I added a section about using Docker to install Arches, with sections on using Docker to test Arches and another about use of Docker for production deployments of Arches. I referenced three repos where Docker is used for development and testing of Arches as well as my repo that uses Docker for production deployment of Arches.
brief description of changes
I added a section about using Docker to install Arches, with sections on using Docker to test Arches and another about use of Docker for production deployments of Arches. I referenced three repos where Docker is used for development and testing of Arches as well as my repo that uses Docker for production deployment of Arches.
Here it for your review: https://arches.readthedocs.io/en/docker_m/search/?q=docker#
issues addressed
further comments
You can read the changes here: https://arches.readthedocs.io/en/docker_m/search/?q=docker#
This box must be checked
This box should be checked
This box should only be checked you intend to follow through on it (we can do it on our end too)
all commits in this PR into other branches that should have them after this PR is merged