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Create Python/Scala Photogrammetry Server #68

Open rjanvier opened 11 years ago

rjanvier commented 11 years ago

Maybe we could think offering a (personal) photogrammetric webservice. The idea is to create a simple web interface to upload photos, manage pipeline, and dowload/see results. Then users could deploy this "thing" on a computer and launch computation over the network. This kind of thing already exists (123catch...) but it's really closed. Users might want to keep controm over their personal data, know what they run (nobody know what is really under de hood in 123Dcatch) and have a fully configurable pipeline as the click-and-wait-for-the-result one provided by historical web services. If we use MicMac as backend we could also provide an "automatic" cluster creation/deployement to run computation over multiple computers.

It could be based on Python (Django or Flasks) because many of us know it, it's very simple, and since many year a reliable web language. But Scala with Play Framework could be a good choice because we might need some streaming capabilities (streaming (modified) console output for example) and for now python framework/WSGI servers are not very suited for that.

On my HD I have the beginning of the pipeline (streaming console output to webbrowser) and you could test what could be the end of the pipeline at this url: (it works with FF/Chrome and a decent graphic card; it's a WIP and not the last version)