archcraft-os / archcraft

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Many issues with dwm #148

Closed paarthjuneja closed 3 years ago

paarthjuneja commented 3 years ago

FIrst of all, thanks for making a dwm edition! However, I'm facing many issues. I've been able to solve a couple of them. However, I'll need help for the others.

  1. The title name in slstatus shows the word "broken" for every window.
  2. dmenu doesn't work, only rofi does.
  3. There's nothing to see the sound/brightness and the shortcut keys to change them don't work either, so one has to use the command line.
  4. super + return doesn't open st, only super + shift + return works which opens alacritty
  5. (Fixed myself) Battery doesn't show up in the statusbar.
  6. Also, how can I change/add more keybindings?
berbellon commented 3 years ago
  1. Here it works ...
  2. pacman -S archcraf-dmenu

  3. Simple, Add, /usr/bin/start_dwm
    ## Add your autostart programs here --------------
    numlockx on &
    unclutter &
    sxhkd &

And, edit ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc (Do not overwrite sxhkdrc_bspwm)

# Volume control

    amixer set Master toggle

# Music control
    mpc {next,prev,toggle,stop}

# Brighness control

Or wait for a new archcraft-dwm update, ( )

  1. pacman -S archcraft-st

  2. I want to remove it, how did you do it?
  3. No idea, :-)
berbellon commented 3 years ago

@adi1090x, Is there any way to remove the battery status?

adi1090x commented 3 years ago

Everything is here Modify -> Re-Compile -> Re-Install