first 10 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [0, 10]

  # BASH: for i in {10..69}; do j=$((i+1)); echo "  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL1\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env\n  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL2\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env"; echo -n; done
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [32, 33]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [32, 33]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [40, 41]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [40, 41]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [48, 49]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [48, 49]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [56, 57]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [56, 57]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [64, 65]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [64, 65]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

   # The last 10 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [70, 80]

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16

Who seems pretty smart:


Two people are in a room alone with a machine that requires two people to operate. One person is operating the machine. The machine is functioning properly. What is the other person doing?


The other person is also operating the machine. The statement "requires two people to operate" implies that both individuals are actively involved in operating the machine. Therefore, the other person is not just present in the room but is actively participating in operating the machine as well.


Sally has 3 sisters. Each of her sisters has one brother. How many sisters does Sally have?


Sally has 3 sisters. The information about each sister having a brother does not affect the number of sisters Sally has. Therefore, Sally still has 3 sisters. The information about their brothers does not change the number of sisters Sally has.

Confusion might arise because the question mentions brothers, but it is not relevant to the question at hand, which is about the number of sisters Sally has. The number of brothers or brothers-in-law does not change the number of sisters Sally has.

So, Sally has 3 sisters.


Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?


Sally has 2 sisters.

Here's the reasoning:

  1. Sally is a girl and has 3 brothers.
  2. Each brother has 2 sisters, which means there are 2 girls (including Sally) in the family.
  3. Since Sally is one of them, she must have one more sister.

Therefore, Sally has 2 sisters in total, including herself. However, this question can be confusing because it might lead some people to think that each brother has a different set of sisters, but in fact, they share the same sisters. So, Sally has 1 sister in addition to herself.

Confidence: 99%


Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have? Think step by step as this is a tricky question:


Let's break this down:

  1. Sally is a girl, and she has 3 brothers.
  2. Each of her brothers has 2 sisters.
  3. Since Sally is a girl, she counts as one of the sisters to her brothers.
  4. Therefore, each brother has one more sister besides Sally.
  5. So, Sally has 1 more sister.

Therefore, Sally has 1 sister.

Confusion might arise because the question mentions that each brother has 2 sisters, but it's important to remember that Sally is also counted as one of the sisters.

Final answer: Sally has 1 sister.


Solve this family relationship quiz: Marie is Emma's parent. Emma is Carl's parent. Carl is Timothy's parent. Timothy is male. Who's Timothy to Marie?


Timothy is Marie's grandchild.

Here's the reasoning:

  1. Marie is Emma's parent.
  2. Emma is Carl's parent.
  3. Carl is Timothy's parent.

From these relationships, we can deduce that:

Therefore, Timothy is Marie's grandchild.


Solve this family relationship quiz: Betty is Brenda's parent. Betty is Joe's parent. Joe is Charles' parent. Brenda is female. Who's Brenda to Charles?


Brenda is Charles' aunt.

Here's the reasoning:

  1. Betty is Brenda's parent.
  2. Betty is also Joe's parent, making Joe Brenda's sibling.
  3. Joe is Charles' parent, so Joe is either Charles' father or mother.
  4. Since Brenda is female, she cannot be Joe's father, so Joe must be Brenda's brother.
  5. Therefore, Brenda is Charles' aunt.


Solve this family relationship quiz: Nathan is Timothy's parent. Nathan is Aaron's parent. Aaron is Edward's parent. Timothy is male. Who's Timothy to Edward?


Timothy is Edward's grandfather.

Here's the reasoning:

  1. Nathan is Timothy's parent.
  2. Nathan is Aaron's parent.
  3. Aaron is Edward's parent.
  4. Since Nathan is both Timothy and Aaron's parent, this means that Timothy and Aaron are siblings.
  5. Therefore, Timothy is Aaron's sibling and also Edward's uncle.
  6. Since Timothy is male, he cannot be Edward's mother, so he must be Edward's grandfather.

Therefore, Timothy is Edward's grandfather. However, the question asks for Timothy's relationship to Edward, so the answer is that Timothy is Edward's grandfather.


