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tags search dropdown in file repository rethink #968

Open lbestock opened 3 years ago

lbestock commented 3 years ago

Sometimes I find the tags search in the file repository difficult and I wonder if we could think about how it might be better. Both context and description seem to store a memory of what has been put in there before, which shows up as a dropdown box when one puts the cursor in the field. I have mixed feelings about that since I don't entirely get how it derives the list (I just tried a new search term and found a photo that way but my term didn't get added to the list). Both of those categories have too many things in them for a list of everything that exists to be useful. Tags behaves differently. It does not generate that kind of previous search terms list when you put the cursor in there. It DOES generate a dropdown once one starts typing. The problems are that a) I never remember what term I am supposed to use so I don't always even think of the first letter to start typing, and b) the list is anyway too short. If I put in "import" not knowing which day but knowing it was relatively recently, I get a bunch of imports from 2020 and I can't find what I am looking for. At first I was thinking a list of all tags would be useful, but that can't be either - import shows the problem since there would be a gajillion imports and leave everything else unfindable. There may be no solution. But the dropdown lists for searches trip me up often enough that I make one of the think and talk about it tickets.

When we do we can also think about the fact that locus tags are searched for under context, not tag, in the file repository. I suspect there is very good reason for it softwarewise, it's just confusing to an archaeologist.

urapadmin commented 3 years ago
luizaogs commented 8 months ago

I've been using a lot of file tags this season (things like omit -- the tag I chose to not send images back to recording, epigraphy, site overview, mastaba core, process shots, etc.). And yes, I do miss some sort of list that I can click on because sometimes I forget what the exact tag I want to search for is and I need to start typing something for it to show up. From the discussion above it sounds like you kinda already know what you want to do about it, but thought I would let you know that it came up for me in a non-test scenario.