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Evaluate Vokoscreen #49

Open lucaarcteam opened 11 years ago

lucaarcteam commented 11 years ago

One of the problem doing videotutorial fro ArcheOS was, in my experience, to record the desktop when a 3D application is working (screen capture does not make sense and ofte video are not able to record the 3D, maybe because they use the same video channel). I solved the problem using glc, but after I noticed (thanks to Cicero) that also FFMpeg was a good solution. The problem for normal users is that both of the software are missing a GUI. Now it looks like that with Vokoscreen is possible to use FFMpeg with a GUI. I will give it a try.

webpage here:

lucaarcteam commented 11 years ago

I tested the software and it works really good. It could be a nice option to let people record videotutorial or demonstrative videos with ArcheOS. It could be insered in a "videotutorial" metapackage with Shutter and Salasaga.

Here is a video:

lucaarcteam commented 11 years ago

Vokoscreen is already packaged for Debian by the software developers (just download Vokoscreen and extract the archive).

lucaarcteam commented 10 years ago

Moved to ArcheOS-Next