archenroot / gentoo-overlay

Gentoo overlay with main focus on GPU, Neural Networks, Big Data and Java technologies
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archenroot/tensorflow-9999 digest failure #20

Closed LGTrader closed 7 years ago

LGTrader commented 7 years ago

This started on 6/2/17. Prior to that tensorflow-9999 installed fine.

c2RAID6 ~ # emerge -fDuN @world
Calculating dependencies | * Digest verification failed:
 * /var/lib/layman/archenroot/sci-libs/tensorflow/tensorflow-9999.ebuild
 * Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
 * Got: 2035
 * Expected: 2024

Additionally, file permissions for this ebuild were marked executable while 0.5 & 0.6 were not.

Alessandro-Barbieri commented 7 years ago

try now, if doesn't work reopen

LGTrader commented 7 years ago

All good now. tensorflow-9999 running under Keras in PyCharm all good.

There are a couple of other things but I'll post those as a new report for you to think about in the future.