Solve this family relationship quiz: Nathan is Timothy's parent. Nathan is Aaron's parent. Aaron is Edward's parent. Timothy is male. Who's Timothy to Edward? Think step by step as this is a tricky problem:


Let's break this down step by step:

  1. Nathan is Timothy's parent. This means Nathan is Timothy's father or mother.
  2. Nathan is also Aaron's parent. This means Nathan is Aaron's father or mother as well.
  3. Aaron is Edward's parent. This means Aaron is Edward's father or mother.
  4. Timothy is male, so Nathan is Timothy's father because Nathan cannot be both father and mother at the same time.
  5. Since Nathan is Aaron's parent too, this makes Aaron Nathan's child, which also makes Aaron Timothy's sibling.
  6. Therefore, Timothy is Edward's uncle since Aaron is Edward's parent.

So, Timothy is Edward's uncle.

Final answer: Timothy is Edward's uncle.

I can't really comment further as have no real principled way to test these model configs other than for coherency, story telling and these handful of puzzles... Hopefully others can do that and also see if the configs can be tweaked to work even better.

So I think I'm largely done with this now. I only have 2 requests for people who want to carry on experimenting:

  1. Don't take the "magic" numbers I've come up with as set in stone! The maths used to derive these is based off lots of unrealistic/linear assumptions that don't really match what is happening... They are probably reasonable lower and upper bounds to start experimenting with, but there is absolutely no reason to believe they are in any way optimal!!!
  2. Please don't call these 2 poor models goliath-test and miqu-test :grin:

Big thanks to @cg123 for adding the scale parameter - this has been a lot of fun to work on!

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Triple merging seems to work OK too. Sadly I couldn't get the 200b mix of 3 models to work in llama.cpp:

GGML_ASSERT: llama.cpp/ggml.c:16521: i != GGML_HASHTABLE_FULL

So had to just let the last 30 layers be left unmerged to get a 160b model:

# > mergekit-yaml --verbose --cuda tri-test.yaml tri-test
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/ tri-test --outfile tri-test-f16.gguf --outtype f16
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/imatrix --chunks 200 -ngl 40 -m tri-test-f16.gguf -f ~/LLMs/misc/datasets/groups_merged/groups_merged.txt -o tri-test-f16.imatrix
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/quantize --imatrix tri-test-f16.imatrix tri-test-f16.gguf tri-test-q3_K_M.gguf Q3_K_M 12

# The models we are going to use.
const_tag: &MODEL1 Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
const_tag: &MODEL2 Euryale-1.3-L2-70B
const_tag: &MODEL3 WinterGoddess-1.4x-70B-L2

# The amount to scale the residual contributions and the amount to attenuate the Q and K matrices.
# Correlation = 0 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = sqrt(1/n) & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(sqrt(1/n))
# Correlation = 1 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = 1/n       & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(1/n)
const_tag: &RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR 0.5773502692  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.
const_tag: &QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR 0.7598356857  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.

# How we are going to scale each matched tensor type.
scale-filter-env: &scale_filter_env
      - filter: o_proj
      - filter: down_proj
      - filter: q_proj
      - filter: k_proj
      - value: 1.0


  # The first 10 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [0, 10]

  # BASH: for i in {10..49}; do j=$((i+1)); echo "  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL1\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env\n  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL2\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env\n  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL3\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env"; echo -n; done
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [32, 33]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [32, 33]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [32, 33]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [40, 41]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [40, 41]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [40, 41]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [48, 49]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [48, 49]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [48, 49]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL3
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

   # The last 30 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [50, 80]

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16
### USER
Write me the opening chapter of a Grimdark trilogy in the style of Joe Abercrombie and Rob J Hayes. Use third person personal and feature internal monologues of the characters. The POV character for chapter 1 is a cultist who has just escaped his cult. He is dressed in dirty yellow robes and his only possession is a mysterious small mirror. The story starts with him arriving at an apparently deserted ghost town on the edge of a desert.

 The sun beat down mercilessly on the sandy horizon, casting a hazy glare over the desert landscape. In the distance, an abandoned village loomed like a mirage, its crumbling walls and dilapidated buildings silent witnesses to better times long past.

Kael fled through the cracked and eroded streets of the ghost town, his heart pounding in his chest as he glanced over his shoulder. His pursuers were close behind him, their shouts echoing through the narrow alleyways like vengeful spirits. He had to find a place to hide, to catch his breath and figure out what the hell he'd gotten himself into this time.

