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tensorflow looking for bazel with incorrect category #21

Closed LGTrader closed 7 years ago

LGTrader commented 7 years ago

This problem appears to be true for all versions of tensorflow. It wants sys-devel/bazel but eix tells me it's dev-util/bazel.

c2RAID6 ~ # emerge -pvDuN =sci-libs/tensorflow-0.6.0

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies / * Digest verification failed:
 * /var/lib/layman/archenroot/sci-libs/tensorflow/tensorflow-9999.ebuild
 * Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
 * Got: 2035
 * Expected: 2024
... done!

emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy ">=sys-devel/bazel-0.1.1".
(dependency required by "sci-libs/tensorflow-0.6.0::archenroot" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "=sci-libs/tensorflow-0.6.0" [argument])
c2RAID6 ~ # eix bazel
[I] dev-util/bazel
     Available versions:  ~0.3.2^s ~0.3.2-r1^s ~0.4.0^s ~0.4.3^s ~0.4.4^s (~)0.4.5^s{tbz2} {examples tools zsh-completion ELIBC="FreeBSD"}
     Installed versions:  0.4.5^s{tbz2}(10:16:58 05/30/17)(tools -examples -zsh-completion ELIBC="-FreeBSD")
     Description:         Fast and correct automated build system

c2RAID6 ~ # 
LGTrader commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but I cannot figure out how to get this github editor to use plain text! Pasting from my terminal is acting weird. Embarrasing!

Also please note that my machine is basically Gentoo stable with just a few specific overrides in /etc/portage/package files as required. tensorflow requires a bunch of stuff that's not marked stable so when I installed 9999 I got this in my keywords file using autounmask-write. Likely it's creating some problems with specific = revisions, etc., instead of >=. I'll need to review that stuff also.

sci-libs/tensorflow ~amd64
# required by sci-libs/tensorflow-9999::archenroot
# required by tensorflow (argument)
=dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit-8.0.61 ~amd64
# required by sci-libs/tensorflow-9999::archenroot
# required by tensorflow (argument)
=dev-util/bazel-0.4.5 ~amd64
# required by sci-libs/tensorflow-9999::archenroot
# required by tensorflow (argument)
=dev-python/pip-9.0.1-r1 ~amd64
# required by sci-libs/tensorflow-9999::archenroot
# required by tensorflow (argument)
=dev-python/setuptools-35.0.2 ~amd64
# required by sci-libs/tensorflow-9999::archenroot
# required by tensorflow (argument)
=dev-libs/nvidia-cuda-cudnn-8.0 ~amd64
# required by sci-libs/tensorflow-9999::archenroot
# required by tensorflow (argument)
=dev-python/numpy-1.12.1 ~amd64
Alessandro-Barbieri commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but I cannot figure out how to get this github editor to use plain text! Pasting from my terminal is acting weird. Embarrasing!

Use the "insert code" button, the one with this symbol: <> or the backticks