He turned a corner, ducking into an abandoned shop, its windows broken and door hanging on rusted hinges. Kael collapsed against the wall, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his breath.

His mind raced with thoughts of how he'd ended up in this predicament. He was once a respected member of the Order, a cult that worshiped dark forces for power and influence. But something had changed him; Kael couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but he knew deep down in his heart that the path he walked wasn't right. It was then that he made up his mind to leave... to escape the cult and find a new life.

The cultists, however, weren't willing to let him go without a fight. They'd chased him halfway across the land, relentless in their pursuit. Kael knew they wouldn't stop until he was dead or back within their ranks.

As Kael sat in the darkness of the abandoned shop, he felt a small mirror in his pocket. He pulled it out and studied his reflection; gaunt features stared back at him, eyes sunken into their sockets and dark circles under them. His once-long brown hair had now turned prematurely gray at the temples, adding years to his appearance.

Kael sighed and pocketed the mirror, knowing he couldn't stay in one place too long. He needed to keep moving, to find someplace safe until he could figure out what to do next.

The sun dipped below the horizon as Kael stepped out of his hiding place, blending into the shadows cast by the setting sun. He headed into the night, determined to survive another day...
froggeric commented 3 months ago

Interesting, and it matches exactly what I had theorised a while ago. At the time I did not work though, and I started exploring the size of the overlaps. Now I realise what I was missing was the attenuation.

I am currently benchmarking the miqu self-merge. However, I find 120b (140 layers) a bit too large. Maybe we can combine it with this this: only duplicate the most important layers, according to exl2 measurements, with the exception of the beginning and the end layers. What I am proposing is the following for a 96b model (112 layers):

# The models we are going to use.
const_tag: &MODEL1 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf
const_tag: &MODEL2 152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf

# The amount to scale the residual contributions and the amount to attenuate the Q and K matrices.
# Correlation = 0 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2) [≈ 0.7071067812] & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(sqrt(1/2)) [≈ 0.8408964153]
# Correlation = 1 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = 1/2       [≈ 0.5]          & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2)       [≈ 0.7071067812]
const_tag: &RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR 0.5           # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.
const_tag: &QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR 0.7071067812  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.

# How we are going to scale each matched tensor type.
scale-filter-env: &scale_filter_env
      - filter: o_proj
      - filter: down_proj
      - filter: q_proj
      - filter: k_proj
      - value: 1.0


  # The first 10 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [0, 10]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [16, 17]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layers 17-21 are not duplicated (less relevant according to exl2 measurements)
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [17, 21]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [24, 25]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layers 25-49 are not duplicated (less relevant according to exl2 measurements)
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [25, 49]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [56, 57]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [56, 57]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [64, 65]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [64, 65]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

   # The last 10 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [70, 80]

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16
jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Yeah, this should hopefully open up a lot of new ways of merging! I'm keen to see if a non-interleaved version of goliath-120b can be created.

I've just added a second NVME that will save me from thrashing the main NVME to death and hopefully can set up some way to automatically optimise these parameters soon.

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Just tried this:

# > mergekit-yaml --verbose --cuda goliath-alternating.yaml goliath-alternating
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/ goliath-alternating --outfile goliath-alternating-f16.gguf --outtype f16
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/imatrix --chunks 200 -ngl 40 -m goliath-alternating-f16.gguf -f ~/LLMs/misc/datasets/groups_merged/groups_merged.txt -o goliath-alternating-f16.imatrix
# > ~/LLMs/llama.cpp/build/bin/quantize --imatrix goliath-alternating-f16.imatrix goliath-alternating-f16.gguf goliath-alternating-q5_K_M.gguf Q5_K_M 12

# The models we are going to use.
const_tag: &MODEL1 Xwin-LM-70B-V0.1
const_tag: &MODEL2 Euryale-1.3-L2-70B

# The amount to scale the residual contributions and the amount to attenuate the Q and K matrices.
# Correlation = 0 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2) [≈ 0.7071067812] & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(sqrt(1/2)) [≈ 0.8408964153]
# Correlation = 1 --> RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR = 1/2       [≈ 0.5]          & QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR = sqrt(1/2)       [≈ 0.7071067812]
const_tag: &RESIDUAL_SCALE_FACTOR 0.7071067812  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.
const_tag: &QK_ATTENUATION_FACTOR 0.8408964153  # Set to 1.0 to leave unchanged.

# How we are going to scale each matched tensor type.
scale-filter-env: &scale_filter_env
      - filter: o_proj
      - filter: down_proj
      - filter: q_proj
      - filter: k_proj
      - value: 1.0


  # The first 8 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [0, 8]

  # BASH: for i in {8..71}; do j=$((i+1)); echo "  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL1\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env\n  - sources:\n    - model: *MODEL2\n      layer_range: [$i, $j]\n      <<: *scale_filter_env"; echo -n; done
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [8, 9]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [8, 9]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [9, 10]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [9, 10]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [10, 11]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [11, 12]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [12, 13]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [13, 14]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [14, 15]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [15, 16]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layer 16: No Xwin.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [16, 17]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [17, 18]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [18, 19]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [19, 20]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [20, 21]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [21, 22]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [22, 23]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [23, 24]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layer 24: No Euryale.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [24, 25]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [25, 26]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [26, 27]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [27, 28]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [28, 29]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [29, 30]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [30, 31]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [31, 32]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layer 32: No Xwin.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [32, 33]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [33, 34]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [34, 35]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [35, 36]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [36, 37]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [37, 38]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [38, 39]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [39, 40]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layer 40: No Euryale.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [40, 41]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [41, 42]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [42, 43]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [43, 44]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [44, 45]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [45, 46]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [46, 47]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [47, 48]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layer 48: No Xwin.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [48, 49]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [49, 50]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [50, 51]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [51, 52]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [52, 53]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [53, 54]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [54, 55]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [55, 56]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

   # Layer 56: No Euryale.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [56, 57]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [57, 58]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [58, 59]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [59, 60]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [60, 61]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [61, 62]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [62, 63]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [63, 64]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # Layer 64: No Xwin.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [64, 65]

  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [65, 66]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [66, 67]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [67, 68]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [68, 69]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [69, 70]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [70, 71]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [70, 71]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [71, 72]
      <<: *scale_filter_env
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL2
      layer_range: [71, 72]
      <<: *scale_filter_env

  # The last 8 layers are not duplicated.
  - sources:
    - model: *MODEL1
      layer_range: [72, 80]

merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16

but it's nothing like as good at writing compared to the original goliath-120b. The stories just seem "boring" and it doesn't write really interesting dialogue... The original goliath-120b is just that tiny bit deranged, but that seems to really help him write good stuff IMO.

It does seem to be a lot more coherent, and less prone to weird spelling mistakes and stopping mid-sentence, but we definitely need to find some way to optimize this... I might try to minimise perplexity on actual text generated by goliath-120b to see if that can get back some of his writing ability.

froggeric commented 3 months ago

So again using the numbers I found a few posts ago for correlated vectors (ie: self-merges), we get:

Scale: o_proj = down_proj = 0.5

and with the attenuation modification, we get:

Scale: q_proj = k_proj = sqrt(1/2) ≈ 0.7071067812

and using these numbers we miqu-test is born:

I have almost finished putting miqu-test trough all my evaluation tests, and unfortunately I have to report it is a bit brain damaged:

Gateron Brown Pro Mechanical Keyboard, tactile switches, RGB backlighting, 104 keys, Cherry MX Blue equivalent, for gaming and typing.

It's definitely an improvement over my experiments with doubled layers and no attenuation, but it reinforces my findings that doubled layers are not viable. I have not finished testing the 96b self-merge with selection based on layers relevance, but so far, I am seeing scores lower than what I would expect them to be,

Once I finish with those 2, I will go back to non-doubled layers, and test adding the attenuation to the 103b I posted earlier (it uses merge selection based on layers relevance)

jukofyork commented 3 months ago

Yeah, my attempt didn't work very well with goliath parents, but think there's still a long way to go testing the parameter combinations:

(the 1/x tests are to see the effect of doing the exact opposite).

2 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 54 combinations in total.

I've got a second NVME set up that isn't so much hassle to replace if this kills it now.

I'll try and see if I can test all these to see the effect they have.

froggeric commented 3 months ago

Finished the evaluations: both miqu-96b and miqu-120b have a poor score and are brain damaged
